Both Sheng Yu, He Sheng Shy! (Subscribe

It may be the same as the previous two games.

Driven by the order

so that they have no strength to fight back

G’s situation is not good, the rhythm is completely restrained

After being defeated on the top lane, Chen Hao’s advantage has been established, with several kills in his hand, and

He has the economy of a blood tower, and his development is the best in the game.

Heshy has had a hard time confronting his Riven head-on.

Hey, 1G can’t find the rhythm now, it’s a bit difficult.

This top road is too difficult to target, King Ning didn’t know how many times he went to the top road, he didn’t catch it

died once

How can there be such a strong top laner with almost no weaknesses.

Everyone’s eyes were also attracted by Chen Hao

he did really well

Even theshy is covered by him

Both Sheng Yu and He Shengliang… It’s a pity Brother Shy.

Now the disadvantage of 1G is not big, and the economic gap is only less than 2,000, which is unimaginable

that big. “Longhair said

I think the most important thing for G now is to find its own rhythm, instead of being led by G2 all the time

However, the gap continues to widen.

Now that the disadvantage of top lane already exists, I think IG should change its thinking and help

Road to expand the advantage

In the middle of the road, that is, only the bottom road is advantageous.

Ah Shui’s CS is ahead of G2’s AD.

It is the only one with an advantage among several roads.

19 For the other two roads, there is no breakthrough for the time being.

If the bot lane is the main one, IG still has the last hope

This is the point of view of the commentators

But in fact, Ah Shui was also very irritable in his heart.

The opponent has never confronted them head-on, and has always been just avoiding the battle. De Lewen’s advantage is also very

Difficult to play out.

After winning the first tower on the top road, Chen Hao is no longer restricted to the top road

He also sometimes invades the opponent’s wild area.

The person who was beaten the most was actually King Ning.

King Ning was severely restrained.

The development space is also greatly compressed.

He even had to be careful about encountering Chen Hao’s Riven in the wild

His blind monk didn’t bring rhythm in the early stage, and basically had no effect in the late stage.

G2 uses the canyon vanguard to try to pull out the opponent’s mid lane

But even if IG retreated, G2 did not take down the opponent’s first tower in the middle, but they

But he took the opportunity to take down Xiaolong, and 1G had no time to defend.

Because of being hit on the head by the canyon pioneer, the 1G mid lane defense tower has not much HP.

At 13 minutes, the first tower in the middle of 1G was still taken down by G2

G has yet to find a breakthrough

But they seem to have woken up, knowing that Delevingne is strong at this time, and plan to

Cooperate with the two-piece Draven to fight a wave.

The two teams did not have a lot of head bursts in this game, which is relatively small compared to the previous two games

IG played more cautiously in this round

Not fighting as much as before

Without the first tower in the middle, the ice girl is more uncomfortable

ookie was even more difficult to swim, and stuck in the middle of the road

Ah P’s knife girl also performed very well in this game.

At sixteen minutes, King Ning finally found a wave of opportunities, caught Ah P

Shenlong swung his tail and kicked him back, at the same time the ice girl took control

In the end, Ah P’s sword sister was killed.

G gets a reprieve.

Not happy for a long time, the blind monk of King Ning was met by Chen Hao in the wild, and then cooperated with Qinggang

Shadow , caught the blind monk to death

The two sides you come and go, the fight is very exciting

Let’s sing, we’re coming

But G2 is still because of Chen Hao,

They also tried to catch each other, but this Riven is cunning

Every time there is a change, escape early.

G’s biggest headache is Chen Hao.

They really don’t know how to deal with it.

heshy is also completely suppressed by him, and can no longer restrain him

It is very difficult for Jian Ji to fight against his Riven

Unless… the opponent made a big mistake and was blocked by his sword girl to a key skill

Yes, it might be different.

G just wants to fight around Ah Shui once.

Ah Shui’s Delevingne, may be able to open a breakthrough

G. Everyone pushes the tower in groups, planning to try it.

A team battle erupted between the two sides.

But in the face of G2’s cutting, G has no way to protect Ah Shui.

Qinggangying, Daomei, and Chen Hao’s Riven all pose a great threat to the back row.

Ah Shui’s Delevingne was killed without any output.

others melee

In the end it was a two for four

Once this wave of team battles is lost, the disadvantage of 1G will be even greater

G2 can win more resources

G is gone

Seeing that G is playing so hard now, everyone gave up the idea of ​​letting the second chase the third.

They really hope that IG can create a miracle.

But now this miracle is very difficult to create.

How to create a miracle.

they are so hard to beat

G2’s performance in this World Championship also amazed a group of people.

No one expected that such a team could perform so well

It is the real dark horse in this World Championship.

Not only them, but C9 and FNC as well.

they are dark horses

Before the start of the World Championship, who would have thought that these teams could stand to the end

All the time, everyone thought it was

The team will stand last

But this year, the LCK division, known as the strongest division, suddenly shut down, which shocked a group of people

dropped the chin.

It’s like the person who is the first in the exam all the year round, and suddenly fails in a final exam.

Many people find it incredible

G has to work hard.” The commentator here is still looking forward to G’s comeback in the end.

The current economic gap is only 4,000, and there is still hope for a comeback

It’s not like there’s no chance.

Although IG has not found the rhythm, it does not mean that they must lose

“Now IG is trying to stabilize its own development. One is to let Theshy stabilize his own development first.

To develop and supplement one’s own economy, the other is to protect Ah Shui

Ah Shui is the power point in the mid-term. If you can protect Ah Shui well, let him play well in team battles.

Wrong output, then G still has great hope

Colonel Guan still doesn’t think that G will definitely lose, he believes

G can do wonders

four thousand economy

Not too big.

there is still a chance

It is necessary to fight better in the subsequent team battles, or find some opportunities to 163.

Let’s see… the next big dragon group.

This time Baron can never be taken down by G2 again

I remember thinking that Baron is the key to who can hide the game next

Both sides are also monitoring Dalong

Some people’s eyes are pinned on Theshy.

I hope shy brother will find his place again.

I don’t think shy brother is weaker than the other party, it’s just… less luck

Yes, I think so too.

Hold on hold on hold.

Everyone now hopes that IG can stabilize and grow, so everything will be fine.

G is not powerless.

Being G2 doesn’t give them a chance.

Under Chen Hao’s command, the rhythm accelerated

They pulled out the tower on the bottom road, and also pulled it out.

On the other hand, G took down G2’s top lane tower, which can be regarded as an exchange of a tower between the two sides.

Chen Hao’s development is getting better and better. He not only eats his own online resources, but sometimes enters

The opponent’s wild area eats the opponent’s resources.

His last knife is already nearly 30 knife ahead of Theshy.

This gap gradually came out

Even a person like Theshy who is good at stealing development has been widened by nearly 30 knives, but

Just imagine how strong Chen Hao is

This top order is really scary.

G2 is really lucky.

Such a top order, why didn’t we sign it before?

Many clubs who are watching the game feel a little regretful in their hearts.

Regret that I did not sign Chen




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