Is there any other hero that IG's AD can use?

Everyone wants to know!

At this time, both sides still have two positions that have not selected heroes. On IG's side, AD and mid laner.

LGD has top laner and jungler, and now LGD wants to counter IG.

However, the LGD mid laner's card has been chosen, and it is obviously for support. The tactics of this round are relatively clear.

Subsequently, LGD won the prince in the previous game.

It’s just that in the last game, King Ning was using Prince. As a rhythm-controlled engine, Little Peanut’s Prince is quite good. Little Peanut’s personal strength is also the jungler who once dominated the factory director’s jungle.

There is no reason for everyone not to believe in Peanut’s jungle performance.

It’s IG’s turn to choose.

Mid laner and AD.

The cocks closed their eyes, now they had to show their heroes.

The lineup is easy to determine.

Broiler looked at the lineup of his teammates and said to LGD's card:"The opponent wants to support, Xiye's card is absolutely sure, so I choose Galio!"


Lock it down.

The four heroes have been confirmed!

IG, Sword Demon, Qinggangying, Galio, Luo!

The commentators gasped.

Gugu said:"Oh my god, IG's lineup looks so familiar to me! This...isn't this the lineup that IG won the championship in the last game of the S8 finals? I dreamed of going back to S8? Is this true?"

Wang Duoduo said excitedly:"Is IG going to give all the viewers a big surprise? Let's review the history of S8?"

Eleven said:"There is only one Kai'Sa left, but the lineup is complete. Do you really want Kai’Sa? This system seems to have been studied by countless teams two years ago."

Everyone is waiting!

Everyone at IG did not expect that in such a crucial game, they selected their S8 championship lineup by mistake.

In the past, they simply chose heroes based on their own feelings.

Could it be said that there is a destiny somewhere in the world?

The hero they are confident about is the era of S8?

Everyone looked at Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi said to Bao Lan,"Bao, I want ice, thank you."

He didn't want Kasha.

Because the hero's ultimate move is Kai'Sa's dash, he is not suitable for dashing in. He has only cooperated with Broiler for two games, so it is impossible to be so proficient, and Kai'Sa is not suitable for Jiang Yi to sell his teammates to activate his golden finger!

Say it again.

IG's lineup has been studied since S8, and it is completely understood by everyone. There must be some new changes.

And this change is here in Jiang Yi.

Because he is the only singularity that IG can change!

Chris said:"Jiang Yi, are you sure?"

Han Bing, a hero, has no displacement, so it is difficult to show off, and he needs to develop very much.

Of course, Chris only looked at the data.

Jiang Yi, on the other hand, combined his own strength.

What had he just gained?

God-level prediction!

Han Bing's ultimate move is full map flow. As long as you use your own prediction, you can cooperate with your opponent thousands of miles away.

There is another reason, that is, Han Bing is good at starting a group. He can just go up with an ice arrow, Shy, King Ning, and Bao Lan rush forward and that's it.

Simple and crude.

This is IG!

Jiang nodded,"I'm sure!"

Chris said:"Okay! I don't need to say too much about the tactics. When this round is over, I will treat everyone to a drink! I also hope that everyone drinks a celebratory drink!"

He said After that, LGD also locked up its most important hero, the Wolf Bear!

Both coaches left the field.

When Chris left, he patted Jiang Yi hard on the shoulder and left.

The meaning is obvious, IG now has to rely on Jiang Yi.

He didn't say that this lineup had been studied by LGD for a long time. The only variable was Jiang Yi.

If he said this, it would easily cause pressure on the players.

And LGD's coach also left the field. In this game, their coach has tried his best. Next, it depends on the performance of the players.

…… commentary box

"We almost dreamed of going back to S8. IG’s lineup reminded me of when they announced the S8 World Championship. I wonder if they can recreate the glory of S8 this time?"Wang Duoduo said with some nostalgia.

"But this time, the AD position is replaced by ice. I wonder if there will be new effects?"

Weishen:"LGD chose cards and prince, and IG's early game won't be too easy. Ice is still easy to catch. I wonder if they will target IG's ice this time?"

Everyone is very curious about the choices of both parties.


Live audience

"Oh my god, it would be perfect if IG chose a Kaisha"

"Play Kai'Sa? That lineup has been thoroughly studied by the LPL teams, and there is no way to fight."

"The hero Han Bing doesn't seem to be strong either. It seems that IG still wants to watch the brooding Galio and Shy's Sword Demon this time?"

"How I wish I could watch a god descend to earth!"

"Descend to earth? I think it’s for dinner! Now any top laner in the LPL knows how to defeat Shy's Sword Demon. Langxing's Bear can still go head-to-head with Shy's Sword Demon."

"spell? Haven't you seen that Xiye has already taken out his cards? After level six, Shy must die! I said! Jesus can’t even keep him!"

"It's over, it's over, how can you carry an ice pack?"

"It seems that if IG wants to win, it depends on Ning and Shy, but can these two reckless men dominate the game?"

The audience is full of unknowns about the outcome of this game.

Judging from the lineup, it is not clear who has a big advantage, and there are no heroes who can particularly carry. What everyone is fighting for is personal operation.

LGD's side The support is stronger, after all, the prince has grabbed it.

But IG's personal strength is really not something anyone can guess. After all, who knows whether

Shy and King Ning will suddenly rise up? if���When it reaches the state, then IG is really devastating.

The key is that Han Bing, who seems to be a little expert in starting groups, can play a huge role, no one knows.

Can IG let two chase three?

No one thought that the key points would be concentrated on a new AD!

With everyone's expectations, the competition officially begins!

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