“The big tree just returned to the city early, teleported to the grass of the upper road river, and then walked through the upper road triangle grass, flashing the W bundle barrel.” Misi added,

And the blind monk here, in order to hurry, came up from the big dragon pit, touched his eyes, and then walked to the side of the stone man wall, flashed through the wall, and with the big tree, a set of skills dropped the wine barrel in seconds.

In this case, there are no flashing barrels, and there is no hope of escape at all. ”

Miller shook his head while saying with a pitying face, “It’s a pity that Li Mu is still level 3. The blind monk of inSec is already level six! It’s only six minutes. ”

“Li Mu can’t be blamed for this. First, he was killed by the female tan flashing Q with the blind monk at two levels, and secondly, he went out and wanted to brush the opposite stone man, was organized, and wanted to brush F4 was stopped, and the blind monk kept brushing ah. ”

The doll analyzed and continued, “Li Mu was angry, Tianxiu waved, killed Zhongdan Sindra “180”, but was taken down by the blind monk, and the blind monk who had been brushing the wild, after taking the head, pushed a large wave of troops in the middle.

Isn’t it normal to go home and brush your own blue buff wild area, three buffs, a blind monk with two heads to start, level 3 ahead, keep up with the game time? ”

Miller nodded, and he said, “The royal family’s side seems to have made up its mind that it must target Li Mu, and if it is not targeted for a minute, it will be uncomfortable!” ”


Li Mu smiled angrily.

Very good.

Big tree flashes W,

The blind monk flashed over the wall,

This is really…


The moment Li Mu saw the appearance, he already understood where there was a false eye on the opposite side.

Can understand is one thing, there is no flash, no E skill him, in the face of the big tree flashed W, blind monk flashed over the wall, QERQ, such a combo, there is simply no room for manipulation!

“Li Mu, are you all right?”

Gogoing asked with concern, and at the same time a little self-blame, “It’s all to blame me, if I return to the city in time and teleport online, the other side will not dare to come and package you.” ”

“It’s okay, I don’t blame you.” Li Mu let out a turbid breath and said, “Even if you teleport online and the big tree blind flashes at the same time, I will definitely die.” If not, you still have to catch a flash. On the other hand, this is deliberately messing with my mentality. ”

After speaking, Li Mu’s mentality had completely stabilized, “Everyone fight well, I will drag the blind monk with my flesh to buy everyone time for development.” ”

“Captain, I’ll help you avenge later.”

Stateless followed and said.

Just now, Li Mu gave him a human head, and knocked out Sindra’s flash, and now he is pressing the opposite Sindra hammer without state.

“We are also an advantage in mending knives when we go down.”

Even if the puppy is holding Wayne,

So opposite is Namei’s wheel mother,

The opposite side of the wild does not come, giving the puppy a completely free space to play.

The strong line matching ability allows the puppy to maintain more than ten knives on the mending knife. Also, in a little expansion of the number of suppressed mends.

“Li Mu, do you want me to come with you?”

The elixir asked with concern, he fought wild, naturally he could empathize the most, and it was not easy to understand Li Mu.

“No need.”

Li Mu refused the kindness of the elixir, and was anxious, letting the other side be proud first. ”

The wind selection girl was arranged by Li Mu.

It is to ensure the puppy’s alignment hair.

At this time,

The system’s prompt sounded softly in Li Mu’s mind,


“Congratulations to the host, successfully opened the modifier, the ability to adjust the mentality of the headwind game is good, the breakthrough is excellent, and the breakthrough grandmaster… Achievement MAX! ”

At this moment,

Li Mu only felt that there were still a lot of ups and downs in his mentality, but he became calm and relaxed.

It was as if the top master of martial arts originally had strong internal strength, and at this time he learned a peerless secret code, allowing him to easily expel the injuries on his body; Easily dissolve toxins in the body;

Not only that, but this peerless secret book can also allow him to transform and absorb toxins, external forces, and injuries into his own internal forces.

OMG lounge.

Shan Xiaowen watched Li Mu’s third death and couldn’t help but worry about Li Mu.

“Although Li Mu has always been very strong and bright, from the time he started to play, until now, he has been playing with the wind, always going smoothly, wherever he goes, where he kills. Today, this is the first time he has faced a headwind. Moreover, such a serious headwind. ”

Shan Xiaowen fell into deep thought while watching the game, “I hope Li Mu can stabilize his mentality, it doesn’t matter if he loses a game, and even said that as long as Li Mu can stabilize his mentality, it is a good thing for him and will help him a lot in his career.” ”

What worries Shan Xiaowen the most is that

This brainless targeting of Li Mu by the royal family will make his mentality explode…

Since then, it has been going downhill.

His career was overshadowed.

Similar examples of professional players abound.

If it was other passers-by in the rank bureau, they would have exploded in their mentality long ago, and even seriously began to hang up the hot springs.

What’s more, this is the much-anticipated League of Legends Pro Game!

Watched by thousands of spectators in the audience.

It can be imagined how great the psychological pressure of Li Mu on the stage will be.

“When the game is over, I want to find Li Mu for psychological counseling.”

In Shan Xiaowen’s eyes,

Li Mu is now not just the pillar of OMG,

It is also an urgent need for psychological counseling,

It is also a very reasonable friend who thinks and integrates three views.

No matter from what point of view, Shan Xiaowen will not let Li Mu go downhill in his career because of the problem of mental collapse.

Inside the royal team.


After taking Li Mu’s head, the Coke on the order cheered.

“Nice! Nice! ”

“Brothers, well done!”

Several other team members also cheered.

“Corn, I took revenge on you, are you happy?”

Coke laughed.

“Of course it’s cool! When I saw this barrel, I wanted to kill him! ”

Corn is also very comfortable, “comfortable! Wait for me to level six, and then grab a wave of wine barrels together, directly seconds him, and interrupts him by 3.2, see if he is still showing? ”


Coke laughed badly.

“Brothers, come and help me catch the wave on the road!”

Nami couldn’t bear it a little, because of the wave of the female Tan swimming to grab the wine barrel before, he was pressed some blood lines, and then he has been suppressed by the puppy, and even the mending knife has been suppressed a lot, which is simply a dog.

The female tan who did not flash before the sixth level, in front of Wayne, is a meat target, and it is impossible to E to Wayne, let alone Q dizzy.

E is not enough, faint can’t be seen, and no blood is added, losing the flashing female tan, the super soldier who is alive, it’s useless…

“Wait, let’s kill the barrel a few more times, and we’ll help you kill the puppy!”

“Nami rest assured, this lies you down, we won!”

“Yes, yes, this barrel has no effect, it’s only level 3 now, meet him casually.” We win the game steadily. ”

[Fourth change, please order! ] 】_

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