“Hey, you guys say, Manager Shan will do something to find the captain alone?”

The sunset gossip attribute was simply sullen, Li Mu and Shan Xiaowen just turned to leave, and Sunset immediately asked curiously.

“Maybe counseling?”

The puppy didn’t think too much, and subconsciously returned to the road, “The captain of the previous team is under a lot of pressure. ”

“My pot. The first wave did not give a signal in time, so that the captain was caught by Nutan. ”

The elixir said with self-blame, even though Li Mu had always said that he didn’t blame him, but in fact, the elixir was still very self-blamed in his heart.

In comparison, his level of assistance is indeed worse than Zero.

Fortunately, the last wave of flashing shields gave a big move, and abruptly carried Li Mu’s wine barrel back from the ghost gate, saving a wave of face, otherwise the elixir would be more guilty in his heart.

“It’s not a question of pot not being a pot.”

Sunset had a melancholy expression of ‘playing the piano to the cow’, “Did I say that you are all elm heads?” Shan manager and single big beauty looking for the captain, lonely men and widows, beautiful men and women, shouldn’t you think of something else? ”

Are all professional players engineering otaku with ‘brain-full’ games?

Sunset has the feeling of meeting a pig teammate, why am I not talking to you on the same channel at all?

Stateless nodded as if he didn’t understand, “Oh,”

Gogoing also said, “You have a point. ”

“The captain is single, the single manager is also single, if the two fall in love, it is not illegal?” The puppy said bluntly.

“Neither violating the 510 law, nor violating ethics and morality, there is nothing wrong with it!” Elixir also nodded and said.


Why do I have a group of teammates like you? The setting sun almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and he decided to hide in the corner first and vomit blood first.

“Li Mu is our captain, don’t you care about what the captain’s love storm has gone through?”

“Aren’t you curious about the story between their widows and widows?!”

“Not interested. Gossip about this, it’s better to think about how to fight the next game well and reduce the pressure on Li Mu. I also want to play Weapon Master. ”

“Yes, play with all my heart. This can’t be any more headwind. ”

“For the next game, I have to ask the captain to choose an assistant for me to support.”

“With five minutes to go, the last game is about to start. I’ll go for a sneak in first. ”


Li Mu came back speechless.

The sunset’s eyes widened, as if he had discovered a new continent, looking at the captain’s appearance, it seemed… There is a story!

“Eleven minutes, isn’t the captain… Too fast? ”

Sunset glanced at his watch and secretly complained in his heart.

“Get ready.”

Shan Xiaowen rarely wore a lucky outfit today, and she waved her hand cleanly, “This one is imposing!” ”

As for what happened between Li Mu and Shan Xiaowen in the wall lounge,

The two did not say, and the others did not dare to ask.

“Okay, welcome back to the second match by OMG against Royalty”

In the commentary table, the doll took the lead in speaking, “After a short break, both players should adjust their mentality and start again.” This time is still a wonderful matchup worth looking forward to. ”

“Especially the duel between our Li Mu player and our inSec two wild fighters, it is worth waiting and seeing.” Miller took over the topic and continued,

“In the last game, we knew that on the OMG side, due to a wave of missing signals in the early stage, Li Mu player was fainted by Zero’s female tan, cooperated with the blind monk to take a blood, and then was infinitely targeted for snowballing, resulting in Li Mu’s player once lagging behind in a huge level.”

“Even when the level lagged behind, Li Mu still played an amazing performance that surprised everyone. Several waves of wonderful geometric wine barrels, the royal family in the middle and lower two ways, scratched the scalp numb. ”

After Miller finished speaking, Misi smiled here, “In the second match between the two sides, I think Li Mu players should come up with some strong heroes, everyone should have seen it, Li Mu players’ robbery and Ruiwen, proficiency is very terrifying.” In this scene, will Li Mu take a hand similar to a hero? ”

“Then let (bcde) let’s wait and see!”

After a round of cooperation between the three commentators, the atmosphere of the scene was mobilized again.

Many spectators cheered one after another.

The sound of cheering is deafening.

“We are the blue side, do you want to ban the blind?”

On OMG’s side, Gogoing was the first to ask.

The blind man on the opposite side showed a very strong performance, all kinds of invasions in the early stage, all kinds of dead arrest Li Mu.

For a while, OMG fell into extreme passivity.

Fortunately, the personal abilities of all members on the line were very strong and stabilized the line, as well as Li Mu’s several waves of life gank, only to fight the situation back step by step, and later Gogoing’s weapon master teleported around and laid the cornerstone of OMG’s victory.

In general, it is completely possible to ban the blind.

“No need.” Li Mu waved his hand and said, “inSec is not a short-sighted player in the hero pool, he is blind with one hand, he also has several heroes who can replace the blind man, and it is not cost-effective to waste our hand.” ”

“That’s right.”

“Shall we ban then?”

At this time, the BP stage has officially begun.

“Banma, ice girl.”

Li Mu said, and then thought about it, “Take a look at the other side with one last hand and then make a decision.” ”

Centaur and Ice Girl are both heroes who are good at the middle and upper middle on the opposite side, and the key is that they are both T1 choices for this version. If you don’t grab it, it’s ban, it’s simple and rude.

Taking turns, the royal family successively banned the weapon master and the nine-tailed demon fox, two heroes with outstanding performances. Especially the weapon master on Gogoing, 41 points push, the two can not catch and die, single guard the tower and can not hold, so that the royal family is like a crow in the throat, it is extremely difficult.

“Let’s press it off for Nutan with the last hand.”

Zero’s female tan needs to be respected, whether it is the early Nosuke linkage, or the key move of the highland, they have played very well.

The royal family finally banned the demon Ji. They no longer chose to be brainless against Li Mu, because they knew that against Li Mu…

Completely useless!

Li Mu said without thinking, “Grab the big tree.” ”

Da Shu’s version of the upper single T1, and it is a panacea, the control is frank enough, and it can perfectly adapt to various lineups, since it is in the selection of positions, of course, it is necessary to grab it.

The royal family has two hands on this side, grabbing the blind monk and the plane!

It’s OMG’s turn to take down the bullhead and clockwork. Bullhead is one of Zero’s signature heroes and an aid to Elixir’s recent binge practice. Grab the bull’s head, there is nothing wrong with it.

The royal family then chose Nar to counter the big tree, and made up for a single corn good Victor.

OMG last two hands to choose.

The puppy asked, “What kind of hero is this Captain?” ”

[I seem to have seen twenty reminder tickets.] Thanks [Volley Fit] thanks. Today, I watched a lot of S5 game videos in the gap between eating at the hotel. I took a lot of notes, hoping that I could write more wonderfully on a reasonable basis, of course, the novel cannot be the same as the competition… It needs to have the character of a novel. There are some places with slightly story exaggeration, everyone taps and sprays. 】_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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