In fact, it is completely contrary to what the commentators speculate.

The royal family down the road duo who has chased the second tower…


Especially Nami’s plane, the first time she saw Nar being killed in seconds, she was instigated!

“Jiaoyue still has a big move…”

Namei is not unreasonable.

He knew very well what the concept of Nar, who had already produced a ghost cloak, had been killed by the bright moon second.

He is a small plane, I am afraid that it will be lost in an instant.

Zero wanted to give it a try, but when he saw clockwork and bullhead support, he was intimidated.


To go out is to die.

If the tower may still be able to guard a wave, after all, they have only dropped one tower under the road, according to the normal game situation, such a situation, not very headwind, there is a chance to turn over.

“Five kills and five kills!”

Stateless shouted, “Elixir, I’ll speed you up!” ”

Clockwork QW is placed at the foot of the bull’s head, the bull’s head immediately gets accelerated, and the clockwork gives E skills at the same time, and the bull’s head that gets a short acceleration quickly rushes out of a distance,

Flash two in a row!

Jela was shot away under the two towers!

The plane saw the situation early, W fled!

Kyaoyue chased back 797, QRA dropped Jiela!

This explosion damage, Jela’s thin body, can’t bear it at all!

The last R skill of the moon, 825 yards ultra-long distance, directly burst into the face of the plane!


Lightning Deal!



Five kills!



When the five kills sounded,

The cheers exploded and resounded throughout the arena.

“Five kills! Five kills! ”

“Spike! Lightning Deal! Five members of the royal family, no one can resist the Jiaoyue set of skills and not die! ”

“This second kill is really enjoyable to watch!”

“Too 6!”

“Say okay, the five people to arrest Li Mu?!”

“Haha! Unexpectedly, the five of you are surrounded by me! ”

While cheering, someone suddenly said,

“Hey, have you heard that tomorrow Li Mu God shakes the fish for his debut?”

“Really fake? What is the room number? I’m going to dominate the list in advance! ”

Another said, “Of course it’s true! Shake fish started the homepage banner yesterday evening! ”


On the stage, the five royal families had quite bad faces.

“The equipment of this bright moon is also too good! Get ahead of the big pieces! ”

Coke said helplessly, he was only a little closer to getting bigger,…

In front of the moon, there is not even a chance to get bigger,

It was seconds!

“One big plus useless stick ahead of me…”

Corn is the most painful, the same AP, and as a result, Jiaoyue is more than 4,000 economically ahead of him, and this gap is too big.

The point is…

Every time, he was dropped first!

It’s a shame.

“We guard the tower, we can still fight.”

Namei said weakly.


Can it still fight?

The answer is no!

In the next ten minutes, the entire five members of the royal family experienced the pain of being killed in seconds when they met.

Li Mu incarnated to kill the gods,

See one second at a time!

Completely unreasonable!

And OMG solid lineup system, big tree bullhead rushes ahead, clockwork moves are ready at any time, well-developed policewomen, far away crazy.

And the elusive moon is responsible for the harvest!

Don’t give the royal family a chance at all!

The game lasted twenty-eight minutes, and in the end, the irresistible royalty, the base crystal was bulldozed!

Throughout the game, the royal family did not even push down a single defensive tower!

Xiaolong has never met either!

This second game of BO2 was actually played by OMG …

Exquisite Tower!

And Li Muzu killed fifteen people!

The name of the Killing God Shepherd was like a nightmare, shrouding the five summoners of the royal family in the Summoner Canyon!

OMG Adds Another (BCFB) Win!

The league standings are firmly in second place, trailing EDG, who is number one in points.


There are not many games left for OMG!

This spring, OMG has only a few games left!

The game was over, and the MVP was won again by Li Mu without any accidents.

“Let’s congratulate OMG on another victory.”

Miller said with a smile, “So, congratulations, a digression, I just got the news that the IEM9 Global Finals will be held in Katowice, Poland, from March 14 to 16.” ”

Misi nodded and said, “At that time, the game will be broadcast exclusively on the official channel of League of Legends events. Welcome to the official website to watch. ”

The doll also said, “Let’s wish WE a good result in the IEM9 Global Finals.” ”

When the audience listened, they talked about it for a while.

“Why WE?”

“Don’t you know? How not to let OMG go? ”

“OMG brain powder next door? Why not let EDG go? ”

“It seems that last year’s WE got the invitation, but OMG and EDG didn’t get it.”

For a while, the focus shifted to IEM9.

After all, it is a large-scale international event, the attention is very high, WE represents the entire LPL to Poland, and for a while the WE team was in the limelight.

Next is the post-match interview, there is not much turmoil, let’s not mention it for now.

After the game, I returned to the lounge, and the time was past eight o’clock in the evening.

OMG returned to the base en masse, and after eating a night’s meal, they rested separately.

Tomorrow is the time to rest.

There will be no competition for the next week, except for the first day of resting and free arrangement, starting on the second day, training matches will continue.

Li Mu did not continue ranking.

After dinner, after washing, I lay down on the bed to rest.

“Didi Didi.”

Information came from WeChat and QQ at the same time.


He Wen: “Congratulations to the next city and winning the game.” ”

Li Mu: “Thank you.” Is there something going on? ”

He Wen: “Tomorrow’s live broadcast debut, do you have any preparation for the live broadcast content?” ”

Li Mu thought about it, this, really not, he watched the live broadcast relatively lightly, he could live broadcast, just a little more money, and more interaction with fans, the most important thing is to play the game. So, preparation and the like, naturally, are gone.

Li Mu: “How about Sister He Wen help me plan it?” ”

He Wen: “Well, no problem, let me think about it and tell you tomorrow.” ”

Li Mu thanked him, ended the chat, and opened WeChat, which was a message from Yu Shuang.

Yu Shuang: “Sorry… Li Mu, I seem to have done something very sorry for you. ”


Seeing Yu Shuang’s news, Li Mu had a question mark on his face, what is the situation? Did something sorry for me?

[Second, a little family has had a little unpleasant today. Update late, sorry. 】_

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