“I seem to be a little on top.”

A cup of youth lover’s belly, Yu Shuang has already felt that she is a little floating, she is playing with the goblet in her right hand, while savoring the fragrance in her mouth, “A little sweet and a little sour, more is a faint floral fragrance constantly lingering in the mouth… Another drink. ”

“It does smell of youth.”

Li Mu added a cup to Yu Shuang, this kind of floral wine, for Li Mu, probably… It’s like a cocktail, and you won’t get drunk.

Yu Shuang did not take a sip of the wine glass this time, but tasted it slowly, and asked with a curious look while smiling, “Hey, Li Mu, what kind of girl do you like?” ”

Li Mu looked at Yu Shuang quite unexpectedly,

He really hadn’t thought about it.

What kind of girl do you like?

A girl who went to the hall and went down to the kitchen, with a beautiful figure, sweet appearance, and a generous personality? “610” (Yu Shuang?) )

Or a girl with the same values, the same life pursuits, and the same youthful dreams? (Shan Xiaowen? )

Or maybe it’s a good wife and mother who can take care of herself in every way? (He Wen? Uh, why do you think of her? pass)

Or can you laugh and laugh with yourself, laugh, and accompany the girl who is not lonely for the rest of her life? (??? )


Li Mu thought of the book of flirtatious girls sent by the female fan, which seemed to say that when a girl asks you ‘what kind of girl do you like’, it is to want you to praise her…

Is that the one you like?


Li Mu was at a loss in his heart, is this book really reliable? Is the author sure that he is a master of the love scene? It always feels like you’re going to take yourself into a pit.

Yu Shuang saw that Li Mu had been staring at herself, and her heart actually jumped a little suddenly, and she joked, “You keep staring at me so much, do you want to say that you like me?” ”

Li Mu wanted to say that he didn’t know, and then the ghost made a mistake and said, “You are the type I like.” ”


Why do you say such a thing?

“Yes?” Yu Shuang’s smile was even worse, and she approached Li Mu, “Then how do you prove that I am the type you like?” ”

The two were already very close, Yu Shuang came together, the two were almost stuck together,

Li Mu raised his head slightly, looking at Yu Shuang who was close at hand, and a faint body fragrance came from the tip of his nose, accompanied by a wisp of floral fragrance and a faint aroma of alcohol,

The two looked at each other…

Yu Shuang blinked his beautiful eyes…

Li Mu suddenly felt a sudden in his heart, as if there was a heavenly thunder in his heart that was hooked, he subconsciously raised his hand, gently grabbed Yu Shuang’s chin, and gradually got closer, wen her fragrant lips…

Very fragrant,

Very sweet,

Li Mu couldn’t help but scavenge,


The air is filled with a faint smell of flowers and youthful hormones…

I don’t know how long it took…

The two separated.

“Like it?”

Yu Shuang smiled, looked at Li Mu, and said with a generous smile, “This is my first time, don’t tell me, you don’t like it.” ”


Do you like it?

Do you ask Wen just now, or do you ask about that heartwarming feeling?

I seem to like both.

“Like.” Li Mu nodded, and added at the end, “Me too, you don’t lose.” ”


Yu Shuang, who was holding up the wine glass and preparing to take a sip, laughed on the spot…

Yu Shuang couldn’t help but laugh, “Can’t you change the character of this straight man of steel?” ”

“I’ll be honest.” Li Mu spread his hands and said helplessly, “Okay, I admit it.” ”

“Forget it, let’s eat. Anyway, you look so handsome, I don’t lose it. ”


The first date of the two, the first supper, the first wen. In a faint floral scent, a faint smell of ethanol and hormones, it was over.

There is no confirmation of the relationship,

Nor did they develop further into each other,

Just the right stop,

So that they can know more about each other…

After eating and drinking, Li Mu sent Yu Shuang home, and then returned to the base, and the time was already half past eleven.

Li Mu’s sleep has been very good, and falling asleep when he falls on the pillow.

On the other side, Yu Shuang, who was slightly drunk, returned home, but turned over and over… Insomnia.

Yu Shuang picked up his mobile phone and wanted to send a WeChat message to Li Mu…

Hesitated again.

“He’s been playing for a day and should be tired.”

She thought,

And then posted a circle of friends,

Two simple words,

Night’s good…

The accompanying image is a screenshot of today’s calendar.

Soon, the fairy Xiaoyusang liked and commented: “Don’t sleep so late? Do you think which little brother can’t sleep if he thinks? ”

Yu Shuang thought of Li Mu, the corners of his mouth involuntarily rose slightly, and instead of answering positively, he replied: “I’ll rest tomorrow, and it’s okay to sleep in the evening… Didn’t you say that you completed the final revision of your graduation project at school? Not sleeping so late? Want to become panda eyes? ”

Fairy Xiaoyusang did not continue to comment, but sent a message: “Just finished revising the last time, tired me.” I swear, this is definitely the last version of my graduation project. ”

And took a photo of the computer desktop and sent it, the desktop intermediate document [graduation project (8.5 final final revised version)].

Yu Shuang: “My little fairy has worked hard. Hurry up and sleep. ”

Fairy Xiaoyusang: “No, I have to put on a mask and sleep again, otherwise I will easily get old if I stay up late.” By the way, how do you say I can take revenge on that hateful Li Mu? ”

Yu Shuang: “Or not?” Li Mu didn’t mean it either. ”

Fairy Xiaoyusang: “Huh? Didn’t you say you wanted to help me before? Why did you suddenly start defending him and helping him talk? ”

Rite, who was far away in the imperial capital, suddenly had an ominous sixth sense,

A woman’s intuition is terrible.

Yu Shuang also felt a pause in her heart, for the first time there was a hesitant emotion, according to her consistent personality, she would probably admit it generously, but this time she did not dare to continue this topic.

Can it be said that a woman who falls in love will have a lower IQ if she is 1.7?

Yu Shuang quickly changed the topic: “Don’t hurry up to apply a mask, and then make up for a beautiful beauty sleep.” ”

Fairy Xiaoyusang: “You don’t say I almost forgot.” 8~8! ”

Yu Shuang breathed a sigh of relief: “Peace.” ”

At the end, he sent a message to Li Mu’s WeChat.


Didn’t wait for a reply.

“Did you fall asleep so soon?”

Yu Shuang thought about it, and immediately smiled, feeling that Li Mu was probably too tired from playing, and it was a good thing to rest early.


Why didn’t I wait for a reply, but I still had a faint sense of loss in my heart?

[First more.] Good morning. Dear readers. Yesterday, give me a little rest for half a day. Continue to stabilize seven changes today. About half a day off a week, three or four more, the rest of the time stable seven more. Exceptions are made in exceptional circumstances. 】_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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