
Li Mu said casually.

He doesn’t have much requirements for food, as long as it is delicious, it can be.

Shan Xiaowen smiled, “What about girls? Also like a more pure one? Do you like the kind with long hair fluttering? ”


Li Mu was stunned.

The topic has changed too quickly.

We’re obviously talking about food,

Why suddenly change the subject?

Li Mu really didn’t want to follow the routine of the flirtatious girl book sent by the female fan,

After all, every girl I know asks again, it’s so tiring…

“Why, did I say something wrong?”

Shan Xiaowen subconsciously brushed her shoulder-length hair.

“Pretty much right.” Li Mu nodded helplessly, and said casually, “You guys studying psychology, are your thinking so jumpy?” ”

“Thinking off?” Shan Xiaowen couldn’t help but smile, “If you can be interesting when chatting with girls, with your talent and appearance, you can trick a few little girls to get along with you casually.” ”


Li Mu looked at Shan Xiaowen with a surprised expression…

What does this mean?

Li Mu didn’t understand a woman’s heart, and he didn’t seem to say anything in the book of Sister Encyclopedia,

This is

How many boats do I want to tread?

Li Mu thought about it seriously, and then said in a positive 700 scripture, “With my ability, at most, I can control three or five girls, and I can’t eat more.” ”


Shan Xiaowen didn’t hold back this time, and smiled on the spot.

“Polygamy is illegal.” Shan quipped, “Don’t step on a few boats, it will ruin your career.” ”

She went to school abroad and was exposed to more Western ideas, overall…

It’s just a joke.

Shan Xiaowen thinks that even if she goes abroad for another ten or twenty years, she will not be able to accept that kind of open mind.

Li Mu shrugged, “Tease you.” ”

Shan Xiaowen said, “I didn’t expect that you would also joke. ”

“I’ve been in a training room for a long time than the sunset tease, and I’m infected.”

“Finally see a little use in the sunset.”


Li Mu and Shan Xiaowen walked out of the base side by side.

Shan Xiaowen walked to the base garage, “I’ll go drive.” ”

Not long after, a brand new black Mercedes-Benz G500 appeared next to Li Mu, the passenger seat opened, and Shan Xiaowen said, “Get in the car, I’ll treat you, finally take a day off and have a good meal.” ”

Li Mu sat in the passenger seat and said a little unexpectedly, “This car happens to be what I like.” ”

Li Mu was indeed quite surprised.

Why do girls like cars like the Mercedes Big G

The key is that Li Mu still likes it, V8 engine, more than 400 horsepower, hard enough, but not luxurious, landing is also cheap, 1.8 million.

“If you like it…” Xiaowen stepped down on the accelerator, the speed soared, and the strong push back feeling gave people a feeling of fulfillment, “How about giving it to you.”

“Why give it to me?” Li Mu refused.

The relationship between the two is not good enough to send the car, and Li Mu naturally has to refuse.

The key is that Li Mu can afford it, that is, he has been playing competitions and training matches recently, and he has no time to go. Besides, he is not a little white face and does not need a woman to send a car.


Shan Xiaowen smiled slyly, “I don’t have a domestic driver’s license!” ”

Li Mu: “??? ”


Don’t have a driver’s license?

Driving without a license?

I’m going to get off,

Get me down.

“It’s not. You really don’t have a driver’s license? Li Mu fixed his mind and said, “Driving without a license… But it’s illegal. As law-abiding citizens in the 21st century, we have to take the initiative to obey the law. You can’t joke with your own life and that of passers-by. ”

“I have a Canada driver’s license, but I don’t recognize it in China.” Shan Xiaowen said, “I haven’t been back to China for a long time… I just signed up for driving school and haven’t got my driver’s license yet. The car was also just mentioned. ”

“I’ll do it.”


Shan Xiaowen pulled over and changed to Li Mu to drive.

Driving this kind of thing,

It is better for men to take the initiative.


Li Mu drove very fiercely…


The time for a day off flies by.

In the following week, OMG all staff trained and trained various cooperation problems, lineup problems, temporary substitutions and other training, and likewise, practiced some routines.

March 16.

IEM9, the Intel World Finals is over!

WE, who traveled to Poland to compete on behalf of the LPL,


For a time, the major LOL forums were full of discussions.

It can be said that it is a discussion, or it can be said that it is, a crusade against WE!

The battle with WE fans 60E has been defeated one after another, and it is simply no match for the verbal criticism of the major teams.

EDG fans mocked: “It’s better to let EDG go, 100% easy win!” ”

WE fans said sarcastically: “You EDG are not qualified to go, blame us WE?” ”

I don’t know which water friend suddenly diverted the fire: “Cut, let EDG go?” Then it’s better to let OMG go, wasn’t EDG beaten by OMG last time? Forgot so quickly? ”

“OMG goes is also scum, last year against WE twice, twice defeated, and the face said OMG goes?”

“That is, although EDG lost to OMG, it was just a BO2, suffered the loss of OMG routine, hard power, who is afraid of whom?” Win a BO2 and consider yourself invincible? Why don’t you get first in the standings? ”

“OMG can’t do it, especially for newcomers playing wild, it’s all some rank routines, relying on the early stage to gain an advantage, and when the major teams study it thoroughly, those routines won’t work, and OMG will only kneel!”

In the blink of an eye, it turned out to be EDG fans and WE fans working together to fight OMG…

Especially WE fans, all kinds of scolding OMG for envy and jealousy, not qualified to participate in IEM9, and red eyes there.

What’s more, several fans have begun to mock OMG for losing miserably in the upcoming match against WE.

Because Li Mu’s routines have been thoroughly studied by the coaches of major teams.

Other team fans: “A team that doesn’t even have a coach wants to beat us WE?” ”

OMG fans hit back: “Do you still need a coach to hit you? You can’t tell the difference between south, south, and northwest without a coach! ”

What was originally a crusade against WE gradually evolved into a crusade against OMG…

These news soon reached the ears of OMG everyone.

It’s really a disaster.

“WE lost the game, what do we care?”

Sunset opened the anti-pressure bar, boarded three trumpets, a meal output, “Come and come, a few more mutual sprays, I have already obtained the true transmission of the captain’s spray technique, ten sprays a second, tongue battle group Ru, I am afraid that you will not succeed?” ”


Li Mu was speechless.

I’m the scourge of innocence, right?


Sunset is right, WE lost the international competition, what do we care?

Just because we call WE tomorrow?

[Second more.] Subscribe for a full subscription! 】_

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