
In the end, it was Shan Xiaowen who reacted the fastest, she took the punishment slip handed over by the official staff of the alliance, squeezed out a smile, and said, “Hard work staff.” The amount of the fine, I will let Noxia pay through the official account of the alliance. ”

“Well, you’re welcome, this is what we should do.”

Official staff are also people, the so-called reach out not to hit the smiling person, seeing that Shan Xiaowen Hall manager spoke so politely, her tone also softened, reminding,

“Remember to pay the fine within three days. In fact, we received an official penalty notice this morning… Originally, it was not up to me to give the notice, it turned out that the colleague in charge of contacting you somehow disappeared for most of the day, and everyone thought that he contacted you, but later learned that he did not. So I’m sorry for the delay until this time, and I can only issue the notice on his behalf. ”

After that, the three official staff members left.

When Shan Xiaowen heard this, the hand that had just taken the penalty slip was left in the air.

No matter how stupid people are, when they hear such an explanation, they also understand that there must be tricks in it.

It’s not just a matter of penalties.

There are even people who obstruct it and maliciously delay time,

Delay the penalty notice until a moment before the start of the game before it is issued to OMG!

It is to make OMG chaotic and unable to play normally!


Shan Xiaowen took a deep breath and spit out fiercely, “The more this time, the more everyone has to fight, since Nuoxia is banned, then let the substitute play!” ”

“Don’t worry.”

Li Mubi was more concerned about the win or loss of this game, his fists clenched and creaked, and finally calmed down and said, “Nuoxia, you talk about it first, what was the situation in the last rank last night?” ”

No blame.

Since the penalty notice is issued, someone can obstruct it.


Perhaps, Nuoxia’s rank last night was also maliciously guided, so that Nuoxia was angry and corrupted, cursed the exit, and then was screenshotted by someone with a heart to submit it to the alliance.

Li Mu’s team management ability is max, and this time comes into play.

At this time, ask the ins and outs first, so that the other team members can play with peace of mind.

Otherwise, people will panic and the game is doomed to be passive.

And once it is confirmed that Nuoxia is framed, it can even make other team members turn punishment into motivation and play beyond normal performance!

“I… I’m sorry. ”

Nosha lowered his head, his body trembling for a moment, “I’m sorry. Really sorry. I didn’t expect this…”

Nosha finally elaborated on what happened in the last hanbok rank last night,

He suspects that his family ADC and Tano are actors, several small-scale team battles, both deliberately lead the rhythm, send the opposite advantage, skill promiscuity, not at all like the operation of the Hanbok king segmentation…

In the end, Nuoxia was angry and asked if ADC and Tano were actors,

Who knew that ADCs turned out to be Huaxia people, disgusting Nuoxia with pinyin,

Then Nuoxia quarreled with them, and finally couldn’t get angry, and sent a few national curses in pinyin…

Presumably, the screenshot was submitted to the alliance official, and there was a subsequent punishment.

“It should not be the actor’s problem, but that they recognize your ID and deliberately annoy you and lure you into the bait.”

Li Mu analyzed it for a while, then clapped his hands and said, “Nuoxia, someone is obstructing this matter, and we don’t blame you. Everyone is a team, and any one of us being bullied by outsiders, we will not stand idly by! ”

“It doesn’t matter who makes the bad guys, and it doesn’t matter what bad means they use. It is nothing more than to make us chaotic, temporarily substituted, and the team is chaotic, in order to make us internally contradictory and our grades decline. ”

“We can’t let them get their way.”

“Yes!” As soon as Li Mu finished speaking, Gogoing stood up and said, “Everyone stabilize their mentality, no matter what means the enemy uses, we are self-stabilized and the team is united!” ”

“Presumably someone from VG did it.” Wu Guan also followed, “In that case, then we must beat VG to the ground, let them know that any conspiracy and trickery are like a fiction, only the strength of the team is the last word!” ”

“It’s okay.” It is rare for a puppy to say such a sentence, “Without running-in, I can also fight.” You won’t jump down the road. ”

Even if it’s my single click, I can hit! This sentence the puppy did not say, he was already angry in his heart, at this moment the puppy was like Wayne, began to learn to endure, turning anger into the motivation to kill, sooner or later he had to kill the opposite side in the arena.

When Shan Xiaowen saw Li Mu’s three words, she made the team unite again, and she was very surprised and surprised in her heart.

Could this be the charm of Li Mu?

Shan Xiaowen became more and more curious about Li Mu, but now is not the time to talk about the world, and he is about to take the stage to compete.

Shan Xiaowen looked at Li Mu and asked, “This time, who will play auxiliary?” ”

This time, in addition to the starting five, there were also sunsets and elixirs.

At this time, the role of the substitute is infinitely amplified.

If there is no substitute, this game will probably be forced to abstain and surrender the victory to the hateful VG!

At this time, the other team members looked at Li Mu one after another.

Waiting for Li Mu’s decision.

Li Mu is also a coach, and it is normal for everyone to ask his opinion.

The key is that everyone trusts Li Mu more through this period of contact with Li Mu.

“Elixir.” Li Mu thought for a moment and continued, “I wanted to let the sunset go on, but Mata on the opposite side, playing cards according to the normal routine, we will definitely suffer a huge loss on the road.” ”


Sunset nodded, and at this time, he was not sullen, he admitted, “Auxiliary position, facing Mata, I don’t have confidence yet.” ”

“Then I’ll go on.”

The elixir squeezed his fist and said, “I play wild origin, in the past few days, according to Li Mu’s method, I began to practice assisting, the time is too short, the online is relatively weak, and the puppy has more to bear.” ”

The elixir of temporary return is under great psychological pressure, but he believes Li Mu’s words, conventional auxiliary play, facing mata, ironclad will suffer.

“Don’t worry, just give me fifteen minutes to develop.”

The puppy said to the elixir.


Elixir nodded.

“Then that’s sure.” Shan Xiaowen waved her hand and encouraged, “Don’t worry, everyone! As long as you are united, you can’t lose the game! ”

“The WE vs. Snake battle is over.”

Li Mu glanced at the big screen and took the lead to stand up, “It’s up to us!” ”


Wait for the baptism of anger!

[Second more.] I beg for first order support! 】

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