In the audience, the fans holding Uzi aloft were silent.

Before the game, they don't have to worry about problems in their lower lanes, even if they are occasionally hit by the line, they can still stand up in team battles.

This is the confidence and confidence that Uzi gives them.

But what no one expected was that Uzi, who made his debut in the summer tournament, was first ambushed in the triangle grass and sent away a blood, and then was killed in the lane during the lane match, and the person who killed him was Qin Lang, who was swept away by the RNG club and was abused and despised by their fans, this face was simply snapping!

"I'll go, P Yan is a hero. "

"This movement and pulling, it's really amazing. "

"It's over, this is the rhythm that is going to be served by others. "

"According to the plot of the novel, after Nalan is proud to finish, he is going to make a big fuss about RNG. "

Crucially, after killing the skateboarders, the excavator came to the bottom to block Bloom's path and prevent him from returning to the city.

Then Bronn under the tower was besieged by three people, and died on the spot in desperation, and the head was taken by Kasumi, and the result was that Kasumi made a storm sword when he returned home.

"The rhythm of IG at the beginning was too good, with two heads up and down. The narrator said.

"Wait, the barrel has come to the upper road Gank, this is to help the prince to kill this big crocodile!" Commentator Miller's voice suddenly increased, and he saw the camera cut to the upper road, even if the crocodile saw the barrel supporting, he was still not afraid, and a set of skills finally cut the prince to death, and then he wanted to kill the barrel, so that the barrel could only flee in a hurry.

The game time is five minutes, the head-to-head ratio is 5-0, and the IG economy has a lead of more than 2,000 fast money.

In the face of this unfavorable situation, RNG can only sacrifice their traditional arts to save the road.

In less than three minutes, Clockwork swam one wave down, and Jungler Barrel came in two waves, only to be either found halfway through or slow to take the bait.

"If you can't beat it, you can shake people, this is the so-called world first??" Qin Lang raised his eyebrows, with such treatment, he can also take off.

On RNG's side, the spicy incense pot was completely dumbfounded, and couldn't help but say: "Is IG's vision so good?

Xiaohu sighed and said, "They must have focused on studying us, otherwise it would be impossible to find out your location every time." "

Is this so?

Xiaohu really can't figure it out, is it just for the sake of a momentary battle of wills, as for spending so much time studying them?

But when he swept down Uzi's gloomy face, he seemed to understand a little bit of why the other side did it.

"Qin Lang, let's see if there is a vision here. "

Hearing King Ning's voice, Qin Lang instantly cut to the excavator, and after seeing his travel route, he said, "You pass from this route, you should be able to cooperate with Brother Shy to complete the kill." "

"Really?" King Ning was stunned, he really didn't expect Qin Lang to dare to say it.

"What, don't you believe me?"

"How is that possible?" King Ning shook his head decisively, although this sentence sounded a bit unbelievable, but since Qin Lang became a teammate with him, he basically didn't cheat him, and his reputation was still guaranteed.

followed the route pointed out by Qin Lang all the way to the upper road, and in the next second, he was stunned to see that this prince was actually using the E skill to replenish the artillery car, which really made his eyes light up.

"The top order didn't flash. TheShy said.

"OK, I'll get on it!" "Where would King Ning miss this opportunity, digging a tunnel to directly jack the prince, the crocodile's two E skills approached, and played a double control effect, after a meal, he still successfully killed the prince, and the head was once again let the crocodile get it.

At the same time, the lower road fought again.

Luo's big move took the lead, seducing the skateboarding shoes and knocking him into the sky at the same time, Xia skillfully recalled the feather barb, and once again imprisoned the skateboarding shoes in place, the blood volume dropped by half blood on the spot, and the gap in equipment was vividly displayed at this moment, the damage of skateboarding shoes hit Xia's body is almost like tickling, on the other hand, Xia's attack as long as it hits the skateboard shoes, it is several blocks of blood.

"It's impossible to fight at all, the equipment is too bad. Uzi was helpless.

Skateboarding shoes and Bron both flashed to open the distance, and Kasumi decisively flashed up to pursue, but Bronn suddenly killed a back pistol, and used a big move at close range, but it turned out to be dodged by Kasumi sensitively, and the Q skill Winter's bite shot again, but was still dodged by Kasumi, and he was consumed into residual blood by Kasumi's attack.

"What kind of move is this?, why can't you hit him all the time?!" Xiao Ming couldn't help but shout.

"Don't panic, I still have a big move!"

Uzi used his ultimate to recruit Bron back, intending to save him from escaping, but who would have thought that Bron would crash into Chaoxia again.

"It's raining all over the sky!"

Kasumi made a big move, and after adjusting the position, several feathers shaved over two people, and then another barb back.


Double Kill!

After killing the two of them in a leisurely stroll, Kasumi, who landed on the ground, also suffered an attack from the defense tower, but this did no harm, and returned to the back to continue to eat the line, and by the way, he also pushed off the defense tower on the lower road.

"The next lane is too fierce for this line. "

"The puppy was actually pierced?"

"IG: This new AD is really fierce. "

"Don't you know who he is? He's a former RNG ADC. "

"The RNG management has a water in their brains, why do they put this kind of person to their opponents?"

Some of the neutral spectators were stunned, it was the first time they had seen the bottom lane play so fiercely, less than ten minutes into the game, and the bottom lane had already produced four heads.

If Uzi was the one who killed indiscriminately, then they might be understandable.

However, Uzi happened to be the one who was killed indiscriminately, and the record was an embarrassing 0-3-0.

As for those RNG fans who clamored to teach Qin Lang a lesson before the game, they had already died down at this time, and there was no movement anymore.

Clever enough to look ahead to the next game.

PS: The flowers have broken three thousand again, uh, it's going to exhaust me today.

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