Another golden left hand, another wave of double kills!

When Zuo Ding used Kalmar and got a wave of QG team double kills, Doll Miller and the two commentators were about to be shocked, because before this wave of double kills, they couldn’t imagine that Kalmar, the hero, could also kill!

And now, Zuo Ding not only killed people with Kalmar, but even took a wave of double kills!

“In the end, it is the golden left hand, the blind monk’s head would have run away if it were not for him!” As for the second Lulu’s human head, it is also because Knight’s RQ has been slowed down so that the poodle can keep up with the control! ”

The doll said in shock, this is really formal, some people, is very strong, no matter what hero comes out, you can play the effect of C!

It’s just that just when the doll Miller and the two have been praising Zuo Ding, Zuo Ding at this time is quite embarrassed.

The head of the first blind monk took it himself, but the head of the second Lulu could have been given to King Ning’s big mouth, but he didn’t expect that he just went down with a flat A and snatched Lulu’s head…

“It’s okay, your thighs are thick, I’ll play comfortably!” King Ning also said to Zuo Ding with a smile, he didn’t care about this head, after all, he himself also got two assists, which was not a particularly loss.

“Don’t worry, there are still heads to take!”

But at this time, when Zuo Ding suddenly saw that the pony who had been leading the line on the road before was already rushing to the next road at this time, his face showed a happy smile.

Because at this time, QG’s Jinx was fleeing towards his defense tower, shivering while running, but unfortunately, in Zuo Ding’s eyes, this Jinx was already a dead man!

“Pony, make a big move!”

When the pony’s Kree had just gone hand in hand with Kalmar, Zuo Ding also immediately shouted to the pony!

The next moment, the familiar horn sound of “pedaling and pedaling” is directly blowing in the direction of the lower tower of QG!

A golden cross appeared behind Jinx, making Candyseven almost cry in fear! Want to retreat, Xiaotian’s poodle and King Ning’s big mouth, but they have already outflanked all his retreats, and want to retreat towards the second tower, but the other three of YM have already rushed to Jinx’s face with great momentum!

There is a blockade before and a pursuer after the block, this Jinx, there is no escape!

“Make heads heads!”

Crackling a few skills, Jinx’s blood volume is residual blood, and in this case, the four YM people also all chose to stop, let King Ning’s big mouth move, a live cannon directly killed the bloody Jinx!

YM, Ning killed QG, Candyseven!

And when Team YM led the head and went from 1-1 to 4-1, the entire scene and QG fans were silent.

When Team YM chose Team Kerry as the hero, they also laughed at Team YM and would play some bells and whistles, but now it seems that this Kerry has become a nightmare for Team QG!

As long as Kree makes a big move, then behind him, there will inevitably be thousands of troops from the YM team to claim the head of someone from QG!

Sgal Galgall!

And when the pony’s Kree walked out of the attack range of the QG Defense Tower, he laughed and shouted, but it made the QG team members feel cold!

“Steady, steady, we also support the late stage, in the later stage, Lulu gives Jinx’s big move, we go to Nakano to the second big mouth, we can still win!”

Under such circumstances, Doinb, who had not done anything in the wave of teams just now, hurried to comfort his teammates and said that in the next few minutes, the YM team pushed their lower tower away, but did not make any obstruction.

One is that they can’t stop it at all, and the other is that as long as their middle tower doesn’t fall, it will be difficult for Team YM to hit their high ground!

However, just when the game time came to 18 minutes and 30 seconds, the QG team gave something again!

When the duo of QG pushed a wave of troops in the middle, and Cloud’s Lulu returned to the city on the aisle between F6 and the river, she didn’t think at all that she was an eye position at her feet!

So, Xiaotian’s poodle quickly ran over from the upper half of the river, and the partition wall directly threw an E skill lasso blow to Lulu, who was returning to the city, and immediately got into the grass, directly over the high wall, and pounced on Lulu’s body!

Easy to do!

The poodle snorted coldly, pounced directly on Lulu’s body, and really startled Cloud, and hurriedly turned around and gave the poodle a sheep transformation technique, and quickly retreated in the direction of the middle tower!

But at this time, Kalmar, who was left Ding, directly killed the pass in the middle and F6 under the acceleration effect of the E skill, and the RQ slammed down towards Lulu, who had one-third of the amount of health… It actually took Lulu’s life directly!

And Cloud himself, he didn’t even have time to put a big move on himself!

YM, Knight killed QG, Cloud!

“How can the damage of the golden left hand be so high?!”

Everyone was shocked, and when they looked at Zuo Dingkalmar’s equipment, they were surprised to find that at this time, the 3-0-1 Kalmar had already come out of the three equipment of mercury shoes, the Great Holy Grail and the incense burner!

“Zuo Ding’s equipment is also too good!” The doll was shocked, on the other hand, Doinb’s fox was just a magic shoe, a ghost book, and an etheric essence, which was half less equipment than the golden left hand!

And the more miserable person is Lulu of Cloud0-2-1, at this time, he has nothing but a five-speed shoe and a blue salary synthetic eyestone!

“If this continues, Team YM’s economic lead will become bigger and bigger… The big mouth side is already dilapidated and yellow-crossed, and Jinx has just had a rundown here! ”

Miller also said bitterly for the QG team, who would have thought that just because of the collapse of the team battle at Xiaolong just now, their QG disadvantage would become so great!

And when the game time came to 20 minutes, everyone in the QG team seemed to feel that if it continued like this, there was almost no possibility of turning over except for slow death, so it was immediately decided that the five people would huddle together!

However, just when the QG people came to the middle tower of YM with the troop line, and were just preparing to attack, Xiaoming, who was in place in the F6 area in advance, started again!

Yes! What a wonderful pain!

The next moment, Hammerstone’s Q skill death judgment blatantly shot!

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