With the emergence of spiritual energy recovery, Zhao Wumian's strength can also be broken through.

Zhao Wumian stood in front of the Cave of Life and felt the powerful energy emitted by the Crystal of Life. He knew that this was a change brought about by the revival of spiritual energy.

He closed his eyes and felt this energy, and a strong desire surged in his heart. He wanted to take this power into his own hands to change his destiny.

So, he began to practice hard, day and night. He no longer simply absorbed the energy of the Crystal of Life, but began to learn how to control and use it.

Gradually, Zhao Wumian discovered that he could control the energy of the Crystal of Life. He can make it provide him with great strength, and he can also use it to heal his injuries.

With continuous practice and exploration, Zhao Wumian's strength has achieved a breakthrough. He is no longer an ordinary young man, but has become a practitioner with mysterious power.

On Blue Star, other cultivators also began to notice the energy of the Crystal of Life. They all went to the secret realm of ice and snow, wanting to explore the source of this power.

In this process, Zhao Wumian made many like-minded friends. Together they explore the mystery of the Crystal of Life and make progress together.

Gradually, Zhao Wumian became the leader of everyone. Not only is he powerful, he also has firm beliefs and a wise mind. He led everyone to move forward step by step, constantly breaking through their own limits.

During this process, Zhao Wumian also continued to grow and change. He is no longer the lonely young man, but a leader with a sense of responsibility and responsibility.

In the end, under the leadership of Zhao Wumian, everyone successfully mastered the energy of the Crystal of Life. They used their own power to change the fate of Blue Star, making it glow with vitality and hope.

Zhao Wumian stood in front of the Cave of Life and felt the powerful energy emitted by the Crystal of Life. He knew that this was a change brought about by the revival of spiritual energy. He closed his eyes and felt this energy, and a strong desire surged in his heart. He wanted to take this power into his own hands to change his destiny.

So, he began to practice hard, day and night. He no longer simply absorbed the energy of the Crystal of Life, but began to learn how to control and use it. Gradually, Zhao Wumian discovered that he could control the energy of the Crystal of Life. He can make it provide him with great strength, and he can also use it to heal his injuries.

With continuous practice and exploration, Zhao Wumian's strength has achieved a breakthrough. He is no longer an ordinary young man, but has become a practitioner with mysterious power.

On Blue Star, other cultivators also began to notice the energy of the Crystal of Life. They all went to the secret realm of ice and snow, wanting to explore the source of this power. In this process, Zhao Wumian made many like-minded friends. Together they explore the mystery of the Crystal of Life and make progress together.

Gradually, Zhao Wumian became the leader of everyone. Not only is he powerful, he also has firm beliefs and a wise mind. He led everyone to move forward step by step, constantly breaking through their own limits. During this process, Zhao Wumian also continued to grow and change. He is no longer the lonely young man, but a leader with a sense of responsibility and responsibility.

In the end, under the leadership of Zhao Wumian, everyone successfully mastered the energy of the Crystal of Life. They used their own power to change the fate of Blue Star, making it glow with vitality and hope.

The animals and plants on the Blue Star also absorb energy and begin to change

The animals and plants on the Blue Star also absorbed the energy of the Crystal of Life and began to undergo magical changes.

Animals become more active and intelligent, and they begin to learn how to use their new powers to change their bodies and behaviors. Some animals began to become more agile, able to run and jump faster; while others became more powerful, able to easily destroy previously unstoppable obstacles.

Plants have undergone equally astonishing changes. They begin to grow taller and bushier, able to absorb more sunlight and water. Some plants even begin to release a new energy that brings joy and comfort to surrounding creatures.

During this process, Blue Star's ecosystem was gradually restored and improved. Species that were originally on the verge of extinction began to reproduce again, and new species were constantly born in the process.

As time goes by, the blue star becomes more beautiful and vibrant. People are beginning to realize that they are no longer the masters of this planet, but have become part of a larger ecosystem. They begin to learn and respect other creatures and try to live in harmony with them.

In this new era, Zhao Wumian became a legend on Blue Star. His story inspires people to explore, innovate, and change their own destiny. The energy of the Crystal of Life has also become the object of people's research and exploration, providing unlimited possibilities for the progress and development of human society.

The emergence of spiritual energy recovery gave Zhao Wumian a breakthrough in strength. He is no longer a lonely young man, but a practitioner with mysterious power. On Blue Star, other cultivators also began to notice the energy of the Crystal of Life. They all went to the secret realm of ice and snow, wanting to explore the source of this power. In this process, Zhao Wumian made many like-minded friends. Together they explore the mystery of the Crystal of Life and make progress together. Gradually Zhao Wumian became the leader of everyone. Not only is he powerful, he also has firm beliefs and a wise mind. He leads everyone to move forward step by step and constantly break through their own limits. During this process, Zhao Wumian also continued to grow and change. He is no longer the lonely young man but a leader with a sense of responsibility and responsibility. In the end, under the leadership of Zhao Wumian, everyone successfully mastered the energy of the Crystal of Life. They used their own power to change the fate of Blue Star, making it glow with vitality and hope.

Life on Blue Star has undergone earth-shaking changes. Under the leadership of Zhao Wumian, the practitioners gradually mastered the energy of the Crystal of Life and began to use it to improve their lives.

They discovered that the energy of the Crystal of Life can be used to cure diseases, enhance strength, improve intelligence, etc. Some practitioners can even use the energy of the Crystal of Life to control elements and conduct long-distance attacks and defenses.

In this process, practitioners are constantly exploring and discovering new mysteries. They began to study how to combine the energy of the Crystal of Life with their own bodies and souls to exert a more powerful force.

As time went by, the cultivators gradually formed a huge organization, which they called the "Cultivation World". The world of cultivation has become one of the most powerful forces on Blue Star. They not only control the energy of the Crystal of Life, but also possess various magical cultivation methods and powerful weapons.

In this new era, cultivators have also begun to assume the mission of protecting Blue Star. Like ordinary people, they are part of this planet. They began to pay attention to environmental protection, resource utilization, social justice and other issues, and used their own strength to contribute to the sustainable development of Blue Star.

As the leader of the cultivation world, Zhao Wumian has always paid attention to the lives of ordinary people. He knows very well that only by allowing ordinary people to share the fruits of cultivation can we truly achieve social harmony and progress.

Under his promotion, the exchanges and cooperation between the cultivation world and ordinary people have become increasingly closer. Some cultivators began to teach ordinary people the methods and techniques of cultivation to help them improve their strength and quality.

Zhao Wumian began to create exercises.

Zhao Wumian began to create exercises suitable for ice crystal aura

Zhao Wumian sat down and began to immerse himself in cultivation. He kept thinking and tried to combine the ice crystal aura with his original skills to create a new one

Time continued to pass, and Zhao Wumian's brows became more and more wrinkled. He found that the ice crystal aura was incompatible with his technique. His technique is mainly based on fire-attribute aura, while ice crystal aura is a kind of water-attribute aura. The two are fundamentally different in nature.

He took a deep breath and secretly made up his mind. He decided to rebuild a new method starting from the most basic place.

A few days passed, and Zhao Wumian's desk was filled with various herbal medicine books and notes. He kept flipping through it, sometimes thinking and sometimes recording. He kept imagining a new technique in his mind, which would be able to perfectly accommodate the ice crystal aura and exert greater power.

A month passed, and Zhao Wumian finally created this new technique. He called it the "double sky of ice and fire." The basic principle of this technique is to produce a dual attribute power by combining ice crystal aura with fire attribute aura. This power can both freeze and burn enemies.

Zhao Wumian tried this new method and found that its effect was amazing. His strength skyrocketed overnight. He was secretly happy [feeling that he had finally created a technique that was truly suitable for ice crystal aura.

However, he didn't stop. He knew that this technique still needed to be continuously perfected and improved. He decided to continue practicing and constantly explore new areas. His heart was filled with infinite hopes and expectations.

Zhao Wumian’s exploration

Zhao Wumian's mood was like a butterfly about to emerge from its cocoon, full of anticipation and excitement. He felt like a real explorer, standing at the foot of an unknown mountain, trying to climb to the top.

He knew that creating a new technique was not an easy task. This requires in-depth research, repeated practice and continuous improvement. But he also understands that only by facing difficulties and challenges bravely can real achievements be achieved.

So, he began his own journey of exploration. He continues to practice, try, record and analyze every day. He discovered that although the "Double Sky of Ice and Fire" technique was powerful, it also had some flaws. For example, its effect will be greatly reduced when facing enemies with a single attribute.

So, Zhao Wumian began to think about how to improve this technique. He conducted in-depth research on the characteristics and changes of various auras, trying to find a more perfect combination. He tried to combine the "Double Heaven of Ice and Fire" with other skills to create more unique skills and fighting methods.

Time continues to pass, and Zhao Wumian's exploration continues to deepen. His heart was full of excitement and expectation, because he knew that he was heading into an unknown territory. He didn't know what he would find, but he believed that as long as he kept working hard, he would definitely gain something.

…Please give me flowers…

One night, while Zhao Wumian was practicing, he suddenly had an inspiration. He thought of a way to combine the dual heavens of ice and fire with another technique of his. This method can not only improve the power of the technique, but also make up for its shortcomings.

He jumped up excitedly and immediately began to try this new combination. After some hard work, he finally succeeded. He created a new technique that was more perfect and powerful than the previous "Double Heaven of Ice and Fire".

Zhao Wumian’s new exercises

Zhao Wumian's new technique he named "Ice and Fire Twin Spirits". This technique is no longer just an enhanced version of the Double Heaven of Ice and Fire, but incorporates more elements, including the previous "Double Heaven of Ice and Fire" as well as his newly developed special skills.

The basis of this new technique is the dual heaven of ice and fire, but it further utilizes the interrelationship between the ice crystal aura and the fire attribute. Not only can it generate huge power in an instant, it can also flexibly adjust tactics according to the enemy's reaction during battle. Zhao Wu

Mian was very satisfied with this. He knew that this was the result of his long-term research and attempts.

In order to test the actual combat effectiveness of the new technique, Zhao Wumian began to look for powerful opponents. He hopes to test whether his new technique is really effective through a duel with a strong person. he

He began to look for challenges in various public competitions, and each battle further improved his new skills.

However, competition is not Zhao Wumian's only goal. He began to try to use new techniques in actual combat, which made him more comfortable in handling emergencies. he was even

Fight with wild beasts in the forest to improve your actual combat experience.


As time goes by, Zhao Wumian's new skills become more and more perfect, and his strength increases day by day. He found that he could not only use it freely in battle, but also in daily life.

You can also use exercises to improve your perception and reaction speed during work.

His name began to spread among other sects, and people praised his new technique for being unique and powerful. Zhao Wumian also began to receive invitations from other sects, hoping that he could join

Their sect. However, Zhao Wumian refused. He knew that his goal was not only to create a new practice, but also to explore the true meaning of practice.

Zhao Wumian’s journey of discovery

Zhao Wumian's gaze passed through the forest and landed on the mountains in the distance. He knew that there was his next target. He longs to go there, to challenge higher and stronger people, to

Prove your strength.

On the way to the mountains, Zhao Wumian encountered various difficulties and challenges. Sometimes it's ferocious beasts, sometimes it's steep cliffs. But he did not back down, but used his new

Kung Fu - Overcome.

When he finally reached the mountains, he was shocked by everything there. Every inch of the mountains is filled with power and mystery. He felt the spiritual energy coming from all directions.

These auras seemed to be telling him stories one after another.

There, he met many powerful opponents. They are all practitioners from all over the world, and they all have their own techniques and techniques. Zhao Wumian had many interviews with them

Through exchanges and discussions, I learned a lot of new knowledge and skills from them.

However, these exchanges and discussions did not satisfy Zhao Wumian. He knew that he still needed to explore and practice more deeply. So, he decided to go deep into the mountains to find

That legendary mysterious ruins.

In the ruins, Zhao Wumian discovered some ancient cultivation methods and secret books. These cultivation methods and secret books were something he had never seen before, and they attracted him deeply. He decided to be here

Stay here for a while to learn and study these cultivation methods and secrets.

When he finally understood the essence of these cultivation methods and secrets, he found that his new methods had new changes and improvements. He named it "Three Heavens of Ice and Fire".

This technique is more powerful and comprehensive than the previous "Two Spirits of Ice and Fire".

Zhao Wumian’s decision

Zhao Wumian knew that he had reached a critical moment. There are two paths in front of him: one is to be content with the status quo and continue to practice and perfect his new skills; the other is to take risks

Take risks and move forward to find a broader world and a higher realm.

He didn't spend too much time thinking about it, because he knew that this was his deepest desire and pursuit. He decided to go to the legendary mysterious ruins to find there

Hidden secrets and higher ways of cultivation.

When he told people from other sects about his decision, they all tried to dissuade him. They told Zhao Wumian that the mysterious ruins were a dangerous and mysterious place, and many people

There is no return. But Zhao Wumian was not swayed by their words, he knew where his path was.

So, he started a new journey. He crossed the mountains, crossed the desert, and finally came to the entrance of the mysterious ruins. There, he met many powerful opponents

and sinister traps. But Zhao Wumian did not back down. He used his new skill "Two Heavens of Ice and Fire" to overcome these difficulties.


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