Modify Super God

Chapter 1013: Am I here to join the alliance?

"This is my backup plan."

Xiao Hei sent everyone a plan prepared in the memory on his body, which listed in detail the countermeasures in case of falling out with the rebels.

Taking precautions, Xiao Hei, the black military strategist, is full of wisdom because he is not only very powerful on the spot, but also very good at planning in advance.

No, obviously Sui Yu is very supportive of the rebel army, and it can even be said that the establishment of the rebel army was facilitated by Sui Yu.

However, Xiao Hei still considered the possibility of Sui Yu falling out with the rebels and made various plans.

Looking at several feasible strategies, including self-reliance as a king, occupying a town and striving to develop, even listed several suitable towns.

Sui Yu thought for a while and said to Xiao Hei: "Your plans are very good, but this time I have my own plan."

"Currently the best option is to occupy the mountain as king in the name of an independent force, but instead of capturing these towns, we should build a stronghold that is reasonable and only belongs to us! Then... alliance with the alliance!"

Yes, Sui Yu intends to occupy the mountain and become king!

In the game for seventy years, Sui Yu, as the king of Noyiner, has long been accustomed to being supported as a king, so unconsciously, his way of thinking has broken away from the habitual thinking of ordinary people, and has become The thinking mode of the king in troubled times.

"As for the location..." Sui Yu smiled slightly: "I have a good place!"

Soon, Sui Yu led everyone to the familiar barren mountains.

Yes, Sui Yu's current place is the remote mountain where he lived for ten years in the memory of the second future!

Now, Sui Yu plans to occupy this place ahead of time, one step ahead of the rebels!

"Issuing a solicitation order in the name of the blue hero, calling for those who are willing to accept my asylum and pay labor to come here to open up wasteland."

"The land reclaimed area is their legal territory, and I guarantee him 70 years of property rights!"

Standing in the woods, Xiao Hei asked Sui Yu while inspecting the landscape: "Then do you want to emphasize that those who are idle and lazy should not come?"

"No need!" Sui Yu waved his finger and pointed to the remote mountains in front of him and explained to Xiao Hei: "We want to build a small country from scratch, and it's impossible for them to come here without suffering!"

"If you don't work hard, you will starve to death!"

"The blue hero only protects their lives from being taken away by the war. If I don't work hard and starve to death, it's none of my blue hero's business!"

"I'm not a god! So at best, I can only save the emergency, not the poor!"

"It doesn't matter if people who like to relax and hate work, who just want to hug their thick legs but don't want to pay anything, come, just use it as a negative teaching material to warn others!"

As a king, you must be ruthless at critical moments!

Because any decision made by the king will inevitably have vested interests and those whose interests and even lives will be damaged.

If you have a soft heart and a lot of worries, then the country under your rule will inevitably get worse and worse!

So when the king should be ruthless, he must be ruthless!

As long as you believe that your decision is correct and can lead the whole country to become more and more prosperous, then you must unswervingly implement it!

Even if it will cause many, many people to die!

Seeing Sui Yu's attitude at this time, Xiao Hei couldn't help but ask: "By the way, are you really Sui Yu? You haven't been brainwashed by evil gods, have you?! Why do I feel like you changed actors in the blink of an eye?" have to?!"

"I said." The evil **** protested indifferently: "As a higher-level existence, I really don't care what you call me, and I don't care what you say about me."

"But the minimum etiquette must always be talked about, right?"

"When you say bad things, at least you can hide the person behind your back?"

"At the very least, this child possessed by my consciousness will be angry!"

"Sorry!" Xiao Hei apologized resolutely. Although his expression was sincere and fearful, Sui Yu, who was familiar with him, knew that Xiao Hei was actually relieved at this time.

Sui Yu knew that Xiao Hei was also testing the evil **** while testing himself just now, and Xiao Hei was obviously relieved by the evil god's answer.

Thinking of this, Sui Yu smiled angrily and gave Xiao Hei a shudder: "I haven't been brainwashed!"

"If you don't believe me, I really came back after ten years."

Sui Yu scratched his hair and really didn't know how to explain: "In the history I experienced, although I killed the evil god, the war still continued."

"The Black Knights have a world as their backing, and there are so many elites, they finally gained the absolute upper hand."

"After controlling most of the territory of the entire Blue Star, the Black Knights activated the magic circle covering the entire Blue Star and opened a huge void gate to draw the void back."

"In the end, our world was destroyed, and my soul was saved by the evil **** at the time of crisis, and then returned to the present ten years ago with the help of the evil god!"

I probably told everyone about what happened in the past ten years, and it was also to let everyone remember this future memory.

With previous experience, Sui Yu knows that this future memory is forgotten very quickly. If you don't remember it deliberately, you may forget it soon!

Therefore, while Sui Yu explained it to everyone, he also hoped that everyone could help him remember it.

"In this case, let's do it according to Sui Yu's method." Xiao Hei nodded in agreement with Sui Yu's proposal: "After all, this is a plan you put forward based on ten years of experience, and I have no reason to object!"

No matter how resourceful and resourceful Xiao Hei is, his vision will eventually be constrained by the times and have the limitations of the times.

After understanding this, Xiao Hei decisively agreed to Sui Yu's plan.

Seeing that everyone was no longer confused, Sui Yu immediately began to assign tasks.

First, invite the family businesses of Yue Zishan and Elena to settle in.

Being implicated by the two, it is estimated that the life of these two groups will not be easy, so Sui Yu decisively invited the two groups over as he remembered, and offered various conditions in a targeted manner.

Well, these conditions were all negotiated after ten years of running-in in memory. Just tell the bottom line and let Yue Zishan and Eileen cross to negotiate. Presumably this time the industry can be transferred faster.

It's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. The two groups are only in the top 100 in the alliance, but they are the only two groups on Sui Yu's side!

In addition, Sui Yu will promise to protect everyone's life. In the current situation where spies infiltrated by the Black Knights are making trouble everywhere, and monsters appear in the city from time to time, it is really a very good choice!

Although it is clear that Sui Yu intends to form a balanced development situation through the check and balance of the two major groups, but the bait is too fragrant, and it is really difficult not to bite the bait!

Presumably, there must be many people from the two major groups who want to apply to be transferred here to open up wasteland!

With the two major groups settled in, it is estimated that the basic necessities of life, housing, transportation, and material circulation will be able to operate soon.

As for where to buy supplies?

Naturally, it is an alliance!

If other hero teams can respond to Sui Yu, he can definitely build a mercenary army, and earn enough money to feed a small country through training and dispatching mercenaries!

Anyway, the war will not end in the short term. Although making money from war sounds harsh, it can indeed support the small country established by Sui Yu for a few years.

At the same time, arrange for Fujiwara Ai, Xiao Hei, and Mumu to form a team to visit the heroes of the hero team and ask them if they are willing to settle in. As long as a certain number of masters are recruited, Sui Yu's mercenary support plan should be able to start up.

At the same time, even masters who don't want to be mercenaries can arrange for them to maintain law and order.

After all, Sui Yu has only one person, no matter how strong he is, he can only take care of the immediate security personnel are indispensable.

In many cases, the opening must be tightened at the first time, otherwise, the opening is easy, but when it is closed, it will cost a lot!

Therefore, security issues must be given top priority!

After everything was arranged, after seeing Xiao Hei and the others recording the coordinates and taking Sui Yu's quick drawing of the plan away, Sui Yu hugged the evil **** by his waist.

"Then it's time for us to get busy with what we have to do now!"


Sui Yu flew high with the evil **** in his arms, and about an hour later, the bulletproof glass in the office of a certain alliance figure suddenly shattered!

When the bodyguard inside subconsciously pushed the big man down behind the table and shot at the window, Sui Yu flew in unhurriedly against the crackling bullets.

These bodyguards can't carry powerful weapons on them, they are basically small-caliber pistols.

Even if the performance is good, in Sui Yu's eyes, these bullets have no defensive value at all.

No, accompanied by a series of bullets hitting the magic power of Sui Yu's body, Sui Yu smiled and said to the big man hiding behind the table: "Your Excellency, I am here this time to establish a relationship with the Shenzhou Alliance Alliance relationship!"

"And the chips..."

After the shooting, Sui Yu removed the magic shield in front of the evil **** and put the weak evil **** on the ground: "This is the evil god!"

"If you are interested in knowledge about the void and divine power, the evil **** is willing to cooperate with you and teach you knowledge about the void and divine power!"

"Compared to freezing her up and studying the phenomena around her lightly, I think it's better to ask me directly... Uh, my **** is more direct!"

"This is the bargaining chip for alliance!"

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