Modify Super God

Chapter 1025: resurrection!

"Hahaha! I died so badly!" Ao

The guy who uttered such a weird sentence with a hearty laugh was none other than Tiger King, the king of the Wild Lion Empire!

During the duel, Sui Yu deliberately did not leave the range of the city wall, and even when he killed the Tiger King, Sui Yu deliberately threw the Tiger King's body inside, in order to revive him under the influence of the Goddess of Life.

Just as Sui Yu thought.

After Sui Yu yelled for a long time and asked who else was not convinced, but when the orcs saw that everyone was persuaded, they dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender. The Tiger King finally came back to life and came to Sui Yu's side in stride.

After greeting with slightly weird words, the Tiger King knelt down on the ground facing Sui Yu with a plop: "The Tiger King, the leader of the Tiger Tribe, see the co-lord of the orcs!"

"See Beastmaster!!"

Seeing the Tiger King kneeling, other orc soldiers around and the patriarchs of other orc clans who rushed over also knelt down in front of Sui Yu and shouted "Long live the Beast King"! Ao

At this scene, the soldiers of the Neuer Kingdom under the city were instantly dumbfounded.

Originally, they thought that there would be a more brutal battle waiting for them in the next one. God knows how many familiar comrades around them are left after this battle!

But never expected that after Sui Yu went up to the duel, the Beastmaster would directly surrender on behalf of the Wild Lion Empire? !

In particular, the players who mixed in had a strange look on their faces.

It feels like in an ordinary game, the player came to the door of the BOSS room and used a lot of rare props to increase a lot of attributes, and then blessed a lot of BUFF and walked into the BOSS room tremblingly.


Plot kill! Ao

This punch feels bad on cotton!

No, Dong Jie couldn't help complaining: "I was so nervous last night that I didn't fall asleep, and now I feel like a fool!"

Hearing this, Meteor laughed and teased, "Dongjie, did you stay up all night because you were nervous?!"

Ignoring the commotion in the city, Sui Yu simply accepted the surrender of all ethnic groups directly on the top of the city, and told them that the Kingdom of Neuer will send officials to take over the rights of the entire Wild Lion Province and let them cooperate.

At the same time, it also promises that the orcs will not face any discrimination in the Kingdom of Neuer, and promises to add the crime of discrimination to the code of the Kingdom of Neuer, and the punishment is extremely severe!

Serious death penalty!

The most serious punishment is to punish those who discriminate against orcs to become slaves of the discriminated object! Ao

Heavy codes are used in troubled times, and only when the cost of crime is so high that people dare not take advantage of it, in a cruel war, Sui Yu doesn't have to worry about the safety of the rear!

While promising not to discriminate and to provide jobs to the orcs to improve their living standards, Sui Yu even announced that he would annex the orc army.

With voluntariness as the basic principle, all orc warriors who want to kill the enemy and make meritorious service on the battlefield can join Sui Yu's army!

Moreover, Sui Yu announced on the spot without hesitation that after the Wild Lion Empire, the rear of the Neuer Kingdom, was pacified, Sui Yu would immediately march north!

The ultimate goal is - to unify the whole!

The blood boiled by Sui Yu's ambition, and the orcs who advocated force immediately screamed happily.

With this appearance, it is really hard for people to think that not long ago, when they met, they were enemies who wanted to beat their brains out! Ao

"I specially arranged for people to collect the corpses of the orcs that I killed along the way before and preserve them with magic power to prevent them from being wiped out by the world refresh."

Sui Yu followed up with another shocking report: "Next, prepare a large enough square for me and arrange this magic circle on the square. I will perform group resurrection!"

"Group resurrection?!"

Holding the scroll that Sui Yu casually handed to him in both hands, Tiger King's voice trembled uncontrollably: "Could it be that..."

"Yes!" Sui Yu nodded slightly: "After this battle, the casualties of both of us are not accidents that make it impossible to recover the unlucky corpses. Generally speaking, they are all zero!"

"Of course, those soldiers who have been resurrected from our army will lose their qualifications to continue serving as soldiers!"

"After all, it will be a disaster for those who are not suitable for the cruel battlefield to stay in the team!"

This is the same as killing the Holy Mother first in the last days. Unsuitable people stay in unsuitable positions, and if they fail, they will implicate everyone!

Hurt self and others!

No matter what the reason is, since he died once, he has lost the opportunity to continue to serve as a soldier!

However, the beasts obviously didn't care about the intention of what Sui Yu said later, and they didn't know how many layers of intentions were contained in Sui Yu's order not to allow the resurrected to serve as soldiers again.

When they heard that the conditions after the surrender were so good, everyone was overjoyed!

"Oh! Great! Surrender! La la la!"

So, is it really good to be so happy to surrender? ! Ao

Soon, Tiger King sent someone to open the treasury of the Wild Lion Empire for Sui Yu.

There are no rare treasures inside, but there are a large number of magic cores, as well as mountains of dropped materials and rare props!

The drop rate of rare props is not high. Even if a player with a super lucky value like Sui Yu takes the initiative to farm, it may take a long time, and Sui Yu may not have time to go to various leveling areas to farm monsters.

However, when the probability is faced with a huge number, it seems a little insignificant!

The orcs started to farm monsters and level up since they were young, and almost the entire Wild Lion Empire relied on monster farming to run.

As a result, under the influence of all the citizens fighting monsters together for many years, the treasury of the Wild Lion Empire became what it is now.

All kinds of rare materials here are almost like cabbage on the rotten street! Ao

Because of this, it was easy to collect the materials needed to arrange the resurrection magic circle.

Afterwards, under the meticulous command of the Huren, who was granted the title of Marquis Xiang, the lord of the Wild Lion Province, a large number of orc shamans took half a day to complete the arrangement of the magic circle that Sui Yu had confessed.

I checked the quality of the magic circle and found that the arrangement was perfect.

Sui Yu then ordered the soldiers to carry all the corpses of the war dead into various nodes of the magic circle.

After finishing all this, Sui Yu stood at the main seat of the magic circle, that is, the center of the magic circle, and began to cast spells.

"start up!"

Just two words, but it shook the world under the influence of magic power! Ao

As if ordered by the king, the magic circle immediately responded to Sui Yu's order and began to operate.

Massive magic power gathered, and the magic circle moved quickly.

Magic like a fairyland enveloped the entire magic circle, and then a large amount of magic power condensed into a liquid that quickly traveled through the magic circle, and used this as energy to activate the functions of the magic circle one by one.

Seeing this, Sui Yu who was standing in the center raised his hands slightly and slowly circled.

Under the traction of the magic power, one after another mysterious magic circle appeared layer by layer above the huge magic circle, and slowly rotated around the huge magic circle.

As the concentration of magic power became higher and higher, King Tiger and the other masters couldn't help but take a few steps back, feeling fearful.

Although I know that this is a magic circle for resurrection, the magic power fluctuations emitted are definitely far beyond the scope of big magic and reached the level of forbidden spells! Ao


Only the fluctuation of magic power emitted by the secondary magic circle rotating above has reached the level of forbidden spells!

The magic fluctuations emitted by the big formation below far exceeded the cognition of all spellcasters!

If the magic power suddenly gets out of control and explodes, most of the map of the Wild Lion Empire will be rewritten!

But fortunately, as the magic circles rotating around lit up one by one, a large number of illusory souls were drawn by the magic circle, and then merged into their respective bodies.


"This is heaven?" Ao

"Is this the sanctuary of the orcs?"

"I don't want to die!"

Various voices sounded one after another, and when the magic light gradually dissipated, all the corpses piled up just now became living beings.

If their weapons hadn't been taken away, maybe some soldiers whose memories were still in the state of war would definitely continue to fight at this time!

Seeing this, Sui Yu was finally relieved.

Just like what he said, UU Reading He is really not good at white magic. Originally, Sui Yu thought he could only resurrect half of them at most, but who knew that all of them were successfully resurrected.

Good luck! Ao

"listen to me!"

Sui Yu's voice caught the eyes of the resurrected just right: "First of all, congratulations on your resurrection!"

Now that the resurrection magic has been a great success, Sui Yu naturally has to take this opportunity to establish his prestige!

"Secondly, let me tell you, this is the Wild Lion City of the Wild Lion Empire!"

"at last!"

"The war between the Neuer Kingdom and the Wild Lion Empire is over!"

"That's right!" Ao

"This war! The Kingdom of Neuer has won!!"

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