Modify Super God

Chapter 1306: Feel sorry! I'm a little angry!

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Push the door and get out of the car!

Seeing that the other party was cutting in line so aggressively and scolding him so harshly, Sui Yu got off the car immediately!

Seeing Sui Yu get out of the car, the male driver in sunglasses who was in charge of driving quickly got out of the car and stopped him: "General, you don't need to do this little thing..."

Before he could finish speaking, Sui Yu raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

Of course, if a normal person heard this half sentence, they would probably know what to do.

To put it bluntly, the purpose of the male driver in sunglasses was to worry about something happening.

Of course, what he was worried about was not Sui Yu, but what happened to the person in the car who jumped in line!

Unfortunately, the man in sunglasses didn't convey his good intentions, and even received a lot of abuse from the guys who joined him.

"So majestic! Who are you fooling, you little brat?!"

"General?! The general will line up with us ordinary people when traveling?!"

"Fuck you Gobid! Do you think we are idiots?!"

After the man finished scolding, the woman stared and shouted in a very bitter tone: "And what happened to the general?! The general can jump in the queue at will?! The general can be lawless?!"

Seeing the woman with her hands on her hips accusing Sui Yu of jumping in line, Sui Yu retorted: "Look at where our car is driving, and then look at where your team is driving."

"We were queuing up in the center of the painted line, and your cars were all over the line! It seems like it's your row of cars that are the ones lining up, right?!"

Hearing what Sui Yu said, the man and woman immediately yelled angrily: "You say we're going to stop you and we're going to stop you? Who do you think you are?!"

At the same time, when other drivers in the queue heard Sui Yu's words, they all stuck their heads out of the car and shouted: "That's right! Why do you say our queue is a queue?! Why?!"

Seeing that he had become the target of public criticism, Sui Yu sighed and smiled.

Inexplicably, the surrounding air seemed to suddenly become a little cold.

After many people around him couldn't help but shudder, Sui Yu said: "Sorry!"

Just when everyone thought Sui Yu was apologizing for his gaffe, Sui Yu immediately said loudly: "I am a very violent person!"

"General!" The male driver in sunglasses noticed something was wrong and subconsciously wanted to stop him, but it was too late!

A faint light flickered in Sui Yu's hand, and then a bright silver pistol appeared in Sui Yu's hand!

Raise your hand!

The muzzle of the gun was instantly aimed at the forehead of the shouting fat man!


Without a trace of hesitation!

Sui Yu was very decisive at this time and shot directly!

Various liquids splashed everywhere, and the body of the fat man fell straight down. His death was extremely miserable!


The unruly woman next to her subconsciously screamed in agony when she saw her companion being shot at close range.


Sui Yu smiled and pointed his gun at the screaming woman: "Men and women are equal! Then let me give you a fair death!"

The woman cried and tried to beg for mercy, but...


Gunshots ring out!

The woman's miserable body fell limply to the ground!

However, Sui Yu, who was more violent, did not stop killing, but walked to the side of the traffic jam...


Smashing the car window with the handle of the gun, Sui Yu pointed the gun at the female driver with a smile.

Smiling slightly, Sui Yu reminded her softly: "Remember to abide by the rules in the next life and don't do uncivilized behavior!"


Gunshots rang out, and then everything fell silent!

However, Sui Yu could feel that many people were secretly filming with their mobile phones at this time.

Many of them started videotaping the quarrel from the very beginning.

After all, in this letter

In the age of information, everyone is accustomed to recording their experiences and posting them online.

Sui Yu didn't care at all.

Even after gently pushing the commercial vehicle blocking the road, Sui Yu shouted directly to the cell phones that were filming: "I am Sui Yu! Some people may have recognized me!"

"I am the former blue hero! I am also the youngest general in the alliance!"

"At the same time, he is also the commander-in-chief who will lead the Lions of our alliance to counterattack the enemy!"

"I know there are many people on the Internet and in real life scolding me!"

"But I don't care!"

"Not only do I not care! I even use my actions to create more opportunities for you to scold me!"

"After all, I am not a saint in essence, but an ordinary person! Recently, I have even become a bit more aggressive because of being scolded by you!"

"What I did went too far! So you can scold me if you want! If you want to hold me accountable, you can also use any method you can think of to cause trouble for me!"

"Of course! It's the same sentence! I'm not a saint! I will get angry even if I get scolded!"

"But, when I'm angry, I won't vent my anger on others!"

"If I want to vent my I will only vent my anger on the unlucky people who provoke me or do uncivilized behavior that I can't stand!"

"Like these guys!"

"Gase is blaming me?! Do you really think I don't dare to kill people in public?!"

"Soon! I will lead the alliance's elites to kill who knows how many people in order to protect our country!"

"The number of lives that are about to be lost is definitely far beyond your imagination!"

"Hmph! To protect the alliance! To save this world! I have the consciousness to kill millions of people, but what about these few gangsters who are used to being domineering?!"

"So, I solemnly declare here!"

"I don't care what kind of uncivilized behavior you are used to! Whether it's going against the grain or jumping in line randomly! Don't let me happen to you!"

"We met! Then don't blame me for being violent!"

"To tell you the truth! I won't be afraid even if I get scolded by everyone in the alliance! At best, I won't save the world and find a place to live in peace and seclusion!"

After saying this, Sui Yu glanced at the drivers in the convoy next door who had just shouted.

Scanned by Sui Yu's cold gaze, those guys all shrank their necks and lowered their heads, not daring to look at Sui Yu at all.


With a cold snort, Sui Yu didn't bother to meet them and went back to the car.

Sui Yu didn't need to say anything, the man in sunglasses quickly got in the car, started the car and drove away without anyone daring to stop him.

Back in Avalon, Sui Yu accidentally saw it when he was checking the news the next day.

The results of the alliance's handling of this "vicious jamming incident" are out.

After video playback and investigation, the vehicle that initially took the lead in blocking the car was finally identified.

Just as the male driver in sunglasses, whose name Sui Yu didn't ask, guessed, there was only one row of cars queuing in this lane at first.

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