"Hello Mr. Gu Le, who respects gold:

Thank you for your donation to this primary school. On behalf of all the teachers and students of the school, I would like to express my highest respect to you.

The school has been completed, and several village chiefs from neighboring villages and several supporting teachers came over to perform the cutting ceremony.

My only regret is that you were not there.

It is your generosity that allows these cowherd boys to enter the school.

It is your great righteousness that gives these miserable children a chance to escape their fate.

Before this school existed.

Children from several nearby villages are either too poor to go to school.

Or not going to school because of the long distance (nearly three hours of walking one way).

But with this school, all the children in several nearby villages can go to school much more conveniently.

The parents of these children are simple, honest farmers, and they don’t know how to express their gratitude to you.

So let me write you a letter.

On behalf of all the children, I want to say thank you!

These students let me tell you!

They will definitely go to school seriously and study with peace of mind.

I wish I could be like you and help more children like them who cannot afford to go to school.

Mr. Gule!

Please come over when you have time, these children are very good, and they also want to meet you..."

Read here.

Yang Mi had tears streaming down her face, and gradually she broke down in tears.

Beside him, Reba was also crying, covering his face and turning his back to the camera.

Zifeng even squatted on the ground in tears.

The writing is very plain.

There wasn't much sensationalism, but it was like a needle piercing the hearts of the three beauties of heaven.

Ancient music!

No one knew who this name was before.

But he is great.

Because of what he did silently.

As noble as a saint.

Many celebrities like to donate, and many capitalists also like to donate.

But after they donated money, they wished that everyone in the world knew that they had donated money.

What's more, they use donations as a gimmick to gain greater benefits.

But how many people can really do what Gu Le does?

Donations are really only for those poor children.

There is not even a little bit of interest involved.

Ten years.

The students in that school may have entered university or even stepped out of society.

They may be looking back at the past in front of a large floor-to-ceiling window at nightfall.

Everyone will think of a person named Gu Le.

If not for his donation.

They should still be in that small mountain village where they have to walk for several hours to buy some daily necessities.

Perhaps what he is best at is herding cattle and farming.

"China needs more people like this."

"It is precisely because of people like this that China will be better."

"Gu Le, we should remember his name deeply."

"Yes, ten years, a whole ten years. If it hadn't been for the Mushroom House program team who came here by mistake, the good things he did would never have been exposed in his life."

"He didn't want to be exposed at all, he just wanted to do good."

"Could this be a deliberate arrangement by the program team? Is there such a person in the world?"

"Please shut up. No matter how stupid the show crew is, they won't dare to take risks and do such immoral things."

"That is, if you want to get hype, do you have to wait ten years?"

"Mimi, come on, we all want to know if Gu Le is Ye Shaoheng."

"Yes, we need to find evidence to prove whether it is him or not. If Gu Le is really Ye Shaoheng, I will absolutely support any book he publishes in the future."

"Brother, let's be practical. If Ye Shaoheng still writes books, it would be a great kindness, okay?"


The Internet has gone viral because of this letter from the principal.

Because no matter who it is, they can't believe that there are really people in this world who do good deeds without leaving their names behind, and even cover up themselves.

Teacher He wiped the tears on his face vigorously, and after coughing twice, he said in a hoarse voice: "Everyone, we have only read two letters, but there are many, many letters here.

According to Aunt Li, these letters were brought back by Ye Shaoheng in sacks.

I really want to know how many good things this man named Gu Le has done quietly in private.

He should be dug out.

He should be our role model.

China needs such role models. "

Teacher He’s few words completely ignited the effect of the program.

The audience's voice is getting louder and louder, and more and more viewers are watching the live broadcast room.

Positive things.

Anywhere in Rehe, it deserves attention.

Yang Mi had already collected her emotions. She walked to the camera, showed a professional smile and said to the camera.

“I entered the entertainment industry when I was a child, and I participated in so many variety shows.

This issue of Mushroom House is the most satisfying and touching one for me.

We just lost our composure, let’s continue. "

"No disrespect, I love you just the way you are."

"Tears are a normal reaction in this situation."

"Mimi, thank you for letting me see a unique program."


"As for who Gu Le is, the answer is actually ready to come out." Yang Mi once again showed her side as a strong woman.

"If nothing else, it's Ye Shaoheng. First of all, he has the financial strength.

Secondly, he is a low-key person, otherwise his true identity would not have been revealed ten years later.

Third, if Gu Le was not Ye Shaoheng, these letters should not be here.

It was even less possible for him to take it apart and look at it.

The next thing is simple.

Because these letters left a very important clue. "

Yang Mi picked up an envelope and faced the camera.

“There are only two addresses on all the envelopes, we just need to check these two addresses.

The answer should come to light.

So without further ado, let’s get started. "


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