Mom Was Washing Dishes In The Mushroom House And Exposed My Vest

0064 Ye Shaoheng Who Had His Manuscript Rejected

"Are there two versions of Fantasy City?"

"No, I am a fan of Guo Weiwei. "Fantasy City" is just one version."

"What does Reba mean by this? What does it mean that this is the original version of the published version of "Fantasy City"?"

"It means that the published "Fantasy City" is the son of the "Fantasy City" in her hand."


“A very fitting explanation.”

"But it's impossible. "Fantasy City" is really just one version. I have never heard of two versions of "Fantasy City"."

"I just checked the information and found that there is only one version of "Fantasy City"."

"It's getting more and more chaotic."

"Yes, my mind is so confused right now that I don't understand what's going on at all.~"

"What is so difficult to understand? Which of the published books has not been refined?"

"You are very smart. In intensive cultivation, the number of words becomes fewer and fewer as you practice intensively. Have you ever seen people who cultivate more and more words in intensive cultivation?"

"Don't make any noise, we have a free detective, let her tell us the answer."


This time, even Yang Mi, as a detective, was fooled.

"Reba, what does the original version of "Fantasy City" mean?"

Reba smiled bitterly and said: "There are two possibilities now. First, this is the original version of "Fantasy City", and the finally published "Fantasy City" was written as an extension of this short story.

Another reason is that after watching "Fantasy City", Ye Shaoheng extracted the core content of the entire story.

I personally think that the former is more likely. "

Teacher He was silent for a long time and finally said, "I agree with Reba's statement.

With Ye Shaoheng's talent, there is no need to extract the core content of other people's novels. If he has this time, he might as well write one himself.

Yang Mi smiled and said: "This is another very important clue. If this riddle is solved, won't it be clear at a glance whether Guo Erwei is Ye Shaoheng's vest?"

"But how to solve it?" Teacher He looked confused.

"There are words behind it.""

Perhaps out of boredom, Reba turned over the homework book in his hand repeatedly.

The homework book is not thick, but this version of "Fantasy City" only has about 10,000 words, which is more than enough to write it down. Therefore, after "Fantasy City" is finished, there will be about ten thousand blank sheets of paper around it.

Under normal circumstances, no one will turn to the next page after reading the content. After all, the pages are all blank and nothing can be turned over.

But the bored Reba actually turned to the last page.

"What are you writing about?" Yang Mi couldn't help but came to Reba's side with a quick step.

It was just when she and Reba looked at the content of those words at the same time.

A look of dumbfounding appeared on his face involuntarily.


"What did you see?"

"Read it quickly, don't get stuck at the critical moment."

"It can't be some content that no one can see."

Teacher He and Zifeng became curious and hurriedly approached.

When they saw those words, the expressions on their faces became wonderful.

"Ye Shaoheng is indeed Ye Shaoheng."

Teacher He made a faint comment.

Mimi shook her head helplessly, "I'm really convinced by him."

Zifeng's smiling eyes narrowed into slits, "Brother Ye Shaoheng is so funny, I really want to meet him.

While they were talking, Reba turned his homework and pointed it at the camera.

The more than 20 million viewers in the live broadcast room clearly saw a line of words that Ye Shaoheng deliberately capitalized.

"Unexpectedly, there are still words on the last page."

: "..."


"Are you kidding us?"

"What do you mean, you're playing tricks on us?"


"God man!"

"How did he know we were going to read his homework?"

"What does this mean? Does he have the ability to predict the future?"

"Oh my god, why do I feel chills on my back?"

"Can you read the whole thing? There are words at the bottom."

"It's too small to see clearly."

Reba turned the homework book back, and then said helplessly: "This is too naughty."

Yang Mi spread her hands, "What a naughty kid."

"There are still words below." Zifeng said.

Below these large characters, there are a few lines of small characters.

This time, Reba didn't lie, and read: "The reason why there are more than ten blank pages at the end is to tell you that this story can be expanded."

But writing by hand is too tiring, and I don’t have a computer yet.

Please read this story first and give me a satisfactory price.

Give me another deposit, and after I buy the computer, I will send you the full version of "Fantasy City" by email.

reply ASAP!"


"No, who is Ye Shaoheng ordering?"

"How does it feel to be a submission?"

"The tone of the submission is so aggressive?"

"This is called a harsh tone. When he voted for "Ma Liang, the Magic Brush" to Yizhi Duxiu, his tone was even tougher than this."

"Damn it...brothers and sisters, doesn't this prove that "Fantasy City" was written by Ye Shaoheng?"

"But that's not right. Ye Shaoheng already had a computer after he wrote "Ma Liang, the Magic Pen"."

"That is, at that time, his royalties, let alone a computer, even if he opened an Internet cafe at home, it was only a drop in the bucket."

"That's what's weird."

"What kind of brain circuit is this? I can't keep up with it at all."

"If you could keep up with Ye Shaoheng's brain circuit, you wouldn't be sitting here watching the live broadcast.

Not only the audience was confused.

Yang Mi and others were even more confused.

Of course it wasn't because of what he said. After all, they were already used to Ye Shaoheng's shocking words.

But Ye Shaoheng said that he did not have a computer.

When "Fantasy City" was published, Ye Shaoheng probably earned hundreds of millions in publishing fees.

How could there be no computer?

"Is this the other party's reply?" Zifeng asked, pointing to the next text.

Yang Mi nodded, "Probably, let's see what the other party replies."

Reba turned over the homework book and continued reading: "I'm sorry, after discussion and discussion by the editorial department, it was decided that this story did not meet the publication requirements.

……………………Please give me flowers…………

Please keep up the good work and look forward to cooperating with you next time.

Wanjin Publishing House…………

When he read the last few words, Reba's eyes almost popped out of his head in surprise.

The manuscript was rejected.

Ye Shaoheng's manuscript was actually rejected?

"What did I hear?"


"It feels so good, the knot in my chest disappeared in an instant.

"It's so funny that Ye Shaozhao was rejected."

"Damn it, isn't it? How blind does this publishing house have to be?"

"Awesome, "Fantasy City" was rejected. This must be the decision of some big shot."

"Wanjin Publishing House, you are going to be popular."

"Finally, someone helped me vent my anger."

"That's not right, this timeline is wrong."

"That's right, Ye Shaoheng already had a computer when he was thirteen years old."

""Fantasy City" is really Ye Shaoheng's work. I can't accept this fact."

"Oh my God, do you still want me to live?"


"I have gradually accepted Guo Erwei's change from female to male, and now Guo Erwei has become Ye Shaoheng's horse again.

Please tell me, will it make you feel uncomfortable if you don’t force me to death?”

"It's Ye Shaoheng again, no matter how awesome the writers are, they are all Ye Shaoheng."

"When you write a book, just write it seriously. Why do you keep changing your vest?"

"It's just fun to tease you."


"very messy!"

"Waiting for the results.

Yang Mi also looked horrified, and it took her a long time to reflect, "If I read it correctly, Ye Shaoheng's manuscript should have been rejected."

"Haha..." Teacher He laughed heartlessly, "You read that right, not wrong at all, he was rejected.

Zifeng said weakly: "Such a beautiful "Fantasy City" was rejected. This... is so magical."

Yang Mi shook her head, "Wanjin Publishing House, why haven't I heard about it?"

"I haven't heard of it either," Teacher He said.

In China, it is normal for Yang Mi not to have heard of any of the larger media companies, but it would be a bit abnormal for Teacher He not to have heard of it.

"Everyone, these are not important. What is important is that this manuscript and the reply from Wanjin Publishing House prove that Guo Tuwei is also Ye Shaoheng's Ma Shen?"

When Reba said this, his tone was trembling.

Yang Mi nodded solemnly, "From the handwriting, works, and the reply from Wanjin Publishing House, it can be proved that Guo Erwei is Ye Shaoheng's vest.

But there's only one thing that doesn't make sense.


As long as the timeline is explained clearly, the results will appear naturally.

Teacher He became serious about his homework, "But how can we find this timeline?"

"Eh!" Yang Mi's eyes suddenly lit up, "Since the manuscript was rejected by Wanjin Publishing House, Ye Shaoheng must not have signed a confidentiality agreement with Wanjin Publishing House.

As long as we contact Wanjin Publishing House, won’t all the mysteries be solved?”

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

Teacher He gave a high-five and said his classic line King!.

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