Under Yu Zheng's podcast, the painting style changed instantly.

His original intention was to question the authenticity of Ye Shaoheng being a wise boy and An Tusheng's vest.

But he somehow managed to stir up a hornet's nest.

A large group of Internet writers swarmed him and launched a fierce attack on him.

"What's fifteen thousand words a day?"

"It's all a fuss."

"If you have this little time, you might as well go and code a few more chapters."

"Yu Zheng, right? I think there is something wrong with this kid."

"I'm in a dark room. I heard that some people are questioning the coding speed of our online writers. Come on, let's give it a try.

“At first glance, it’s just a matter of popularity.”

"The clown."

"One leaf knows autumn, it's you, have you made it to the top of the list?"

"One Leaf Knows Autumn? That tentacle monster?"

"That seems to be the case. He's the one who makes 30,000 a day for a month."

"No wonder he jumped out."

"Everyone, who are these?"

“It seems to be a group of online writers.

"I can write 20,000 to 30,000 words a day. Is it true?"

"I am a reader, and I confirm that this is true. The author I am following writes 15,000 words a day, and is urged to update every day."

"What a pitiful group of people. I will stop piracy from now on."

"Yeah, it's not easy for these people either."


Yu Zheng's podcast style is completely biased.

Originally there were some fans who spoke for him.

But they found that they could not quarrel with this group of Internet writers at all.

They type very fast, and before you have even finished a sentence, he has already sent several messages over, so there is no way to disturb them.

Moreover, this group of people are particularly good at making jokes. They may say something that sounds nice, but it takes a long time to realize that they are scolding you.

Yu Zheng saw that he had finally gained such good popularity, but was actually disturbed by a group of Internet writers.

He was so angry that he posted a completely stupid podcast.

"Novel is about quality, not quantity.

If the quality of a writer is measured solely by speed.

Then there is no need for writers, now AI can do it. "

The first sentence is definitely fine.

But there is a problem later.

"You are also a writer of youth literature. Let's not talk about Ye Shaoheng. Han Shuang wrote three million words in a year, and his works sell well at home and abroad.

How does the quality compare to yours?

There is no quantity in quantity, and there is no quality in quality. How come there are so many dogs barking at me when I have nothing to do, but I still have the nerve to post such a blog post.

The brain is sick. "

"Good scolding."

"When you have some time, come up with a plot. Quality is king. Don't just think about crooked ways to increase the popularity."

“I started dancing as soon as I became famous.”

"One of the brainiacs has been identified."

"It's gone, it's gone, it's gone. At this level, it's not worth so many of us to deal with."

Yu Zheng was very sad.

What kind of group of people are these?

Aren’t you an online writer by word of mouth?

After all, you are also writers, so how do you get it right when you export it?

He was ready to refute, but found that the comments under his podcast were basically left by this group of people.

He was so angry that he deleted these two podcasts as soon as he lifted the mouse.

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend...


Yu Zheng is just one of the representatives of some writers.

Some writers also expressed their opinions on various social media.

Some people are really just trying to gain popularity.

But some people do have well-founded doubts.

For some writers of traditional literature.

If Ye Shaoheng is really a combination of Han Shuang and Guo Weiyi.

The number of words he wrote in a year is indeed shocking.

It's normal to question.

This matter has somehow evolved into a war between traditional literature writers and online literature writers.

At the beginning.

Everyone is still arguing about how many words a writer can write in a day.

The quarrel got sidetracked.

Started debating whether a writer writing too many words a day would affect the quality of his work.

The unwavering expression of traditional literary writers.

definitely will.

The text should be concise, and when writing novels, one should strive for excellence, not focusing on quantity, but pursuing quality.

Not to be outdone, online writers fought back.

Said that times have changed now.

Literature is a pastime.

The best thing to do is to make readers enjoy watching it.

Otherwise, why would online literature develop so fast?

Why did traditional literature decline so quickly?

In short, no one was allowed to give in to anyone, and the noise was so loud that the whole world was dark.

Then the topic changed again.

It has become a dispute over the value of traditional literature and online literature.

Traditional literary writers expressed.

Internet literature is just like fast food literature. Once you read it, you will forget it.

No depth, no meaning.

Internet writers rebutted.

Traditional literature has depth and meaning, and only a few of them are remembered.

current readers.

Reading novels is to pass the time.

Think of reading novels as a pastime.

You have suffered so much and hated so much that if you don’t tell the readers how uncomfortable they are, how much inspiration can they be inspired by?

If you really want to cleanse your soul, read the Four Books and Five Classics!

If you want to know the philosophy of life, search it on the Internet.

There are many Chicken Soup for the Soul, and they are very concise, just one or two sentences.

If you want, you can memorize it.

Both parties are people who make up stories to make a living.

Use words to express your emotions.

All extremely handy.

It's fun to be noisy.

Netizens originally stood in line to help the quarrel.

Found out later.

The quarrel between writers on both sides is hardly too joyful.

You should quote the scriptures.

Let’s talk about the present through the past.

No one wants to be outdone.

The impact is getting wider and wider.

Finally, those extremely influential writers had no choice but to be involved.

Mo Yaoyan, who had previously posted a post praising Ye Shaoheng, posted again.

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s traditional literature or online novels.

Actually there is not much difference.

It's just that the carrier is different.

Traditional literature naturally has many excellent works, but there must also be some dross.

In the same way, the same is true for online literature.

However, Internet literature has developed rapidly in the past two years, and the number of its works has increased exponentially.

The larger the base number, the greater the natural difference between the advantages and disadvantages.

So don't argue on this matter anymore, it will be fruitless.

In addition, the point at which everyone is arguing is also distorted.

Whether Han Shuang and Guo Erwei are Ye Shaoheng's vests, I personally think there is a high probability that they are.


There is no doubt that Ye Shaoheng is the owner of the two vests, Zhitong and An Tusheng.

After all, the publishers have stood up and proved that although it is cryptic, anyone who is not stupid can understand it.

Look at Han Shuang and Guo Weiwei again.

The working styles of these two writers are extremely similar to those of Han Shuang and Guo Weiwei.

Coupled with the evidence provided, theoretically speaking, there is no dispute that Han Shuang and Guo Erwei are Ye Shaoheng's vests.

Oh, right.

I don't think there is any need to argue about the writing speed. I was writing "Life and Death Exhausted".

Five hundred thousand words, it only took 43 days, plus intensive editing.

Purely handwritten.

Personal opinion, don’t comment if you don’t like it!”

After Mo Yaoyan finished speaking, he closed the comments.

He is afraid that someone will quarrel with him!

Nowadays, it is difficult to be a man, and even more difficult to be a famous man.

Yu Hua’s interview is not over yet.

The host here asked Yu Huadao at the signal of the program team: "Mr. Yu, another shocking news just broke out, that is, the representative writers of youth literature, Han Shuang and Guo Weiwei, are actually the same person.

And this person is Shao Chong whom I just mentioned to you.

What do you think for this?"

"Ye Shaoheng?" Yu Hua was shocked, "You mean, in addition to publishing works under the two vests of Zhitong and An Tusheng.

Used two other vests and went to another literary field?"

"Yes." The host replied with a smile.

"No opinion, it's normal. Writing depends on talent.

Just like me, I don’t know many words, but everyone thinks the novels I write are good-looking. In fact, I don’t even know what makes the novels I write good-looking.

The host smiled. She was deeply impressed by Yu Hua's humor. "Aren't you surprised? A person is so talented?"

"What's so surprising?"

Yu Hua smiled, "Just like Mo Yaoyan, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature, should we also question it?

Again, talent!"

After Wu Shuo's podcast was released, he did not expect that it would cause such a big controversy.

In fact, he never left the computer.

He read all the comments on the Internet.

He also made a point of watching Mo Yaoyanfa’s podcast.

It was completely contrary to his thoughts and opinions.

He lit a cigarette.

Think about it quietly.

Finally, he decided to post another podcast questioning Ye Shaoheng.

After all, so many people have stood up to support their claims, and they are now trapped in a bloody battle with no way out.

It's a bit unreasonable that he, the instigator, protects himself wisely.

Put out the cigarette.

He began to write rapidly.

An hour later, a eloquent podcast was written.

He looked back and was very satisfied.

With elegant writing, sharp diction, and surprising viewpoints, this podcast will definitely be reprinted by countless people again.

Just as he was about to launch this podcast.

His cell phone rang.

He didn't intend to answer it, but when he saw the memo displayed on his phone, he quickly put down the mouse.

The call was answered.

"Boss, why do you call me when you have time?"

Wu Shuo changed from his usual toughness and now seemed a bit flattering. .

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