Mom Was Washing Dishes In The Mushroom House And Exposed My Vest

0084 The Eternal Shame Of The Chinese Poetry World

"This old man, why do you say that you are so anxious?"

"That's right, you are a professor after all. Can you be more generous?"

"Are all people nowadays so angry?"

"Professor, your nickname is Beast...just figure it out for yourself.

"Don't kill a group of people just because of one individual."

"Don't you know Yun Zhonghe?"

"If you know Yun Zhonghe, then you will know why Professor Zhu is so serious."

"Who doesn't know about Yun Zhonghe? Several of his poems have not been read."

"Yes, I admit that Yun Zhonghe is powerful, but it's not as exaggerated as he said.

What's more, with the poems he wrote, he will be remembered in history without Zhu Xing's emphasis. "

"His poems are truly classics among classics."

"The night gave me a pair of black eyes, but I used them to look for light... My favorite poem, bar none."

""A Generation" is just one of his many poems."

" seems like these kids don't know about the 2012 poetry incident."

"They are only ten years old at most, it would be strange to know!"

"It's just a waste of time talking to these kids."

"They didn't understand what Zhu Xing meant. Zhu Xing asked Chinese people to remember Yun Zhonghe, not just the name, but also the incident.'

"Damn...what are you talking about upstairs?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

"What poetry incident?"

"Don't worry, Baoxing will definitely tell you."

"When I tell you later, you will know how infuriating this incident is and how awesome Yun Zhonghe is.

"If it's true or false, then I have to listen carefully."

"Listen carefully, children. From now on, you will be proud to be Chinese."

"I have no regrets in entering China? This seems to be what Yun Zhonghe said?"

"If we want to talk about this, I'm not sleepy anymore!"

At this time, Zifeng was extremely aggrieved.

Seeing Zhu Xing's playful smile, she thought he was a very kind old man.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t take the initiative to speak to him.

But she never imagined that she just asked a few questions.

He actually got angry.

Zifeng felt aggrieved.

Of course she knew Yun Zhonghe. In other words, anyone who had attended school in Hua Country knew him.

Because his poems are so well written.

Then just say what you say, what?

The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved Zifeng became, and she started to shed tears.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Xing also felt a little embarrassed, and quickly comforted him: "Girl Zifeng, I'm sorry, grandpa was a little excited just now.

I hope you can forgive Grandpa.

Grandpa didn't mean it.

It was just because the incident that year made me so angry that I was so motivated.

Just listen carefully. If grandpa finishes speaking, you still blame grandpa.

No matter where you are, I will rush over and apologize to you face to face. "

Zhu Xing's posture was very low.

As a professor, quality is the minimum.

Although he knew what he said was right.

But there is something wrong with being so cruel to a little girl.

Yang Mi quickly walked over, hugged Zifeng in her arms, and whispered in her ear: "Zifeng, I know about the poetry incident in 2012.

Zhu Xing is an old scholar and a person with a strong national complex.

That's why he's so excited, don't blame him.

You will know later why he is so excited.

Zifeng raised her pretty face and looked into Yang Mi's eyes, looking pitiful.

She asked with some confusion: "Poet, how come it involves national plot?"

"I can't explain this in one or two sentences, don't worry, since Zhu Xing has said so, he will tell the story to everyone." Yang Mi said with a smile.

Zifeng stopped her tears, turned around and wiped them away. When she returned to the live broadcast screen, she was already smiling.

On an actor’s self-cultivation!

Zifeng walked to Teacher He and said to Zhu Xing on the screen: "Grandpa Zhu Xing, I am young and have not experienced that incident.

But I'm very curious now and hope you can tell us about it. "


Zhu Xing felt guilty, but after hearing Zifeng's words.

The heavy burden in his heart fell away, and he let out a hearty laugh.

"Okay, today I will tell you about that incident.

I believe that after listening to this, you will have a new understanding of Yun Zhonghe. "

Teacher He helped: "Yes, I paid close attention to that incident. Now that I think about it, I still feel uncomfortable.

But fortunately we have a son.

His name is Yun Zhonghe.

He is more than a pseudonym for a poet.

He is the backbone that supports the face of our country. "

"How did a poet become the backbone of our country?"

“Today’s programs are just for gimmicks, and there really is no lower limit.

"Is it such an exaggeration? This one singing in harmony makes it look real."

"I can only say two words to you, 'Haha'!"

"Hey, when I saw their comments, I really felt a burst of sadness."

"Don't worry about it. Wait until Professor Zhu finishes speaking. They will understand."

"Yeah, they just haven't experienced it."

Zhu Xing didn't speak immediately.

He picked up the teacup and took a sip.

His eyes suddenly became blurred.

The memory began to drift, and the picture finally settled in 2012.

"2012 may be because the Mayan civilization predicted that the world would be destroyed.

As a result, that year was not a good year.

For the Chinese poetry circle, it was even more of a disaster.

But this disaster is not a natural disaster, but man-made.

That spring.

Molhe, a well-known figure in the world of poetry, has accomplished a major event that made people all over the world give him a thumbs up.

He took the lead and prepared to publish a collection of poems.

Then all royalties from this collection of poems will be collected.

All of it will be used to support children in Africa who don’t have enough food to eat.


Having said this, Zhu Xing sneered and asked the screen, "Is the Buddha a big man?"

"Great, so great."

"Morge, he is a well-known figure. His poems are very beautiful. Did you never expect that he has done such earth-shattering good deeds?"

"Some foreign celebrities really like to do charity."

"Do you understand, they do charity to avoid taxes?"

"Brother, please publish a book of poems and donate all the money you earn. How can you avoid taxes?"

"It's just that some people have dark hearts."

"Just scream, you will cry later.

"Sit back and watch the show."

"These kids are too impatient now."

"They didn't even notice there was anything wrong with Zhu Xing's tone, and I was convinced."

Zhu Xing naturally didn't know what the audience was saying.

After he asked this question, after a while, he sneered and said: "Great, people all over the world think he is great, including me at that time.

Because he also said that the royalty finance is completely disclosed.

In this way, no one dares to say that he has selfish motives.

Later, he found several poets who were famous in the world.

After planning together for a few days, we came up with a perfect plan.

……………………Please give me flowers 0

Very simple.

Ask poets from all over the world to send some works, and then they will do the screening.

Finally, the top 100 poems will be made into a poetry collection and published.

What a feat!

One hundred new poems, one hundred writers, and these poets exist in every country.

If this collection of poems is released, sales will definitely be explosive.

And these one hundred poets will also go down in history, and the world will always remember their names.

Although there is no money.

But you can earn fame and do good things.

So after Molhe's invitation was sent out.

New, feel-good poems written by poets from around the world.

It was like snowflakes floating to the country where Morhe was.

Beautiful country.

Our country's poets are no exception.

Having been influenced by Confucianism for thousands of years, the most important thing for us is benevolence and righteousness.

Therefore, Chinese poets were the most enthusiastic and sent poems they thought were well written. "

Speaking of this, the corners of Zhu Xing's mouth trembled.

He picked up the tea cup again and took a sip of water.

"Any questions?"

"No, I've been listening to it for a long time and I haven't heard any questions.

"Damn it, what is this old man doing out of surprise? Let's get straight to the point."


"I can't understand this crappy show. Ten thousand percent of it is a staged drama. Are we really being fooled?"

"This is a good thing. Why is Zhu Xing so angry? Is he too petty?"

"That's right, can't others do good things?"

"What the hell professor?"

"Thinking back to those days, ugh! Molhe was really disgusting."

"He was just used as a gunman, and the real instigator was the beautiful country.

"Disgusting, it makes me sick just thinking about that."

"Zhu Xing is worthy of being a professor, and he has laid the foundation very well.

The purpose is to let these children remember this matter like a brand in their minds, so that they will not know the world for a day. "



Zhu Xing put down the tea cup again and continued talking to the camera.

"According to the last official data, almost 8,000 poets from all countries and regions in the world have sent them poems.

All the poems add up to more than 15,000 poems.

The kind-hearted Molhe team also made detailed statistics on the number of poets who sent letters from each country, as well as the number of poems sent.

The country where poets participated the most was in China.

The country that sent the largest number of poems was also China.

There were 618 poets from China who participated, and they wrote 1,023 poems.

I will remember these two numbers for the rest of my life. "

"I am still the best in China."

"I am proud of being a Chinese."

"What is benevolence and righteousness? This is benevolence and righteousness."

"Benevolence and righteousness are the nature engraved in the bones of the Chinese people."

"Thumbs up to these more than 600 poets."

"So proud, so proud!"

"This collection of poems should be very popular. Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Me too. It's strange. A collection of a hundred outstanding poets must be very interesting."

"I'll go to the bookstore later and check it out."

Teacher He listened quietly and said nothing, even if Zhu Xing stopped.

He knew that Zhu Xing did this on purpose.

Because he knew how heavy the words Zhu Xing was about to say were.

Zhu Xing's lips were trembling slightly, and his expression was more like mourning for a concubine. He tried his best to control his teeth that were chattering in anger.

Facing the camera, he said something angrily.

"Six hundred and eighteen poets, one thousand and twenty-three poems...

All were voted down. ".

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