After Jin Nanfeng left like this, Li Yunxiu almost stayed up all night, and wanted to call in the morning to ask what it was.

Something happened, but Jin Nanfeng and Yang Yun's phones were both turned off.

Li Yunxiu sent Chenchen to school, a little absent-minded along the way.

Until I received a call from Xia Shanshan.

"Yunxiu, do you still have many people in your cafe?"

"what happened?"

"I have an event next year today. I need a few employees temporarily. I don't want to find temporary workers. So if you

If you are not busy, give me one or two for a day or two, and pay me to drive. "

Li Yunxiu was still thinking about Jin Nanfeng's affairs, even Xia Shanshan didn't listen too carefully.

"Yunxiu! Are you listening to me?"

Li Yunxiu recovered his senses and smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

Xia Shanshan endured her irritability and repeated what she had just said.

"Okay, I see, I'll send someone to you right away."

Xia Shanshan sighed, "Yunxiu, what's the matter with you? How do you feel that you are out of your mind? Is it because of Jin Nanfeng?"

"What happened to Jin Nanfeng?" Li Yunxiu couldn't help but "chuckle" and hurriedly said, "Do you know how Jin Nanfeng?

Yet? Last night, he suddenly answered a phone call, his face became ugly, and then he hurried away.

The phone is still turned off, and I don’t know what the situation is now..."

"Ah, you haven't read the news yet, I thought you knew it."

Xia Shanshan sighed.

"News?" Li Yunxiu was anxious, "What news, I'm so busy, how can I have time to watch the news, Sister Shanshan, you

Hurry up and tell me what happened? "

"I also read the news and said that last night someone reported that someone in a community was forcing young girls into prostitution. The police

After rushing over, the investigation revealed that the property belonged to Jin Nanfeng. "


Li Yunxiu was shocked, and barely crushed the phone.

Is it such a serious matter? !

"I thought you already knew... So you didn't contact Jin Nanfeng?"

Li Yunxiu's panicked palms kept sweating, and he could hardly stand still. "Sister Shanshan, I won't tell you anymore, you

I will let the people who want them pass at noon. "

After speaking, before Xia Shanshan could answer, Li Yunxiu had hung up the phone directly.

She called Jin Nanfeng again, but it still didn’t work. Li Yunxiu broadcast Yang Yun’s phone with the attitude of trying her last.

I didn't expect it to pass this time.

"Yang Yun, is Jin Nanfeng okay? Where is he now?"

"Miss Li?" Yang Yun's voice sounded very tired, "Miss Li, don't worry, let's talk about it when we meet."

"Okay, then you come to my cafe, hurry up."

More than half an hour later, Yang Yun arrived.

Li Yunxiu hurriedly pulled him to the rest room, and closed the door tightly, "Yang Yun, how is this going back?

What? "

"It was reported last night that someone forced a girl into prostitution in Jin's apartment."

Yang Yun frowned tightly.

"Someone is...doing this kind of thing?"

"Yes, the police at the scene found three girls, all underage female students, and a few men who came to play.

People were all taken away by the police. "

"How could this happen..." Li Yunxiu's face paled slightly, she seemed to have thought of something, and grabbed Yang.

Yun's hand, "Yang Yun, tell me the truth, Jin Nanfeng...Jin Nanfeng..."

"How could Jin Ge be involved? Jin Ge didn't even know about this."

Yang Yun was also sweating anxiously.

"The house was bought by Jin brother years ago. Jin himself almost forgot that there is a house there. You know

Dao Jin’s, he is used to putting spare keys under the flowerpot at the door. Jin has many friends, and a few familiar ones sometimes

I just took the spare key and lived there for a few days, but we didn't expect that they would play so much. "

"Where is Jin Nanfeng now? He has been unable to get through."

"Last night, Jin Ge and I have been at the police station to assist the police in handling the case."

Yang Yun was very tired. "The police are asking questions, and the media has come a lot. There are a lot of people at the door. Jin Ge now

It hasn't come out yet. "

"Will this matter affect him?"

"It depends on which aspect of the impact..." Yang Yun had a headache. "There should be no problem with the police. Jin

Brother has always been abroad, has never been to the apartment where the incident occurred, and has never contacted the group of bastards. The police have basically

It has been determined that this matter has nothing to do with Jin Ge, so he can be released after finishing the transcript. "

When Yang Yun said this, she sighed again, "But this happened so suddenly, the news was spread all of a sudden.

It has a great impact on Jin Ge's reputation. "

Yang Yun was a little angry, "This means that good things do not go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Jin brother is also unlucky.

The group of beasts was exhausted, and now the outside thinks that Jin Ge also participated in this activity, and they criticized Jin Ge for being inconsistent. "

Li Yunxiu's heart shrank fiercely, and subconsciously wanted to go online to read the news and comments.

Yang Yun hurriedly stopped her, "Miss Li, don't look at it. It's too ugly. Those reporters all day long.

Are all nonsense. "

Li Yunxiu looked at Yang Yun, "Will the police announce the results of the case, will Jin Nanfeng be innocent?"

"Hey, it would be great if things were that simple."

Yang Yun's eyes were full of anger.

"Miss Li, you don't understand the entertainment industry, you don't know how deep the water is inside." Yang Yun sighed again.

"Ge Jin made his debut in his teens and won countless awards. Starting this year, he will continue to develop internationally. I don't know how much

The person has red eyes. "

"Those people now see that Brother Jin has done such a big thing, aren't they rushing to step on it!?" Yang Yun gritted her teeth.

"In the morning, two or three celebrities posted on Weibo saying that those who violate the law and discipline should get out of the entertainment circle, although they did not name them.

Last name, but who didn’t know they were talking about Brother Jin. In normal times, I swear to Jin Ge, now Jin Ge

When something happened, one by one learned how to cross the river and tear down the bridge, so angry! "

Li Yunxiu's complexion gradually lost his blood, "Can Jin Nanfeng no longer stay in the entertainment industry and can't act?"

His heart hurt slightly, and Li Yunxiu felt that even his breathing was about to freeze.

This is Jin Nanfeng’s favorite job. For this cause, how much Jin Nanfeng has put in.

The man who has maintained a weight of less than seventy kilograms for many years, even Li Yunxiu himself may not be able to do it.

But all of this, what Jin Nanfeng is trying so hard to protect will be destroyed by the group of mixed dominions? This is not fair, this

It wasn't Jin Nanfeng's fault at all.

Li Yunxiu's expression was obviously a little anxious.

"Miss Li, don't worry about it. Jin Geite told me not to tell you about this... what happened to you?

What happened, how can I explain to Brother Jin?"

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