Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1047: .It's time to let them know Chenchen's life experience

Speaking of it, the number of times their family of three went out to play is almost a handful.

"Well, you can arrange it."

Jin Nanfeng nodded lightly.

After the two of them had breakfast, Jin Nanfeng returned to the study, Li Yunxiu drove to the presidential palace, and picked Chenchen out.

"Mummy, where are we going to play today?" Chenchen blinked his blue eyes very excitedly, "I want to move

Play in the zoo, mom, let dad take us to the zoo, OK? "

Li Yunxiu frowned slightly when he saw Chen Chen, who was innocent and ignorant, and then said solemnly, "Chen Chen, today

Dad is in a bad mood. You can't make Dad angry. You can't be willful or make troubles unreasonably. "

"But it's not unreasonable to go to the zoo to make trouble, the teacher also asked us to write articles about tigers, Chen Chen thought

Go to see the tiger. "

"I see, you heartless stinky kid."

Li Yunxiu smiled helplessly.

I took Chenchen to the elevator of the apartment. As soon as I opened the door, I heard Jin Nanfeng sitting on the sofa in the living room smoking a cigarette and making tea.

The ashtray on the table is almost full of cigarette butts.

Li Yunxiu's heart flinched. It seemed that he had forgotten to leave Jiu Xiaoyun a long time ago when he promised to quit smoking.

Although a little worried, Li Yunxiu still did not mention this. He has been under great pressure recently and needs channels for dispatch.

It was at this time that the matter of quitting smoking was also mentioned, and it is estimated that Jin Nanfeng will collapse.


Chenchen jumped up and ran in front of Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng pinched the cigarette, and when he stretched his arms, he picked up the little guy.

"It smells so bad, Dad, you smoke! The teacher said that smoking is bad for your health and you will get lung cancer."

Chenchen's small face was full of disgust.

"Dad, you are not allowed to smoke anymore, okay?"

"Then you are not allowed to eat hot pot anymore."

Chenchen said "Ah", his small eyes flushed with anxiety, and his head kept shaking, "No."

"Then you still care about me?"

Jin Nanfeng glanced at Chen Chen coldly.

Chenchen gave a "hum".

Adults have many wrong reasons.

"Where do you want to play today?"

"Chen Chen wants to go to many, many places to play, but my father is so busy with his work that he doesn't have time to accompany me..."

Jin Nanfeng paused, then quickly pressed down the unnaturalness in his eyes, and said casually, "Can't be busy

Now, wherever I want to go, I will accompany you. "

"Na Chenchen wants to go to the zoo today, but also wants to go to the museum!"

"it is good."

Jin Nanfeng nodded lightly.

The three of them simply cleaned up and went out. Along the way, the little guy was very excited, and later talked with Li Yunxiu.

Sentence, talk to Jin Nanfeng for a while.

Li Yunxiu has always been very patient with Chen Chen and will answer every question carefully. This is also what she teaches her children.

It is a way of substituting, but compared with Li Yunxiu, Jin Nanfeng seems particularly silent today. Except occasionally simple

Apart from a few words in response to Chenchen, most of the time, he focused on driving.

There is no usual shadow at all.

Li Yunxiu's heart was heavy, like a heavy boulder, it was hard to breathe.

She even doubts, is her company really useful?

Jin Nanfeng's abnormality was not only seen by Li Yunxiu, but also felt by the young Chenchen.

The little guy quietly squeezed into Li Yunxiu’s arms and lowered his voice, "Mommy, Dad is really upset.

Okay, did Mommy make Dad angry? "

"how come……"

"Is that daddy angry?"

"No, Chenchen didn't make anyone angry."

Li Yunxiu quickly explained that Chen Chen became extremely sensitive and suspicious because of the long lack of a normal family.

What matters, the first thing you will think is whether you made a mistake.

"Dad because of something at work... Chenchen is still a child, so don't worry."

"it is good."

Chenchen nodded softly.

Jin Nanfeng was not very interested, and was a little absent-minded when visiting the zoo. When Li Yunxiu saw this, he thought

Find a place to have a good rest.

It happened that there was a small playground in the zoo, and Li Yunxiu sent Chenchen in to play with other children.

I was sitting in a chair not far away with Jin Nanfeng.

Actively stretched out his hand to hold Jin Nanfeng's palm, Li Yunxiu leaned his head on his shoulder, "Nanfeng, you

Don't put too much pressure on yourself. "

"I do not have."

Jin Nanfeng made a deep voice.

"You have." Li Yunxiu retorted, "I can see that you are very unhappy."

Jin Nanfeng frowned and said half-jokingly, "After all, half of the people in China are scolding me. If I open

My heart is hell, okay? "

Li Yunxiu sat up straight and looked at him, "Then I am also miserable. Half of the people are scolding my boyfriend."

Jin Nanfeng was finally amused by Li Yunxiu, "Yes, it hurts you. Who wants you to like me?"

"I'm happy." Li Yunxiu curled his mouth, "Even if the other half scolds you, I like you as much. The whole world

People in the world hate you, and I like you too. "

"Enough." Jin Nanfeng frowned, and looked at Li Yunxiu dissatisfied with a smile, "Now I have a head

Two are big, if the whole world, I will definitely be depressed. "

Before he arrived at this incident, his life was fairly smooth, especially in his acting career.

He was held to the highest position smoothly, and now he was severely pulled down, naturally there was a gap in his heart.

Fortunately, beings like humans are always adaptable. Today, he accompanied Li Yunxiu and Chenchen out to relax, he suddenly

Feeling wronged, kicked out of the crew, and changed roles... These seem to be nothing major.

Jin Nanfeng subconsciously looked at Chen Chen not far away.

When he first saw this kid, he was inexplicably called "Dad" by the kid. He was most afraid of hemp

Annoying, the most impatient person has no good face for children. In the past when filming on the crew, those years

The young children were afraid of him, and even scared to cry by him on the spot, but that day, facing this black hair and blue eyes

The little devil, he unexpectedly agreed to his absurd request, took him to the toilet and helped him pee.

Lu Fang even teased him, Chenchen would not be his son, right?

Who would have thought that a joke that everyone thought at that time would actually become a reality, he also believed that this

In this world, there are certain things that are arranged in the dark.

It’s like Li Yunxiu has loved her for twenty years, just like Li Yunxiu has kept all his life down, like he will be in many years later

Fall in love with Li Yunxiu...

They are the best arrangements God has made.

Perhaps it was God’s arrangement that such a thing happened at such a stall.

Thinking of this, Jin Nanfeng's heavy heart for a long time finally relaxed a little. He gently held Li Yunxiu's hand.

"Tomorrow, shall I take you home?"

"Come back home?"

"Well, go see my parents."

Jin Nanfeng nodded, "It's time to let them know Chenchen's life experience."

"So anxious?"

Li Yunxiu was suddenly nervous.

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