Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1059: .What are you going to do?

Li Yunxiu finally couldn't bear it, and the hand holding the phone was shaking uncontrollably, "What are you going to do? Jian Zi

Hoon? Do you want to tell others about Jin Nanfeng's true identity? "

"If I want to say, why call you?" Jian Zixun was also a little angry, "We have known each other for so many years

Now, am I this kind of person in your heart? "

Li Yunxiu was upset and took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down, "I'm sorry...

Anxious. "

"Yun Xiu, how about Jin Nanfeng, has nothing to do with me. Although he is my little uncle, I don’t

Cooked. But you and I have been good friends for many years, I can’t watch you fall into this big pit, you belong to Jin Nanfeng

Wife, if my grandma and uncle knew that she had such a rich daughter-in-law, she would definitely **** you up

Bloody. "

Li Yunxiu's heart tightened a little, and asked Jian Zixun anxiously, "Then what are you going to do? Jian Zixun..."

"Don’t do anything. Don’t tell the Jin family for the time being. Chen Chen belongs to Jin Nanfeng. As long as you don’t say anything, they won’t

Because Chen Chen’s blue eyes doubted Jin Nanfeng, Jin Nanfeng’s identity would not be exposed. In this way, everything would be maintained.

In the original state, Jin Nanfeng is still from the Jin family. No one will know that he is from the Jian family.

There will be no trouble. "

"How do I explain Jin Nanfeng?"

They've all reached this point. They've all... arrived at Jin's house. Now Jin Nanfeng might have told Xin

May, how can she stop this now?

"Yun Embroidery, think of a way. This is the only way to protect Jin Nanfeng. You must deal with the Jin family first.

Right, Jin Nanfeng's side, you can find another chance to explain to him clearly..."

"How to explain?"

"Just explain that he is not a member of the Jin family? No need to mention the Jian family... the rest, just compile one

This story, in short, is the most important thing to hide from the Jin family. "

Li Yunxiu squeezed the phone tightly and was silent for a long time before nodding, his voice has calmed down, "I

Got it, Zixun, thank you for calling me today to tell me about it, thank you. "

"You're welcome, are we friends?" Jian Zixun smiled, "Ah, no, you are still my aunt."

"Don't call me that, it's weird."

Li Yunxiu frowned.

"Okay, then I won’t tell you. Anyway, don’t worry, I won’t talk nonsense on the Jane’s side. I promise not to let

They knew the existence of Jin Nanfeng. "

"Well, good, thank you."

Li Yunxiu just hung up the phone and saw Jin Nanfeng walk out of the house, "Little Hydrangea!"


Li Yunxiu's feet sank and walked to Jin Nanfeng step by step.

My God, what on earth is she going to tell Jin Nanfeng?

She could see that Jin Nanfeng has a deep relationship with the Jin family. If you want to tell him that he is not a child of the Jin family,

How cruel should that be?

Li Yunxiu's heart was strangled tightly, almost unable to breathe.

"Are you all right? Why is your face so bad?"

Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Yunxiu with concern.

"Nanfeng, I just received a call, saying that something happened in the cafe, and I might have to go there."

Jin Nanfeng was very excited and took Li Yunxiu's hand, and said excitedly, "My mother knows that Chenchen is my child.

Some are not at ease, I have something to ask you, you go to see my mother, let’s go after talking, we will go to

I got my marriage certificate. "

"south wind……"

Li Yunxiu subconsciously stopped him.

It's a pity that Jin Nanfeng didn't realize the embarrassment of Li Yunxiu's eyes at the moment, so he took Li Yunxiu's hand into the house.

Zi, walked straight in front of Xin Mei.

"Mom, just ask if you have any questions."

Li Yunxiu's face was white as a piece of paper, and the blood vessels under his skin were already faintly visible.

I only felt a chill uncontrollably surge up from the back and down the spine crazily.

Xin Mei's voice came at this time, "You said, your child, Chenchen, is my child from Nanfeng?"

Li Yunxiu was silent, the heavy "yes" word was so hot that he couldn't say anything.

Even his head lowered slightly, not daring to look directly at Xin Mei's eyes.

"Nan Feng said, this child belonged to you and him back then, is it true?"

Li Yunxiu remained silent.

"I ask you, do you pretend to be dumb?"

Jin Nanfeng immediately guarded Li Yunxiu, "Mom, Xiao Xiuqiu is more restrained, don't scare her."

After that, Jin Nanfeng looked down at Li Yunxiu in his arms gently, not knowing whether it was his illusion or something, he always

Li Yunxiu's body seemed to be trembling slightly.

what happened?

Although she is usually restrained, she shouldn't be like this...

Jin Nanfeng felt a little puzzled, but still comforted her gently, "Little Hydrangea, it’s okay, you only

Just tell the truth. The big deal, let's do a dna test..."

Upon hearing the words dna detection, Li Yunxiu's body trembled suddenly, and she almost lifted it subconsciously.

Turning his head, looking at Xin Mei, "No."


Xin Mei and Jin Nanfeng were stunned at the same time.

Both people froze for a long time, but Xin Mei was the first to react, "Li Yunxiu, have you heard my question clearly?

Question, I’m asking you if Chenchen is a child of my family’s Nanfeng? "

This time, Li Yunxiu answered very clearly, "No."

A hand suddenly pulled Li Yunxiu over, and Li Yunxiu was facing a pair of piercing red eyes, "What are you talking about?

Little Hydrangea, do you know what you are talking about? "

Is she joking with herself?

"What's wrong with you? Little Hydrangea, didn't we say yes? What's wrong with you?"

Li Yunxiu looked at Jin Nanfeng's eyes with surprise, panic and even the trace of fear, his heart twisted like a knife.

"Sorry, Nanfeng..." I can only do this...

I can't let your life experience be exposed.

It’s best for you to stay at the Jin’s, and the Jian’s will **** him up...

"Little Hydrangea, what's the matter with you?" Jin Nanfeng panicked, his voice trembling, "I have read the dna report.

Said Chenchen and I are in a father-son relationship..."

Why is it not all of a sudden?

What exactly is going on?

"Jin Nanfeng, the DNA test sheet was forged by me. I wanted to... lie to you with Chenchen..." Li Yun embroidered

The voice is getting lower and lower, and in the end, I can’t say it, and my head is buried low. I dare not look at Jin at all.

Nan Feng's gaze.

Nan Feng, I'm sorry, I will definitely explain this to you clearly...

Trust me……

Feeling that the hand placed on his shoulder was suddenly taken down, Li Yunxiu's heart couldn't help but hurt.

Then Xin Mei's voice came over again.

"I'll just say, the eyes of the wild species are blue. When did our family have a blue-eyed child... Li Yun

Embroidery, if you want to use a child to trap my son, find a decent child, use this to fool around casually

People, are we all fools? "

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