Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1069: .pregnant

Thinking of this, Yang Ruorou's emotions had been calm for a long time, and she said, "I see." Then she hung up the phone in a hurry.

Yang Yun was a little worried, "Brother Jin, she won't..."

Star artists are most afraid of this kind of thing. If they turn up their old accounts in the future, there will be endless troubles, I don’t know.

How many couples tear up their faces and explode each other online, which is a joke.

This Yang Ruorou was not a good stubborn at first. When Jin Nanfeng chose her, he even blocked a sentence or two, but in the end he didn’t

Have twisted Jin Nanfeng's temper.

Thinking of this, Yang Yun felt helpless.

"In case something happens from now on..."

"No, she knows what to do." Jin Nanfeng said faintly, "not to mention that there is nothing in the first place, what can happen

Come on? "

Yang Yun was relieved now.

Jin Nanfeng looked for his pocket, but he didn't see cigarettes. He was a little irritable at night, "Go and buy me a pack of cigarettes."

"Brother Jin, don't smoke a little bit less." Yang Yun can be regarded as heartbroken. During the month of cold war with Miss Li, Jin Nanfeng said

The cigarette was almost never broken, and Yang Yun looked terrible, "It's bad for your health to smoke too much."

"Where did you buy so much nonsense?" Jin Nanfeng was very impatient.

Yang Yun's face changed, she pushed her glasses, and said sternly, "Brother Jin, Miss Li hates the smell of cigarettes, are you sure you want to smoke?"

Jin Nanfeng's eyebrows clumped, looking at Yang Yun dissatisfied, and said coldly, "Go away."

Yang Yun left contentedly, even knowing that Jin Nanfeng didn't care about anything, she would care about Miss Li.

After Yang Yun left, Jin Nanfeng couldn't sleep.

He was addicted to cigarettes, and he was confused and could not calm down for a moment. I don’t know what to say when I see Li Yunxiu tomorrow.

One month was enough to calm both of them a lot, and it also made him understand what he wanted.

What will Li Yunxiu explain a month ago?

Jin Nanfeng tossed and turned, and didn't fall asleep until dawn. He woke up after nine o'clock, only to realize that he was a little late.

Hurry to Li Yunxiu's side.

Li Yunxiu on the other side woke up very early.

Shi Qing finally took Chenchen over, so she simply gave herself a leave in advance and took them with them.

play for fun.

When Shi Qing saw that Li Yunxiu had lost a lot of weight, she made a good breakfast for Li Yunxiu early in the morning.

Just when he arrived in front of Li Yunxiu, Li Yunxiu felt nauseous. He only felt a surge in his stomach.

Want to spit it out.

After enduring it, Li Yunxiu ran directly to the toilet, vomiting everything in his stomach clean.

It's just that she hasn't eaten yet, and what she vomits is just some acid water.

Li Yunxiu washed his face, and as soon as he walked out, he met Shiqing's worried face.

"Little Hydrangea, what's wrong with you?"

Li Yunxiu paled, "I must have eaten something bad yesterday. I have been nauseous all the time. I blame Jian Zixun for what he did.

Meals.! I'll go and find this **** afterwards to settle accounts"

Chenchen popped a little head, "Uncle Jian's food is delicious, Chenchen will not get sick after eating!"

"Maybe it's my physique..." Li Yunxiu didn't know what was wrong with him. He just smelled the oily fume.

I want to vomit.

Shi Qing frowned, as if she understood something, and gently pulled Li Yun embroidery aside, "Little Hydrangea, are you not?

Is it...have it? "

Li Yunxiu paused, and then understood what Shi Qing meant, his cheeks rose rapidly and his head kept shaking.

"How can this be possible! Impossible!"

"Why is it impossible?" Shi Qing was anxious. "Don't tell me that you and Jin Nanfeng are just pulling hands together?"

Little Hydrangea may not understand, but Jin Nanfeng is definitely not a "good person."

Thinking of Li Beixun again, Shi Qing was even more sure that men are all well-dressed beasts.

Shi Qing looked at her daughter's blushing face, "Tell mom, is there any?"

Li Yunxiu was embarrassed to find a slit to get in, and his voice was low and low, "Yes, there are...but pregnancy is impossible.


How could she... be pregnant with Jin Nanfeng's child?

She has never considered this issue!

She and Jin Nanfeng look like this. If she is really pregnant, what should we do? Chenchen grew up because there was no dad

Dad, I don’t know how much discrimination and blanking I have received. Sometimes when I see Chenchen’s longing eyes, she will feel

I'm sorry that kid.

She doesn't allow another child like this to come to this world!

"Mom, don't think too much about it. I really just feel a little uncomfortable, not pregnant."

"I don't want to think too much, but you and Jin Nanfeng..." Shi Qing sighed, a little helpless, "Don't take it seriously.

Should I go to the hospital for an examination? "

Li Yunxiu shook his head.

"You can't solve the problem if you don't go. What's the use of just avoiding." Shi Qing frowned, "Pregnancy is not a shame.


Li Yunxiu was a little irritable, "But what should I do if I and Jin Nanfeng look like this now..."

"It's a big deal. Mom will take it with you when you are born."

"Chenchen does not have a father, should he not have a father?" Li Yunxiu frowned, but his tone was firm, "I won't

Agreed. "

"Then call Jin Nanfeng and let him be responsible." Shi Qing said solemnly, "If you really have it, he is this.

The father of the child, no matter what conflicts between you, he must take this responsibility. "

When Shi Qing said, she took Li Yunxiu and walked outside.

"Go to the hospital now."

Li Yunxiu frowned, "Mom, don't worry so much..."

"Why don't you worry, don't you know that a pregnant woman should take good care of her body? When I was pregnant with you, your father

But even the door didn't let me out. "

Although she was misunderstood as a surrogate at that time, she accounted for all the benefits and treatment that pregnant women should have.

Little Hydrangea is still so busy at work now, how can this body survive?

She thought about it. If Xiao Xiuqiu is really pregnant, she must ask Yun Jin to transfer Xiao Xiuqiu back to the Imperial Capital.

This way she will take good care of the little hydrangea.

"Mummy, I'm really fine." Li Yunxiu felt helpless, "I'm not as delicate as you think."

"No, you must go to the hospital for an examination."

Shi Qing refused to give up.

Li Beixun heard the movement and walked out of the room, "What's the matter?"

Shi Qing went to complain immediately, "Beixun, Xiao Hydrangea..."

"Mummy!" Li Yunxiu panicked.

She was most afraid of being known by Li Beixun about such things.

It's a pity that Shiqing spoke first, "Little Hydrangea may be pregnant."

Li Yunxiu couldn't even look at Li Beixun's expression.

Just when Li Yunxiu was anxious and his palms were sweating madly, Li Beixun said coldly, "Notify Jin Nan

Feng, let him come over immediately. "

Shi Qing frowned, "But I contacted him yesterday, and he said he has a lot of things..."

Li Beixun's eyes became cold, "Then let Li Jin take someone to invite him over."

His meaning is very obvious, even if he is tied up, Jin Nanfeng must be tied up!

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