Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1074: .Author Fan

"If you think there is something between me and Yang Ruorou, you should also monitor me!"

"You and Yang Ruorou will be on the news more than a dozen times a day. I can't hide it even if I want to. Do I still need to monitor you?"

Li Yunxiu was extremely angry, pushing away Jin Nanfeng in front of him fiercely.

Jin Nanfeng's waist hit the corner of the table, painful cold sweat came out, his face was pale, and he couldn't say a word.

"What's the noise?!"

Li Yunjin’s voice suddenly came over, and the two of them looked over, only to realize that Li Yunjin didn’t know anything.

The time has come.

Judging from his iron-green face and angry eyes, he had clearly witnessed the quarrel between her and Jin Nanfeng just now.

Li Yunxiu's heart throbbed restlessly, he subconsciously avoided his sight, and turned around.

"I asked you to be here to solve problems and not to create problems. It's better for you to be like this."

Li Yunjin put down the things in his hands and sneered, "They are all such big people.

Don’t you understand the truth of breaking up earlier together? Why did it happen here? Is it pretty? "

Li Yunxiu bit his lip, "Brother, let him go."

Li Yunjin glanced at Li Yunxiu, then walked up to Jin Nanfeng, "You go back first."

Jin Nanfeng stood still.

Li Yunxiu was impatient, "Jin Nanfeng, my sister does not want to see you now, she is still pregnant with your child, if

You don't want to make things worse, leave me now. "

Jin Nanfeng's firm eyebrows finally trembled slightly, and silently endured the pain in the back of his waist and turned and left.

As soon as I left the house, I met Yang Yun who had come up.

When Yang Yun saw Jin Nanfeng's pale face, she knew something was wrong, and immediately reached out to support Jin Nanfeng, "Brother Jin, are you okay?"

Jin Nanfeng shook his head.

"Brother Jin, you certainly don’t look like you are all right." Yang Yun was worried, and she was going to leave Jin Nanfeng.

Li Yunxiu walked in the room, "I'll ask Miss Li."

"come back."

Jin Nanfeng frowned and called him back.

"I said nothing, just twisted my waist and drove me back to the hotel to help me find a doctor."

Yang Yun hurriedly helped Jin Nanfeng downstairs.

Inside the house.

As soon as Jin Nanfeng left, Li Yunxiu was like a fish out of the water, sitting weakly on the sofa.

"Why are you arguing with him again?" Li Yunjin frowned, very dissatisfied, "My parents just left, do you want to

Are they worried about you? "

Li Yunxiu's expression changed, first shook his head, and then said with difficulty, "He has been monitoring me! He also said that I and

Jian Zixun..."

Li Yunjin was very impatient, "I can't say much when my parents are there, but Xiao Xiuqiu, you and that Jian Zixun

What is the relationship? "


"Don’t say it’s Jin Nanfeng, even I’ve seen it no less than a dozen times. The kid came here as if he were going home.

So, which man can accept that his woman is so close to other men? Even if you are my sister, this one

I will not turn towards you. "

"Look at Jin Nanfeng and that Yang Ruorou..."

"If Jin Nanfeng does something sorry for you, you don't need to do anything, I will help you teach him, and you will take care of you.

Just do it yourself. "Li Yunjin's words are very harsh," Yunxiu, you are not a kid anymore, take this kind of thing to each other

What good is torture for you and him? "

Li Yunxiu was silent, facing Li Yunjin, she always had nothing to say.

Neither she nor Jin Nanfeng are stupid people, but sometimes, trapped in an inescapable whirlpool, she and

Jin Nanfeng would be confused and at a loss.

Li Yunjin is different. As a bystander, he sees more clearly. This is the so-called fan of the authorities.

This makes sense.

Seeing her sister lowered her head, Li Yunjin sat down beside her, "Little Hydrangea, tell me honestly,

What are you planning? "

"I don't know." Li Yunxiu's heart tightened fiercely, and countless emotions surged up, making her breathing disordered, "I

really do not know……"

She was upset and didn't know what to do.

"Brother, I'll go to work tomorrow."

Although the work is a bit busy, at least she has no time to think about these things, so she won’t be so uncomfortable.

Got it.

After listening to Li Yunjin, he immediately sneered, "Do you still think that the trouble is not enough for me? I want me to agree.

Yes, parents are reluctant to say anything about you, they must scold me, you should go back to the fetus, the company

You don't need to worry about things. "

Li Yunxiu gave a reluctant "Oh", obviously disappointed.

Li Yunjin said in a cold voice, "If you really want to go back to work, go to the hospital and remove this from your stomach.

Little evil, in this way, one hundred dollars will be saved, and it will save you more trouble. "

Li Yunxiu's face changed, he looked at Li Yunjin in disbelief, and saw that Li Yunjin's expression was serious, nothing

As a sign of joking, she lowered her head in a panic, and subconsciously reached out and covered her belly.

Take this kid away?

Li Yunxiu's heart ached fiercely, as if an invisible knife slashed **** it.

She couldn't help biting her lip in pain.

No... she doesn't want to... don't want to give up this child...

The expression of Li Yunxiu was completely in his own expectations, and he immediately "hummed", "Why, don't

Gotta Still want to give birth to Jin Nanfeng's child, right? "

Li Yunxiu bit his lip and said nothing.

"Since you can't bear it, don't think about the ones you have and don't. Go back and live with Jin Nanfeng." Li Yunjin looked at

With Li Yun embroidery.

"But he and Yang Ruorou..."

"Whether he and Yang Ruorou are real or fake, don't you know? Why do you care so much and add to yourself. Little

Hydrangea, indecision is not our Li family style, in fact, you know what Jin Nanfeng is like than I do

People, isn't it? "

Even he could see that Yang Ruorou was nothing but a stupid method Jin Nanfeng used to stimulate Li Yun's embroidery. What a little hydrangea

do not know?

Li Yunjin wanted to pry open the heads of these two men to see what was inside.

"Call Jin Nanfeng over for dinner at noon and have a good chat. If nothing happens, you will return to the Emperor tomorrow.

Go all, don't stay in Yangcheng. "

When Li Yunxiu saw Li Yunjin's few words, he arranged everything, and said quickly, "Forget it, I'll find it myself.

Jin Nanfeng. "

Maybe in another place, there will be a different ending.

At noon, Li Yunxiu went out to see Jin Nanfeng. She asked for the address of the hotel from Yang Yun and went up to the 16th floor.

But I didn’t expect that as soon as I walked to the door of Jin Nanfeng’s hotel, I heard a woman’s voice coming from Jin Nanfeng’s room.

Came out.

Li Yun froze for a while, her face changed. She glanced at the house number and wondered if she had gone wrong.

Dare to walk in.

She pushed back and called Yang Yun.

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