Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1079: . Miss you so much

As the one who has been hurt before, Li Yunxiu understands this very well, and those holes are still in her heart.

Although it’s no longer painful until now, some things will never disappear. She believes that in Jin

Nan Feng also had such a hole in his heart.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu couldn't help but pass a trace of sorrow.

Jin Nanfeng held her shoulders and asked her to face herself, "Little Hydrangea, look up at me."

Li Yunxiu paused, then slowly raised his head to face Jin Nanfeng's line of sight.

The eyes were facing each other, and there was a brief silence at first. In each other's deep and complicated eyes, there was too much difficulty.

The emotions and moods spoken, but in this short moment, it seems that people can see a soul and another.

A soul fit.

"I'll ask the same question again." Jin Nanfeng gently sorted the broken hair around her ear, "Li Yunxiu, please

Let the things go, okay? "

Last time, faced with this problem, Li Yunxiu chose to refuse. She said that what happened will never pass.

Yes... Jin Nanfeng thought for a long time. Even if he can't make it through, he will forget it. Li Yunxiu is pregnant.

In time, a new life will soon be ushered in. He can already foresee that the future belongs to his happiness.

When he was born, he was not by his side. He did not realize the accomplishments and pride of being a father, nor did he undertake

Responsibility, God probably pityed him and gave him a second chance like this. He didn’t want to be like this, again.


He understands the truth of three things.

"After being with you, I have not had any relationship with any woman, Little Hydrangea, I have not done any right

I can't afford your business. "

He is not a peaceful man in his bones, he also has a wild and bloodthirsty impulse, but this

Everything turned into a ridiculous bubble after meeting Li Yunxiu.

Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Yunxiu with scorching eyes, waiting patiently for her answer.

So Li Yunxiu sighed and smiled sadly, "Then do you know, from my first glance

From the moment I saw you and liked you, I, Li Yunxiu, did not do anything unfaithful to you. "

This is longer than Jin Nanfeng's loyalty, how many spring, autumn, winter and summer.

Whenever he thinks about it, Li Yunxiu will admire himself, just how good Jin Nanfeng is, will make himself so desperate.

for many years?

She couldn't tell, and now, she doesn't even need this reason.

Jin Nanfeng's heart trembled fiercely for her answer, and frowned fiercely, "Forgive me for sending someone

Monitor you, but, I didn't lie to you, I saw you and that Jian Zixun together, I just..."


Jin Nanfeng was a little angry. He felt more and more that Jian Zixun was not a simple character.

The grinning innocent and Li Yunxiu’s mouth "calling brothers and brothers", who knows what abacus he really does, I heard he has looked for

When I arrived at my little uncle, now that I found him, he still stayed by Li Yunxiu's side and dangled something, saying that he didn’t have any

He didn't believe it even if he killed him.

Li Yunxiu was helpless, "You really don't need to care about him. It is impossible for me and him. We have known each other for so many years.

If there was such a possibility, it would not have been until today. "

What's more, how could she be with Jian Zixun? Jian Zixun wanted to call Jin Nanfeng "uncle".

Li Yunxiu paused suddenly. By the way, why did she forget, and she didn't explain this matter to Jin Nanfeng.

"Jin Nanfeng, I didn't mean to say in front of your mother that day..."

"Okay. Let's talk about this until you want to say it." Jin Nanfeng frowned and interrupted Li Yunxiu's words. She was puzzled.

He smiled in his eyes, then said, "I know why you have to."

Li Yunxiu lowered his head again.

"It's about my life experience, isn't it?"

Li Yunxiu was taken aback by what Jin Nanfeng said. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Jin Nanfeng with surprise in his eyes.

How would he know? Does it mean that he already knows his relationship with the Jian family?

"You don't need to be so surprised. In fact, I have to thank your father for this."

Jin Nanfeng smiled lightly.

"My dad?" What does this matter have to do with dad? Li Yunxiu was even more confused.

"Actually, I have been thinking about why Chenchen’s eyes are blue, but the Jin family has never been blue.

People with lustful eyes, I even had doubts, is Chenchen really mine? "Jin Nanfeng frowned, "but then your dad

Dad reminded me that if Chenchen and his identity cannot be questioned, then maybe my identity is wrong. "

Li Yunxiu's face lost his blood a little bit.

"If I'm not from the Jin family, if my parents and grandparents have the gene for blue eyes, then I will be born like Chenchen

It's possible for blue-eyed children, right? ? "

Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Yunxiu. Since the last time he talked with Li Beixun in the hospital, he has been suspicious, and now he sees

He was almost certain of Li Yunxiu's expression.

It seems that he and the Jin family are indeed not related by blood.

Then, everything Li Yunxiu did has an explanation.

"If you tell me that Ma Chenchen is my child, she will definitely do a DNA comparison, then it will be easy to find me

I’m not from the Jin family anymore..." Jin Nanfeng frowned and looked at Li Yunxiu, who lowered his head, "That’s why you were

Wouldn't someone say that suddenly? "

In order to protect his identity from being discovered, so he had to spread such a big panic, and he almost

It can be concluded that Li Yunxiu also suddenly learned of her own life experience, otherwise, she would not even discuss it with herself

There is no chance.

"Fool, it doesn't matter if you tell me, it doesn't matter if it's not the Jin family." Jin Nanfeng smiled softly

For a moment, Li Yunxiu comforted his mouth, but his expression was a little lonely.

After all, he has been in Jin's house for so many years. It is difficult for him to suddenly accept that his relatives are not real relatives.

Avoid some difficulties.


Li Yunxiu apologized in a low voice.

"When I heard the news, you had already brought your aunt down. I really can't help it..." Li Yunxiu was helpless.

"Fool." Jin Nanfeng gently held Li Yunxiu's hand, "I'm not the Jin family's own business, and Chenchen is not my own.

Which one brought me more fright? Didn't you think about it? "

Li Yunxiu looked embarrassed.

"Don't do this again in the future." Jin Nanfeng gently put it into his arms, "I want to

do you know? "

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