Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1081: .Marriage Certificate

Li Yunxiu stared at his face, obviously he minded to die, but he had to pretend to be stiff. Such Jin Nanfeng fell in his eyes.

Inside, it looks particularly cute.

Li Yunxiu couldn't hold back for a while, and let out a "pouch" laugh.

"Why are you laughing?"

Jin Nanfeng frowned in confusion.

"Laughing at you stupid." Li Yunxiu gently poked Jin Nanfeng's chest with his fingers.

"Why am I stupid?" Jin Nanfeng was even more confused.

"You just want to know who that man is?"

Li Yunxiu looked at him mysteriously.

Jin Nanfeng didn't want to admit that he was stingy, but he couldn't deceive his own heart, so he could only be very unnatural

He smiled and said, "It's a man who cares..."

"Idiot." Li Yunxiu's ears were burning red, "My first man... who else is besides you..."

Jin Nan was shocked.


Li Yunxiu embarrassedly grabbed the pillow on the side and put it on his face, barely seeing anyone.

He completely ignored Jin Nanfeng's surprised expression and full of questions at the moment.

"What are you talking about?" Jin Nanfeng stretched out his hand to get her pillow, and kept asking, \"The first man is me? Xiaoxiu

Ball... Was it me your first time? "

When did this happen?

He...why didn't know at all.

"You didn't lie to me? Why don't I know..."

Jin Nanfeng was both excited and flustered, for fear that Li Yunxiu's words just cheated him to be happy.

"What the **** is going on, you can explain it clearly to me."

Jin Nanfeng held Li Yunxiu's two hands and forced her to look into his eyes.

"What's going on..." Li Yunxiu blushed and moved away from time unnaturally, "Just you and Gu Xiuxia Xiao

The day my sister got drunk, I sent you back to the got drunk, and then you treated me..."

When Li Yunxiu said this, his heart couldn't help but hurt. "At that time, you still called Xiuxiu."

It's just this embroidery, not her Li Yun embroidery.

Jin Nanfeng was excited and could not calm down, " didn't lie to me?"

"I lied to you as a puppy, right?" Li Yunxiu helplessly, "Who would make a joke about this kind of thing."

"Then why didn't you tell me? I always thought..." Jin Nanfeng's voice choked with excitement.

"For why? Think I'm the kind of frivolous woman who just sleeps with other men?"

"I didn't think so." Jin Nanfeng shook his head quickly, his eyes were a little moist, "Thank you, thank you, Xiaoxiu

Ball, you gave me such a big surprise. "

She belongs to her completely, only to his Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng only felt that every pore he was proud of had opened up.

"Asshole, what's so happy..." Li Yunxiu glared at him dissatisfiedly, and muttered softly, "You know

Does it hurt...idiot. "

Jin Nanfeng, who was drunk, had no mercy at all. For the first time, there was only endless pain in her body.

This **** is still complacent here?

Li Yunxiu couldn't help getting angry after thinking about it.

Jin Nanfeng finally got a hint of shame, bowed his head and kissed Li Yunxiu, "I won't be so rude in the future."

Li Yunxiu flushed, "A man's words are unbelievable, I don't believe you."

"I'll show you the proof next time." Jin Nanfeng lowered his head and kissed Li Yunxiu again, then got up and let go of her.

Did he let himself go like this?

Li Yunxiu looked at Jin Nanfeng in disbelief.

"You are pregnant with a child. The first three months are too dangerous. I won't touch you tonight. Be good, go take a bath and sleep well."

Jin Nanfeng pulled Li Yunxiu from the bed.

"What about you?"

Li Yunxiu looked at Jin Nanfeng blushingly, and couldn't help looking at his lower body.

"You still need to manage my affairs?"

Jin Nanfeng raised his lips and smiled, "Go ahead."

Then Li Yunxiu nodded and went to the bathroom.

As soon as Li Yunxiu left, Jin Nanfeng immediately went to the balcony to smoke, using nicotine to suppress the restless desire in his body

The fire did not return to the bedroom until it calmed down.

Li Yunxiu had already returned from the shower, and when he saw him coming in, he frowned dissatisfiedly, "When did you start?

Quit smoking... I am pregnant now. "

Pregnant women can’t smell smoke. Although Jin Nanfeng never smokes in front of Li Yunxiu’s face, it’s kind of faint

The smell of smoke was still noticed by the sensitive Li Yunxiu.

Jin Nanfeng frowned, "In fact, I have quit smoking before, who knew I would have a cold war with you for so long..."

This month ago, he kept his cigarettes all the time.

Quitting smoking now is easier said than done.

Li Yunxiu knew that he should not be forced to do so, but after seeing him smoking, he still couldn't worry about his body. "Slowly

Is it always okay? I'm fine, but what about the baby being born later? "

Jin Nanfeng frowned, walked over immediately, and took her shoulders, "It doesn't matter who said you, I have to do anything for you.

Quit smoking. "

"Then you are only allowed to smoke two a day." Li Yunxiu compared with his fingers, "one in the morning and one in the afternoon."

"How about three roots?" Jin Nanfeng frowned, "There is still night."

"Don't bargain with me, you won't give me another one."

Jin Nanfeng immediately shut up quietly.

"Also, don't think about smoking in a place that I can't see. I will call Yang Yun to supervise you well.

I found out that you smoked behind my back, at your own risk. "

Seeing that she was so serious, Jin Nanfeng sighed helplessly, "Okay, I promise you everything you say."

Li Yunxiu finally smiled with satisfaction.

"By the way, I have something to tell you." Jin Nanfeng said suddenly.

"what's up?"

"I have no notice tomorrow morning. Let's get the marriage certificate."

"Marriage certificate?"

"Yes." Jin Nanfeng nodded, "You are pregnant with my child, I can't let you even have the right status.

I have already contacted my friend. Tomorrow, we can just go through half of the formalities. "

Li Yunxiu's cheeks were red again, and his head couldn't help but lower.

"Why, you don't want to?"

"No reluctance."

Li Yunxiu shook his head quickly, the little guy in his belly grew older day by day, she couldn't let this child be like Chenchen.

I have lived in the eyes and eyes of others' discussions since I was a child.

However, she also has countless worries and worries.

"I'm just worried. I got a marriage certificate with you. It will be difficult for your mother to explain your identity..."

These days, Li Yunxiu's heart has always been hiding something, if the child in his stomach is a singularity

Such a baby with blue eyes, then how will she explain to the Jin family?

The identity of Jin Nanfeng will be revealed sooner or later.

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