Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1094: .Must go tonight

Although Yang Yun scorned and ridiculed Jin Nanfeng fiercely in his heart, it was enough to toss him to see him, thank God

The land rushed back to arrange for Jin Nanfeng's future itinerary.

Early in the morning the day after tomorrow, he rushed to send this troublesome young master to Yangcheng himself.

"Brother Jin, you will have an interview tomorrow morning. You must leave tonight."

Yang Yun couldn't help but exhorted, "This interview is very important, don't forget it."

"I see, am I the kind of man who influences work for women?"

Yang Yun: Isn't it? For Li Yunxiu, the man with a black face on the crew for days is not you Jin Nanfeng


Yang Yun complained about Jin Nanfeng several times in her heart, and then threw Jin Nanfeng downstairs in Li Yunxiu's room.

Drove away.

Here Jin Nanfeng went upstairs in a happy mood. He didn't notice at all. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up.

When he got up, his eyes were filled with smiles, until he stood in front of Li Yunxiu’s door and knocked on the door, he suddenly swung.

A cold serious expression came.

There was a burst of brisk footsteps in the room, which seemed to be the sound of a child’s running. This thought just flashed in his head.

Head, the door was opened, Chenchen’s small head popped out from behind the door, and he glanced at the visitor vigilantly.

Seeing that it was Jin Nanfeng, his blue eyes lit up in an instant, and he rushed over--


Jin Nanfeng’s firm eyebrows melted slightly into warmth, and he was still carrying luggage in one hand, so he gave Chenchen

He hugged him, "Did you miss me?"

"I don't miss you."

Chenchen gave a "hum".

"Hold me and don't want to let go, and say you don't want me?"

Jin Nanfeng put down his luggage, reached out and knocked on the head of the little guy, "The more I grow up, the more I like to lie. Be careful.

I tell your mom, let your mom spank you. "

"Mommy won't hit me,"

"Really? That puppy that was beaten and crying last time?"

Jin Nanfeng raised his eyebrows.

Chenchen was blushed when he was mentioned about the embarrassment, and looked at Jin Nanfeng angrily, "I don't like it anymore.

is you. "

"You are my son, and I like you if you like it. What does it matter to me whether you like me or not? If you have the ability, you go and recognize

Other men will be fathers. "Jin Nanfeng laughed disdainfully, and then asked, "Where is Mommy?" "

"In the bedroom." Chenchen looked at Jin Nanfeng upset, the little guy was full of what Jin Nanfeng said just now.

The sons are all fire, and deliberately retaliated against him and said, "Mommy is calling Uncle Jane."

"Which Uncle Jian?" Jin Nanfeng became nervous for an instant, "Is that Jian Zixun?"

"Well, that's the blue-eyed uncle."

When Jin Nanfeng's face turned dark, he knew that the **** would not easily let go of the little hydrangea.

"Does he come here often?"

"Yeah, I came to dinner last night!" The little guy looked at Jin Nanfeng with a smug expression on his father's face.

The unpredictable expression made me even more happy, "Uncle has to call mommy for a long time every night."

Jin Nan's chest rose and fell violently, and his eyes were red.

Okay, Li Yunxiu, if I don’t do well today, the lesson is, you really want to cuckold me, right?

Jin Nanfeng put Chen Chen down, closed the door, and went directly to Li Yun's bedroom.

As expected, Li Yunxiu was on the phone, with her back facing Jin Nanfeng, lying on the bed, wearing a cool and simple black nightdress.

The snow-white legs swayed again and again. The pajamas outlines her perfect body curve, which provokes Jin Nanfengshun

The throat is tight.

"Well, I see..." Li Yunxiu didn't realize that a hungry wolf was standing behind him at this moment, still quiet.

In your own world, talk to the person on the other end of the phone with peace of mind, "Don’t you wrong me, when will I

Don't let you come to me? "

Jin Nanfeng's heart tightened. Did she take the initiative to invite Jian Zixun to come to her?

Just about to go up to teach her a good lesson, I heard Li Yunxiu continue to say, "Come on, we can sleep in a bed

On...what does it matter...I don't dislike you, are you embarrassed to dislike me? "I don't know the person on the other end of the phone said

What, the Li Yun embroiderer couldn't help but giggled, "No wonder you can't find the target, you are ready to do it.

A single dog for a lifetime..."

Listening to Li Yunxiu’s different soft and soft voice from the past, Jin Nanfeng only felt an anger and couldn’t help but follow.

The bottom of my heart rushed up frantically, and almost instantly he had a prairie fire, swallowing all Jin Nanfeng’s last reason.


He had never heard Li Yunxiu speak to herself in such an intimate and coquettish voice, but now she is facing another

Men talk like that?

Jin Nanfeng gritted his teeth and walked over with a sullen face, and took the mobile phone in Li Yunxiu's hand.

"Jin Nanfeng? Why are you here?"

Li Yunxiu was a little surprised when he saw Jin Nanfeng, but he was a little puzzled, "What are you doing with my mobile phone?

On the phone. "

"I'm not deaf, I heard what you are talking about." The sourness in Jin Nanfeng's eyes was almost full.

"You let others sleep in the same bed as you." Jin Nanfeng stared at Li Yunxiu's eyes, like a dangerous wild wolf.

Li Yunxiu was even more puzzled, but she had no time to comfort Jin Nanfeng's temperament now, she just wanted to get the phone back quickly.

"Give me the phone."

Not only did Jin Nanfeng not panic when she saw that she was still thinking about the man on the phone, he was even more angry.

From one place, he said directly to the person on the phone, "If you come to harass my woman again, don't blame me for not

You're welcome. "

Li Yunxiu's face finally turned pale, and he rushed over and took Jin Nanfeng's arm, and said anxiously, "Jin Nanfeng, you send

What crazy! "

"Do you care about this Jian Zixun that much?"

Jin Nanfeng felt a little uncomfortable.

"What Jian Zixun! That is Xia Shanshan!" Li Yunxiu was speechless.

"Xia Shanshan?"

The owner of the cafe that helped Li Yun embroider before?

Jin Nan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the phone, and he saw the three words Xia Shanshan written on the screen.

It turned out that she was calling Xia Shanshan just now...

Jin Nanfeng was astonished. Li Yunxiu had already snatched the phone back, frowning and apologized to the person opposite.

"I'm sorry, Sister Shanshan, it was Jin Nanfeng just now... I don't know what happened to him?" Li Yunxiu is very absent.

Nai, "Don't take it to heart, he misunderstood that you were Jian Zixun, um..."

Li Yunxiu had a good comfort. Fortunately, Xia Shanshan didn't care too much, so she hung up after a few more words.

Li Yunxiu looked at Jin Nanfeng unhappy, "Jin Nanfeng, can you stop doing this in the future, you

Think about it, how could I say that to Jian Zixun? I am your wife and we are all knotted

Married, how could I do such things that are unfaithful to our marriage? "

She really took Jin Nanfeng, and she didn't even have the most basic thinking when she became jealous.

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