Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1103: Complaint

"I won't spend any money from Jin Nanfeng, and my family can help him get more. Why do you think of me like this?"

Xin Mei paused for a moment, and then sneered, "Do you still need to talk? Of course it's your small wild plant, Nan Feng doesn't mind.

But I can’t help but plan for his future. If Nanfeng’s things fall into the hands of outsiders, it’s not regret.

Hate things for life?

Li Yunxiu clenched his fists, "Because Chen Chen is not...Jin Nanfeng's biological child, so I can't talk to Jin Nan

Is the wind together? "

"Of course, who knows if you approach Nanfeng if you are planning for your son!"

"Chen Chen takes my surname, I will naturally not think of Jin Jia, Mrs. Jin, you are really worried..."

"Enough, you don't need to say any more, it's useless to say more."

Mrs. Jin raised her foot and walked outside.

"Is it his own...Is it really that important?" Li Yunxiu's heart contracted tightly, "If Jin Nanfeng doesn't

It’s your own..."

Xin Mei paused and gave Li Yunxiu a fierce look, "Don't talk nonsense to me here, your little wild

Kind, how can it be compared with my son. "

After speaking, Xin Mei left without looking back.

Li Yunxiu sat back on the sofa exhausted, and couldn't help burying his head deeply in his palm.

If Xin Mei knew that Jin Nanfeng was not her own, would she still have such thoughts and thoughts?

Li Yunxiu sighed helplessly in his heart.


Just as Li Yunxiu kept thinking about it, the sharp voice suddenly pulled Li Yunxiu's thoughts back.

As soon as I looked up, I saw this little guy with red eyes, looking at himself worriedly.

"Mummy, don't cry." Chenchen's small body arched over, and his little hand stroked Li Yunxiu's cheek, "It's all Chenchen

No, Chenchen shouldn't go back to the room. Mommy was bullied. "

"No one bullies Mommy. Chenchen, don't be afraid, okay?"

Li Yunxiu smiled hard.

"But she speaks so badly..." Chenchen frowned. "She also said Chenchen is a wild species, Mommy, what is a wild species?"

This sentence made Li Yunxiu's heart raised just now, as if he was hit by someone with a punch.

My eyes are so painful that I can't breathe.

How would she answer Chenchen to such a question?

After a long time of silence, Li Yunxiu smiled softly, touched Chenchen’s head, and said softly, “She’s Hu

Speaking of, Chenchen promised Mommy not to ask this question again, okay? "

"it is good."

Chenchen nodded obediently, turned around and ran to the kitchen, took out the Coke from the refrigerator, "Mummy, we do

Let's eat! Chenchen wants to eat cola chicken wings! "

He doesn't want to see Mommy feel so sad, that bad woman, he must tell Dad!

After Li Yunxiu and Chenchen had dinner, they went back to the room to sleep. Li Yunxiu was in a bad mood, and his mind was full of Xin Mei and Zi.

What I said makes my breathing more difficult.

She tossed and turned and couldn’t fall asleep. Finally, she opened the drawer and found two sleeping pills to eat.

Knock on the door with a small pillow.

"Mummy, can Chenchen sleep with you tonight?"

"What's wrong? Have you had a nightmare?"

Li Yunxiu opened the quilt and let the little guy climb up.

Chenchen drilled into Li Yunxiu's arms and acted like a baby, "It's not Chenchen having nightmares, but Chenchen is afraid of mommy's nightmares, so

Take mommy to bed tonight. "

Li Yunxiu was amused by him, "Is Mommy that timid? I actually want you to be with me."

"Because Mommy is a girl, girls need our men to protect them." Chenchen solemnly, but very

Soon, he cautiously approached Li Yunxiu’s ear, lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "But mommy, you can’t

Tell my dad, if dad knew that I was sleeping with you, he would kneel deeply..."

The little guy is wronged.

"Okay, I won't say it." Li Yunxiu squeezed his son's face, "Go to sleep."

"Good night, Mommy." Chenchen gave Li Yun a goodnight kiss.

Soon, Chen Chen fell asleep in Li Yunxiu’s arms. The little guy was very restless in sleep, and kicked the quilt for a while.

The one who grabbed Li Yunxiu's hair for a while, Li Yunxiu wanted to cry without tears, and said he would protect her, this stinky kid!

But perhaps it was also because Chen Chen stayed with him. Li Yunxiu's heart that was anxious all night finally finally

In the peaceful sleeping face of his son, Li Yunxiu finally fell asleep.

However, as soon as Li Yunxiu fell asleep, the little man in his arms opened his eyes.

Quietly called Mommy a few words, and seeing that Li Yunxiu didn’t answer, Chenchen ran down from the bed and grabbed

Li Yunxiu put the phone on the bedside and ran to the living room to make a call.

"Little Hydrangea."

As soon as the phone was connected, Jin Nanfeng’s low voice reached Chenchen’s ears, and Chenchen became angry when he heard it.

To die, "Smelly dad, you usually talk so fiercely to me! Talk to mommy like this, you say, am I your

The phone bill? "

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, obviously without expecting that the person who answered the phone was Chenchen.

"What are you doing with your mommy's phone?"

Jin Nanfeng was very dissatisfied.

The joy of the stomach was all gone.

"Huh, don't you want to answer my call?" Chenchen exclaimed, "Then I won't tell you what happened tonight.

It's up. "

Jin Nanfeng reluctantly compromised, "Buy you a toy airplane, and tell me what happened."

As soon as Chenchen heard the toy's eyes lit up, he still pretended to be proud of "hum" twice, "I am not rare, you

Don't think I told you because of the toy airplane, I did it for Mommy. "

"Good job, I know, you stinky kid, if you sell it to me again, you can see how I will collect it next time.

Pick you up. "

Chen Chen couldn't help but think of the terrible Jin Nanfeng last time, and his face turned pale with fright. Then he quickly said, "Mummy

I was bullied by a bad woman today. "


Jin Nanfeng was surprised, "What happened?"

"The bad woman brought a group of people to the house, and Mommy told me to go back to the room..."

Jin Nanfeng frowned. It sounded like someone Xiao Xiuqiu knew?

"Although Mommy wouldn't let me listen, how could I be so stupid, so I secretly opened the door to listen to them


"Okay, don't tell your father and I'm here to sell things, quickly tell me what they said."

"She said she wants Mommy to leave you, and she also said that she wants to introduce you a new girlfriend." Chen Chen thought Li Yun embroidered today.

All Xin Mei said was told to Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng also quickly guessed that the "bad woman" Chenchen said was his mother.

My mother has always disliked Li Yunxiu. Isn't this conversation pleasant? Not to mention, just listening to Chenchen’s report, Jin

Nan Feng’s heart was already stabbed with countless knives, and he could hardly breathe, let alone breathe.

Li Yun embroidered after hearing these words in person.

"What else did she say?"

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