Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1113: .If you think I'm in trouble, just tell me

The head teacher turned pale, and obviously wanted to argue something, but was stopped by the headmaster's eyes.

I saw the principal walk up to Jin Nanfeng, "Sir, we are all willing to let Chenchen continue to study here.

Now, let it pass if you steal something. "

Jin Nanfeng immediately sneered, "You mean, you won't fire her, will you?"

Jin Nanfeng suddenly lost his patience and stood up from his chair, "It's okay you can't help it, I naturally have my own

Way. "

"Own method?"

The principal was stunned.

I saw Jin Nanfeng stretch out his hand to take off the mask on L's face.

"Hey, you are not, you are not that..."

The principal's eyes widened.

"Are you Jin Nanfeng?" The head teacher looked at Jin Nanfeng in disbelief, as if he had seen a terrible demon.

How could it be Jin Nanfeng? Li Jingchen is Jin Nanfeng's son? When did Jin Nanfeng have such a big child?

Before everyone was relieved from the shock of seeing Jin Nanfeng, they saw that the corners of Jin Nanfeng’s beautiful lips were a little cold.

The indifferent arc, the bone-chilling voice, came one by one, "If I expose this matter

Now, with my popularity and influence, your school may be caught in a big storm. "

The principal's face turned pale all at once.

"Mr. Jin! Don't do this!"

What a famous person Jin Nanfeng is. There are as many as tens of millions of fans in China. With a word of his will, fans can

Swallow this little school. He can't afford the consequences!

"What I do depends on your school's attitude." Jin Nanfeng smiled coldly, disdainfully, "With all due respect, there is no evidence.

Just blaming the students at will, and keeping the teachers who are verbal towards the students will not help much. I do

It's to help your school clean the door. The principal doesn't need to feel sorry, he should thank me well. "

The headmaster’s cold sweat rolled down, and he could only accompany the smiling face and nod his head constantly, "Mr. Jin, we will

Do as you said. "

The head teacher couldn't stand firmly and sat back on his seat.

"Mr. Jin, you can rest assured that no one will bully classmate Li Jingchen in the school in the future. I will help as soon as possible.

Li Jingchen changed classrooms and then rescheduled teachers. "

"Then there will be Principal Lao." Jin Nanfeng showed his first satisfied smile today.

Jin Nanfeng took Chenchen's hand and left the office.

"Dad! You just look so handsome!"

Chenchen's eyes were staring, and his eyes were full of worship.

Jin Nanfeng hummed, "Your father has always been handsome, OK?"

"I know! But I just got the most handsome!"

"Do you think that the whole world is just like you? Li Jingchen, you were bullied for three months in school and even fart

Don't dare to let it go, right? "Jin Nanfeng gets angry when he thinks about it. His son, Jin Nanfeng, can still bully others.

Into this?

While Jin Nanfeng felt distressed, he was more unspeakable anger, "You will go out in the future, don't say I am your father.

You lose all your face. "

Chenchen puffed up his mouth aggrievedly, "It's not because you are not with Chenchen, Chenchen doesn't want Mommy to know that she wants

I know, I will be worried about Chenchen. "

Jin Nanfeng looked down at the little guy, feeling a little embarrassed, reached out and knocked on his head, "Okay.

Now, go back to class, everyone apologizes to you, you have to accept, and then get along with other children

? "

"Got it!"

Chenchen ran towards the classroom, didn’t run far, turned around and ran back, looking at Jin Nanfeng anxiously, "Dad, I

Will I lose sight of you after school at night? Are you going back to the imperial capital today? "

Jin Nanfeng's heart softened slightly, and then said, "No, I will stay with you and Mommy in the future."

Back to the apartment, Li Yunxiu still did not wake up. Jin Nanfeng knew that she had worked hard last night, so he ran to the kitchen to cook millet porridge.

After the porridge was half cooked, Li Yunxiu finally woke up quietly.

"It's over, how did I sleep till now?" Li Yunxiu hurriedly dressed, "Isn't my alarm clock

Does it ring? "

"It rings, I want you to sleep a little longer, so I shut it down."

"What?" Li Yunxiu paused, and then looked at Jin Nanfeng complainingly, "Why don't you wake me up? All this

Click, Chenchen must be late for school. "

"I have sent him to school." Jin Nanfeng looked at the woman panicked and couldn't help but hug her from behind.

Grabbing her restless hand, "I also called Cheng Jie and asked for a day off for you."

Li Yunxiu only breathed a sigh of relief, "You are thoughtful, next time you won’t be allowed to turn off my alarm clock secretly. Fortunately the company

There hasn’t been a big deal these days. If there is, wouldn’t you delay me? "

Jin Nanfeng frowned, his expression was aggrieved, "I was not worried that you were too hard last night, so

Want you to sleep longer? No return on a good deed. "

After that, Jin Nanfeng turned around and went to the kitchen.

Li Yunxiu was helpless, and walked over, "I didn't blame you, I just discussed with you..."

Jin Nanfeng let out a cold "hum", "Mr. Li is very busy with work, so just say if I get in the way."

"I do not have……"

Li Yunxiu is rarely depressed.

"It's only one day, you think I'm annoying, if I stay a little longer, don't you want to..."

Li Yunxiu couldn't bear it, and directly grabbed Jin Nanfeng by the collar and kissed his lips fiercely.

Jin Nanfeng’s pupils "ooh" enlarged, and he looked at the woman who kissed him in disbelief, but he didn’t respond for a long time.


I don’t know how long it took before Li Yunxiu let go of Jin Nanfeng. His eyes were already red, and just one glance made people


"Little Hydrangea..."

Jin Nanfeng's heartbeat was fast and he was a little disturbed.


Li Yunxiu gritted his teeth and ran out of the kitchen with a shake of his head.

Regarding the question just now, and the questions that have not been solved, I got the most in this kiss from Li Yunxiu.

Good answer.

Jin Nanfeng couldn't help but smiled softly, and subconsciously reached out and touched his lips, where it was warm and soft.

It seems that Li Yunxiu's body temperature and breath still remain.

Jin Nanfeng only felt that the softest part of his heart seemed to be blown by the spring breeze, sweet.

The little quarrel in the morning was quickly turned over by two people. After lunch, Jin Nanfeng forced Li Yunxiu to pull it out.

The door went shopping.

"You stay at home all day long, don't you feel bored?" Jin Nanfeng didn't seem interested in seeing Li Yunxiu.

Take the initiative to say, "Master will take you shopping today, just say whatever you like, and swipe my card as you like."

"I don't lack anything, so I finally took a day off. You took me to run around." Li Yunxiu was very depressed, "and

Do you know how tired it is to go shopping with you, a big star? Always worry about being recognized, all day long

We must be in fear. "

"Who makes your man so popular?" Jin Nanfeng smiled proudly, "If you don't want to be recognized, let's

The next time we go to Africa, no one should know me. "

"I'll go by myself." Li Yunxiu felt his head aching.

"Well, now that you are out, don't think too much. It doesn't matter if you are recognized, we are serious

A legal couple, is it strange that the husband accompanies his wife to go shopping? "

Jin Nanfeng took Li Yunxiu's hand into a shopping mall.

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