Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1130: .birthday

Chenchen’s birthday came soon.

I thought Jin Nanfeng would come at night, but in the afternoon Li Yunxiu was having a meeting in the conference room, and Cheng Jie ran to inform her.

Jin Nanfeng is downstairs.

Li Yunxiu paused, then whispered to Cheng Jie to take Jin Nanfeng to the office first to wait for her to finish the meeting.

Cheng Jie led Jin Nanfeng to the office, gave Jin Nanfeng a glass of water respectfully, and said, "Mr. Li

In the meeting, it will take about half an hour to end, Mr. Jin, do it yourself. "


Jin Nanfeng nodded.

Cheng Jie left, Jin Nanfeng was free, sat in a chair and opened the tall documents embroidered by Li Yun.

Jin Nanfeng didn’t know much about business since he was a child. Although Jin’s company is nominally its own,

It’s always someone else helping to take care of it. It’s more appropriate to say that he is a shareholder rather than the boss.

Seeing this piece on Li Yun’s embroidered table today, it’s even more a headache. I flipped it a little and threw it aside, and started to handle it.

The drawers of the desk.

As soon as he saw the content inside, Jin Nanfeng’s eyes suddenly froze, even if he didn’t want to admit it, it was dazzling.

The five big characters of "Divorce Agreement" still fell into his eyes without warning.

divorce agreement……

Why is there a divorce agreement in Li Yunxiu's desk?

Jin Nanfeng pulled it out without thinking about it, and opened it hurriedly.

The anxiety and hunch in my heart all turned into reality.

This is really his divorce agreement between Jin Nanfeng and Li Yunxiu, but it hasn't had time to sign it.

And looking at the level of brand-newness, it should be something that has only recently existed. Jin Nanfeng’s heart sank suddenly, a chill.

Unstoppable rushing up from the soles of feet frantically.

Li Yunxiu... Want to divorce yourself?

Is she going to divorce herself just because of the man Jian Zixun?

Jin Nanfeng sat quietly at the table, feeling that he had fallen into a bottomless ice hole with his hands and feet

The cold is almost unable to move.

He thought that after experiencing countless things and having passed so many difficulties with her, they would go to the end well,

Even if there are quarrels or contradictions, they will be resolved. Before coming to Yangcheng this time, he had been thinking about how to face Li.

Yunxiu, if Jian Zixun is an untouchable existence for Li Yunxiu, he won't talk about it later.

He swallowed all the flying vinegar silently.

But what he didn't expect was that he was doing everything possible to reconcile with her, but she was brewing here again

Thought of divorce.

Jin Nanfeng only thought it was ridiculous for a while. He even felt like a clown.

Unknowingly raised a ridiculous smile, cute and happy.

The divorce agreement was turned to the back page, and the figure of fifty million was like a dazzling needle, poking Jin Nanfeng’s eyes.

Extraordinarily uncomfortable.

It turns out that a light and fluttering fifty million is enough to buy out everything between them.

Jin Nanfeng sneered several times, then calmly put the divorce agreement back to the original one.

On the seat.

Then he got up and sat on the sofa not far away.

After half an hour, Li Yunxiu returned from the meeting.

Seeing that Jin Nanfeng was looking down at the newspaper, he smiled embarrassedly, "It will be delayed for a while, are you waiting in a hurry?"

Jin Nanfeng raised his head and looked at her quietly for a long time. Thinking of the divorce agreement, his heart was filled with pain.

"It's fine."

"I will get off work in a while."

"It's okay, you're busy with you, I will pick Chenchen from school later, where shall we go to celebrate Chenchen's birthday in the evening?"

"At home, I bought the food yesterday, so when you pick it up, pick up the cake."

"it is good."

Jin Nanfeng got up, put on his jacket, and left.

Li Yunxiu looked at the back of Jin Nanfeng's departure, only to remember that they didn't even have a hug just now.

It's really rare.

Looks like Nan Feng is still angry, right?

Even the tone of speaking to her was equally lukewarm.

Did you really do something wrong with Jian Zixun?

Li Yunxiu sighed heavily.

Jin Nanfeng took Chen Chen from school. The little guy didn’t see Jin Nanfeng for a long time. He was so excited that he clamored for Jin Nanfeng to hold him.

Nan Feng was in a bad mood at the moment, and he didn't have much patience with Chen Chen, so he said "Go by myself."

Chenchen was very aggrieved, "Daddy badass, today is Chenchen's birthday, you actually murdered me."

Jin Nanfeng thought, what the little guy said makes sense. He had never helped this little guy celebrate his birthday before.

It would be a bad memory if it was too much trouble once. Jin Nanfeng quickly bent over and gently hugged Chen Chen.

"What gift do you want this year?"

In fact, he has prepared a birthday present, but he still doesn’t know much about his son’s preferences.

Ask him or let Yang Yun buy it back tomorrow and give it to him.

Chenchen dragged his long voice, frowned tightly, stared at Jin Nanfeng for a long time, and finally said, "Dad

Dad, I don't want any gifts today, I only have a simple wish. "

"No gifts?" Jin Nanfeng smiled, "When did you **** become so sensible?"

"Chenchen has always been sensible, okay?" Chenchen was a little unconvinced.

Jin Nanfeng endured a smile, "Okay, then tell me, what do you want me to do for you."

"Can you stop quarreling with Mommy?"

Chenchen's blue eyes were full of pleading, "Chenchen doesn't want to see you and Mommy get another cold war. This is my wish."

Jin Nanfeng was stunned for an instant. He never told Chen Chen about the matter between him and Li Yunxiu. Xiao Xiuqiu was worried about the shadow.

When Chenchen rang, he would definitely not tell Chenchen, but unexpectedly, Chenchen found out by himself...

This kid...

"Dad, we are boys. The teacher said that boys should be generous and tolerant, and they should not always be angry with girls.

Don't ignore Mommy, okay? "

Chenchen's voice gradually became a little crying.

"When did I ignore mommy?" Jin Nanfeng was helpless when Chen Chen said, "It's obviously your mommy..."

It’s just that before finishing the words, Jin Nanfeng frowned, "Okay, don’t you a little kid about our adults’ affairs.

Got it. "

"But Chenchen is afraid, you will not want me and Mommy again."

There were tears in the blue eyes.

"Little fool, you are my biological son of Jin Nanfeng, how could I not want you?"

Chenchen's eyes were full of disbelief, "Will you not want Mommy?"

Jin Nanfeng stayed suddenly, no matter where he didn’t want Li Yunxiu, it was the woman who had obtained the divorce agreement in private.

Since falling in love with Li Yunxiu, Jin Nanfeng has never been the one who has considered giving up.

It's just that Chenchen didn't know what happened, and he couldn't tell Chenchen.

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