Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1133: .deceive?

"Nanfeng, how is Yu Xi?"

Xin Mei had already waited for Jin Nanfeng to come out, and walked up enthusiastically when she saw Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng looked at Xin Mei coldly, and his smile made Xin Mei's heart chuckle.

"Your bowl of chicken soup really makes me feel sick. I don't want to see it again in my life."

Jin Nanfeng's voice was so cold that almost everything was frozen.

Xin Mei's eyes were a little guilty, but she still bit her scalp and said, "Nanfeng, I know you blame me. Use this method to make

You and Yu Xi... But mom can’t help it. Mom is also doing it for your own good. Mom doesn’t want to see you being embroidered by Li Yun

Such a woman was ruined. "

"It was not Li Yunxiu who ruined his son, it was you." Jin Nanfeng's eyes were red, "You let his son not know what to do

To face my beloved woman, I might lose her..."

"If you lose, you will lose, we are not wrong..."

"Really?" Jin Nanfeng interrupted Xin Mei directly, "You are killing me, Mom."

After that, before Xin Mei could speak, Jin Nanfeng left the Jin family in a heavy footsteps.

Yu Xi walked downstairs, his face was worried, "Auntie..."

"Good boy, you can be considered a success." Xin Mei was full of joy.

Yu Xi shook his head worriedly, "But auntie, I always feel that Nanfeng..."

Jin Nanfeng would be angry. They expected it, but she didn’t expect Jin Nanfeng’s reaction to be so big. Jin Nan’s this morning

Feng can almost be described as a dangerous beast. She suddenly had a premonition of anxiety. Maybe things won’t follow.

Living as they predicted before, Jin Nanfeng is someone they cannot control.

Xin Mei held Yu Xi's hand, "You don't have to worry about this. Nanfeng is rejuvenated. What should happen?

What should have happened is already a fact, can he go back to last night? "

A dark light flashed under Yu Xi's eyes and nodded gently.

Xin Mei said again, "Good boy, during this time you will stay at home honestly, in case you are pregnant, this

The matter is settled, know? "

Yu Xi paused, there was a trace of weirdness and unnaturalness in her eyes. After a moment of silence, she suppressed the trace of love in her eyes.

Xu, smiled lightly, "Well, I know."


Jin Nanfeng didn’t know how he left the Jin’s house. When he reacted, he had already pulled the land and put it in the wine.

It's in the box.

Apart from irritability, my heart is more filled with invisible fear, self-blame and regret.

Covering the ground, pressing on his heart, made him feel uneasy for a moment.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Seeing Jin Nanfeng sitting here, his face was pale and frowned in a daze. He didn't know what he was thinking. He had never seen it before.

Lu Fang who looked like Jin Nanfeng was really taken aback.

He stretched out his hand and gently pushed Jin Nanfeng, who was still sitting in place like a wooden stake, his face pale.

Lu Fangxin finished thinking, wouldn't Li Yunxiu play some fake death tricks again?

"No, Jin Nanfeng, just tell me what you have, what are you doing here as a stake? I am

I came out when I received your call. Don’t let your fart go. If you don’t speak anymore, I’ll go back and hold my son.

That's it. "

Jin Nanfeng was still silent, only looking down at his hand, Lu Fang only realized that the sky was falling down.

The man who could face without changing his face, his hands could not stop shaking at this moment.

Lu Fang couldn't help but chuckle, what the **** was going on? Can you treat a man like Jin Nanfeng

Scared like this?

"Brother, you are not murdering anymore, are you?"

Lu Fang lowered his voice and leaned in front of Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng shook his head mechanically.

Lu relaxed, but was dissatisfied, "Then what's wrong with you?"

Jin Nanfeng raised his head and glanced at Lu Fang almost blankly, his voice trembling, "Lu Fang, I can

Yes... I might have done something sorry for Little Hydrangea..."

When Lu Fang heard this, he instantly understood that Jin Nanfeng had probably committed a stupid thing that men would commit, but he was also relieved.

The opposite of him sat down, "Cut, I think it’s something important, it shocked me so much, I just did it.

Well, all men, I understand you..."

Jin Nanfeng's complexion was still white and poked people's eyes, "I'm sorry Little Hydrangea...I betrayed her..."

Lu Fang saw that Jin Nanfeng's whole body was stunned, so he could only comfort her, "Don't be like this.

Little Hydrangea, don’t you know? Since she doesn't know, can you just not admit it? Anyway, she won't know..."

"You mean you want me to cheat Little Hydrangea?" Jin Nanfeng frowned and shook his head resolutely, "I won't cheat her."

Doing shameless things with other women, and deliberately deceiving Xiao Xiuqiu, then Jin Nanfeng did not become what he used to be

What kind of scumbag do you look down on most?

Jin Nanfeng's eyes were a little firm, "I won't hide it from her."

"Nan Feng, are you okay with your brain?" Lu Fang called out immediately, "It's not that I scared you, I treat women

The best thing is, if you tell Li Yunxiu that you slept with another woman, you two will definitely have it, you

Think about it, the last time that Gu Xiuxia, Li Yunxiu designed to divorce you, and stayed away from you for more than a year. You and

Gu Xiuxia is more in estrus than courtesy, right? You are all in bed with others, do you still expect Li Yunxiu to forgive you? This

It's impossible..."

Jin Nanfeng's brows frowned because of Lu Fang's words.

"Nanfeng, just listen to my advice. You should treat this as nothing happened. You and the woman should get rid of it early.

Jing, if the woman refuses, you should pay more money to settle it. Anyway, if things don’t go to Li Yun embroidery, you will

Nothing will happen. If Li Yunxiu knows about this, you can just wait to divorce her. "Lu Fang said

He was a little curious and puzzled, "Also, what is going on, Nan Feng, you are not the kind of playing outside.

The cheating man, how..."

"My mother arranged it. She put medicine in the soup. I don't even know what I did last night..."

Lu Fang was a little alert, "Will you and that woman have nothing at all?"

Jin Nanfeng frowned, and for a moment he remembered the torn clothes and the dazzling red on the bed.

It hurts once. He couldn't help bending over, hugged his head, and grabbed his hair with regret.

Lu Fang also sighed, opened a bottle of wine and handed it to Jin Nanfeng, "Okay, brother, stop thinking about it, this matter

Just don't say it, Little Hydrangea won't know. "

This night, Jin Nanfeng was almost drunk until he was sent back to the apartment by Lu Fangzhi.

Lu Fang was worried that Xin Mei would arrange another woman for Jin Nanfeng, so he finally thought about it. He just lay down on the sofa in the living room.

I slept all night. When Lu Fang woke up the next day, Jin Nanfeng was long gone.

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