Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1138: .Come to my house

On the side, Li Yunjin clenched his fist almost immediately.

Li Yunxiu lowered her head. She knew that Xin Mei had always wanted to divorce Jin Nanfeng. She

She even went to Yangcheng to find herself twice, but she did not expect that Xin Mei would find the presidential palace in person.

Talk about this kind of thing in front of her family.

Her attitude is very clear. She will not divorce Jin Nanfeng. How could Xin Mei force herself to this point?

Li Yunxiu glanced at Shi Qing subconsciously, and gently shook her head in her confused eyes.

Shi Qing breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xin Mei again, "Mrs. Jin, Nan Feng and Xiao Xiuqiu have a very good relationship. Children

They are all grown up, they have their own lives, why do you need to separate them forcibly? "

Xin Mei's expression was calm. After hearing Shi Qing's words, she only smiled softly, and then said, "Mrs. Li, say so

Well, I was planning to accept Nan Feng and Yun Embroidery together, but now something happened, I must

It must be resolved immediately. I am not only for the sake of our south wind, but also for your daughter. "

"whats the matter?"

Shi Qing asked.

Xin Mei took Yu Xi's hand next to him, and said, "Yu Xi is pregnant. It's Nanfeng."

"Kang Dang--"

The bone china cup in Li Yunxiu's hand instantly fell to the floor and shattered to the ground.


Li Yunxiao gave a worried cry, and saw Li Yunxiu smile lightly, "I'm fine."

Xin Mei ignored Li Yunxiu at all, but continued to say, "The child has been more than two months, and one or two months will pass.

Xi’s belly will be bigger. Marriage will not be good for Yu Xi’s reputation at that time. I think I’d better take them earlier.

Things to do..."

Shi Qing was shocked and couldn't say a word.

"After Nan Feng divorced your daughter, we will compensate your daughter well. It is definitely not good for people to wrong her..."


A voice suddenly interrupted Xin Mei's words, everyone followed the voice and looked over and saw Li Yunxiu clenching his fists tightly.

The head and back are slightly arched, like a lion whose territory has been violated, just wanting to maintain his own collar.

Land and private property.

"It is impossible for Nan Feng... to do such a thing."

Li Yunxiu's eyes were full of determination.

Xin Mei laughed disdainfully, "Do you think I made up this matter to lie to you? Am I so bored?

Are you kidding about this kind of thing? "

"How about you has nothing to do with me, I only know that Nanfeng will not do this kind of thing, I believe him, please do not

If you want to talk about this kind of thing again, and don't let me divorce Nanfeng again, I won't agree. "

Li Yunxiu clenched his fists! The eyes were scarlet, and the throats of everyone present were getting tight!

Xin Mei looked at Li Yunxiu, suddenly "tsk" twice, then laughed, "Okay, I know you believe in my son, then I

Don't talk nonsense with you, why don't you call my son to come over, how about confronting us? "

Li Yunxiu's heart sank, looking at Xin Mei, the restlessness in his heart came up again.

After a while, Li Yunxiu walked aside to get the phone.

"Sister, what the **** is going on?" Li Yunxiu frowned and asked Li Yunxiu worriedly.

Li Yun shook his head, "I don't know either."

"Brother-in-law really..."

"Impossible, don't worry, Nanfeng will not do such a thing." She still believes in Jin Nanfeng on this point.

Li Yunxiu dialed Jin Nanfeng's phone.

"Nanfeng, are you busy now?"

"Well, I'm on the crew, what's wrong?"

Li Yunxiu glanced at Xin Mei and Yu Xi, frowned and said, "Can you come to my house now?"

Jin Nanfeng's voice became deep, "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"Well, come here first anyway."

Li Yunxiu suppressed his irritability.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Li Yunxiu said "um" and hung up the phone.

"Nanfeng will be here soon. I hope you will stop making such jokes. I don't like it, and Nanfeng won't like it.

Happy. Mrs. Jin, you are Nanfeng’s mother. As a mother, is your son’s happiness better than your own

Is subjective feeling more important? "

Faced with Li Yunxiu's accusation, Xin Mei didn't say a word, just a faint smile on her mouth.

The smile made Li Yunxiu feel particularly anxious, and his palms were sweating crazily.

"Little Hydrangea, don't worry, if Jin Nanfeng really does something I am sorry for you, I will definitely abolish him."

Li Yunjin said viciously.

"No, he definitely won't." Li Yunxiu smiled.

An hour later, Jin Nanfeng came.

Jin Nanfeng's face turned pale when he saw Xin Mei and Yu Xi.

"Nanfeng, you are here."

Li Yunxiu walked in front of him.

"Well, what happened?"

Jin Nanfeng held Li Yunxiu's wrist.

"Nanfeng, your mother said Yu Xi she..."

Li Yunxiu's words stopped, and he didn't know how to say it.

Xin Mei continued her words.

"Yu Xi is pregnant."

Jin Nanfeng's face was white again, even the last trace of blood was missing.

Standing in place, letting the overwhelming self-blame and guilt flood in.

"So if Nanfeng wants to be responsible to Yu Xi, he must marry Yu Xi."


Xu Ye saw Jin Nanfeng, Li Yunxiu only seemed more confident before, glaring at Xin Mei, "Nanfeng doesn’t know how

Betrayed me, how could he make Yu Xi pregnant! Don't try to separate me and Jin Nanfeng in this way..."

As Li Yunxiu said, he looked at Jin Nanfeng anxiously, pulled his sleeve, and said anxiously, "Nanfeng, tell her quickly."

Jin Nanfeng's face was pale, and a thousand words poured into his mouth, but he couldn't say a word.

He just frowned and looked away slightly, unable to look at Li Yunxiu.

Li Yunxiu's heart sank suddenly. At this moment, the whole person was like a clockwork twisted to the end,

After the clamor, there was only a long silence.


Li Yunxiu looked at Jin Nanfeng who was silent, suddenly laughed weirdly, and couldn't help but let go of Jin Nanfeng's hand.

After leaving, Li Yunxiu took two steps back and kept shaking his head, "Impossible, this is impossible..."

Xin Mei raised the corners of her mouth triumphantly, and looked at Yu Xi involuntarily, and exchanged a satisfied look.

"It's impossible... Jin Nanfeng..."

The mouth is still making dying resistance, but the tears have been silently and uncontrollably "click--"

Come down.

She wanted to tell herself to believe in Jin Nanfeng, but subconsciously she knew it vaguely, what Xin Mei just said

Cut, maybe it's all true.

Yu Xi is pregnant with Jin Nanfeng's child...

Jin Nanfeng betrayed himself?

Li Yunxiu clenched his fists tightly, only feeling that his cheeks were hot, but the rest of his body was terribly cold.

After a long silence, Li Yun smiled and gently took Li Yunxiu's arm, "Sister, let me take you back to the room first."

Jin Nanfeng didn't say a word, but his expression and attitude were enough to explain everything.

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