Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1143: .Quality should also be divided

This state has been going on for almost half a month, seeing Chen Chen has hardly said anything during this period.

Li Yunxiu was afraid that the child might have psychological problems, so he took Chenchen back to the imperial capital and asked Mu Qianli to pick him up.

Played for a few days in the past.

"Shenchen, this kid must be sad."

Shi Qing sighed softly, "You and Jin Nanfeng are in trouble. In fact, it is the child who is sad.

One is the father and the other is the mother. It doesn't matter which side he is on. "

What Li Yunxiu was most sorry for was Chen Chen’s child, she personally sent Jin Nanfeng to Chen Chen’s side, but

Let him cut everything alive when he needed his father to grow up most.

However, she has no other way. She is not a tolerant woman. In getting along with Jin Nanfeng, she

Although many edges and corners have been polished away, she still has a bottom line that cannot be touched, and has her own self.

Respect and pride.

She couldn’t share the same man with other women, and she couldn’t accept that Jin Nanfeng and other women had children.


Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu's mouth couldn't help but raised a bitter smile.

"The relationship between Chen Chen and Jin Nanfeng is very good, right?"

Shi Qing asked.

"Yes, boys, they always play more with their fathers."

She is a woman, and sometimes she can’t figure out what a little boy thinks, but Jin Nanfeng, who is also a man, can easily

too much.

The company and care she can provide Chenchen will become less and less important as Chenchen grows.

Whenever he clearly realizes this, Li Yunxiu always feels that there is huge sorrow and grief, and he can't help it coming up from the bottom of his heart.

"Mom, do you think it's right for me to keep Chenchen by my side?"

Li Yunxiu suddenly looked at Shi Qing in confusion.


Shi Qing paused to live.

Li Yunxiu smiled bitterly, "In the past half month, Chen Chen hasn't said much, no matter what I treat him.

In this way, he is always reluctant to talk to me. "

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu's nose was slightly sour.

"Mom, do you think Chenchen blames me? Blame me for letting him have no father?"

Shi Qing's heart sank slightly, and she held Li Yunxiu's hand, "Don't think so, no child will blame her parents."

Li Yunxiu shook his head, eyes particularly disturbed, "Should I send Chenchen back to Jin Nanfeng? Maybe Chenchen stay

It's right to be by Jin Nanfeng's side. "

Shi Qing frowned, "Don't think like this, Chenchen is the same there. He is not angry with you, he just

A little sad. Just wait a while. "

"hope so."

Li Yunxiu smiled without confidence.

"Have you been in contact with Jin Nanfeng?"

Shi Qing asked suddenly.

Li Yunxiu paused slightly, then shook his head gently, "How can we still be in touch?"

She would not take the initiative to contact Jin Nanfeng, and Jin Nanfeng had never contacted her. It seemed that the two of them had agreed.

In this way, from the moment Li Yunxiu asked him to let go at the presidential palace that day, he was truly disconnected.

"But I haven't heard the news that Jin Nanfeng is going to marry Yu Xi... I heard that Jin Nanfeng has agreed

It's been a long time since Jin's home, and the Jin family are looking for him. "

Li Yunxiu didn't want to hear any more news about Jin Nanfeng, she closed her eyes in pain, "Mom, we

Leave him alone, OK? "

Where Jin Nanfeng went, and when he married Yu Xi, they have nothing to do with him.

"Okay, come back with a smile in the afternoon. I will ask him to go shopping with you. I saw a dress last time. Unfortunately,

I have to accompany your father to socialize at noon. I don’t have time to buy it. Can you buy it for me? "

"no problem."

Li Yunxiu smiled.

In the afternoon, Li Yunxiu and Li Yunxiao went shopping together.

Li Yunxiao always felt that Li Yunxiu still had a lot of thoughts hidden in his heart, so he deliberately told a lot of jokes to shake Li Yun.

Embroidery happy.

Li Yunxiu also knew his sister's good intentions, so he joked with her along with her co-workers.

The two first went to help Shiqing buy the skirt, and then they looked for beautiful clothes on the first floor of the mall.

Unknowingly, two people actually walked to a baby shop, and at this time, a woman happened to come from inside

Come out!

Li Yunxiu had never felt that the Imperial Capital was so small, so small that she came out once in 10,000 years, and would still be with the person she least wants to meet

Run into.

I haven't seen each other for a month. Yu Xi is a bit fatter than the last time I saw each other, and her lower abdomen is slightly bulging.

When I thought that there was Jin Nanfeng’s child lying quietly there, Li Yunxiu's heart couldn't help but flutter.

The pain, the scar that has not healed completely, was once again ruthlessly torn open a long hole, and a warm thorn came out

The purpose of blood comes.

Li Yunxiu couldn't help clenching his fists, and took a deep breath, never letting himself cry out.

"Miss Li."

Yu Xi smiled and walked to Li Yunxiu's face, "It just so happens that I didn't expect to meet you here, you

Are you ok? "

"I..." Li Yunxiu just said a word and was snatched by Li Yunxiao.

Faced with this **** who ruined her sister’s family and happiness, Li Yun laughed but didn’t have a good face to her, "You don’t need to

I pretended to ask my elder sister if she was okay. My elder sister is okay. If you don’t look at you, my sister will be better. "

"Smile." Li Yunxiu frowned and scolded Li Yunxiao, and then said, "Let's go."

"Sister, don't persuade you, we are not afraid of her."

Li Yunxiao had long wanted to teach Yu Xi a lesson. Now that he has finally caught the opportunity, how could he let her go, so straight

He picked it up in front of Yu Xi and lifted his chin.

"Yu Xi, you should be grateful for this little **** in your stomach. If you were not pregnant, my grandma would have gone to smoke.

You, you shameless mistress! Destroy other families! "

Yu Xi's face turned pale at a glance, clutching the purse beside her hand tightly, almost looking for a hole in her face in shame.

Go in.

"You... how can you say that to me... I didn't destroy anyone's family..."

"Yeah, you didn't destroy it. After all, you and Jin Nanfeng are both scumbags and bitches, a pair of dog men and women, how can they destroy the family

What about this statement? "Li Yun smiled and sneered, "Yu Xi, since you are pregnant, don't go out, even if you are sick of others

Well, what if you fall and kill two dead? "

Li Yunxiao had never said such a vicious thing in his life, and now he said it all to Yu Xi.

But even so, she still felt that it was far from enough, and she couldn't wait to rush up and slap her twice before feeling relieved.

A woman of about the same age followed Yu Xi, who seemed to be Yu Xi’s friend. Seeing Li Yunxiu's imposing momentum,

Immediately stepped forward to help the friend.

"Hey, do you have quality? Can you speak?"

"Quality depends on the person. Yu Xi shamelessly used her children to force my sister to divorce. Even this kind of **** deserves to talk to me.

quality? "Li Yunxiao looked extraordinarily arrogant.

Li Yunxiu did not persuade Li Yun to smile, she also had selfish intentions, she was also an ordinary woman, one was robbed of her heart.

It’s impossible for the woman of the one she loves not to complain about Yu Xi at all. She just doesn’t bother to care about Yu Xi. Now

Encountered by chance, naturally there will be grudges and grievances.

Yu Xi’s friend was not Li Yunxiao’s opponent at all. He was silenced by Li Yunxiao without saying a few words.

She was trembling with anger, "you you you" kept on.

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