Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1154: . No need to apologize

Xin Mei's eyes suddenly "smashed" into anger, and she almost stood up from the sofa, "Li Yunxiu, you

Are you threatening us with the south wind? "

Li Yunxiu clenched her fists tightly, feeling that her cheeks were hot, and she didn't want to use such a despicable means to go.

Forcing the Jin family to come forward to help her clarify the rumors outside, but she can’t watch the Li family fall like this, all bad luck

It was brought by her Li Yunxiu alone. Shi Qing and Li Beixun loved me so much. As a child, she can’t respect him.

Even if we let them go, it caused them a lot of trouble... She couldn't accept it!

Therefore, even if using this method of threatening others to make people feel unbearable and compelling, she can only do it.

"We all know that Nan Feng's heart has not completely let go of me. If you don't come forward to solve it, I can guarantee

It proves that you will never see Jin Nanfeng. "Li Yunxiu's eyes lightly fell on Yu Xi's stomach, "Madam,

Miss Yu, a child without a father, is very pitiful. I hope you will consider it carefully. "

Xin Mei's face flushed red, "Li Yunxiu, don't let me show off here, you are so sure, Nan

Will the wind follow you? She is the child I raised! "

"He was indeed raised by you, so you should be more aware of what kind of temperament Jin Nanfeng is, right, you should be very clear

Bai, you gave Jin Nanfeng medicine so that he and Yu Xi had a child. What does it mean to Jin Nanfeng, he

Now I am full of shame, believe it or not, now I let him die, he is willing, let alone let him

Stop talking with you..."

"Shut me up!"

Xin Mei was so angry that she almost threw the tea cup beside her on Li Yunxiu's body, "You vicious woman, Nan Feng Zhen

It’s blind to love you! "

"Mrs. Jin, I said, you don’t need to feel angry, because now I don’t like Jin Nanfeng anymore.

I want to provoke your relationship with Jin Nanfeng. Can we make a deal? "

Xin Mei's chest was violently ups and downs. When he heard that Jin Nanfeng was about to sever ties with herself, as a mother,

She lost her reason in an instant, and what Li Yunxiu said could not be heard.

Fortunately, Yu Xi stopped her, "Auntie, don't get excited, listen to what she says first."

"Listening to what she said, she dared to let Nan Feng sever ties with us, and I would let them go with the Li family."

"Auntie, please calm down first. This is not good for both of us. Why bother to lose? First listen to what she wants.

Say something. "

Yu Xi kept patting Xin Mei on the back, trying to calm her emotions.

With Yu Xi's relief, Xin Mei's mood eased slightly, and she glared at Li Yunxiu.

Then say, "Go ahead, what is the deal you are talking about?"

"If you can make Yu Xi come forward and clarify it outside, the matter between me and her is just a misunderstanding, not that I deliberately picked it up.

Provocation, let everyone stop targeting the Presidential Palace. My Li family has survived this turmoil without incident.

The former disappeared completely. "

"Can you do it?"

Xin Mei was very suspicious, "Don't have any chance to meet again when the time comes!"

"No." Li Yunxiu shook his head decisively, and an indescribable smile was gently raised at the corner of his mouth, like

It’s ridicule, but also sad, "This world is so big, so many countries, countless places, there is always one

A street, he and I have never met. "

If she really wants to leave, she will go clean and will not be found by Jin Nanfeng.

Xin Mei still wanted to speak, but this time, Yu Xi rushed to speak, "Can you guarantee it?"


Li Yunxiu nodded vigorously.

"I promise."

She said and laughed, "Madam, you are here, you are much older than me, you should be very clear about this

No matter how deep the love and hatred in the world is, it won’t last a long time. Maybe Jin Nanfeng can’t feel it for a year or two.

Arrived, but five years later, I believe Jin Nanfeng must have forgotten my name. Then, he and Yu Xi’s

The child has grown up, he will enjoy the pride and pride of being a father, he will definitely return to the family

Yes, it's just a matter of time. As long as I don't show up, Jin Nanfeng will come back sooner or later. "

Li Yunxiu's sincere words touched Yu Xi and Xin Mei, they exchanged silently in places that Li Yunxiu could not see

Gave a look.

Xin Mei said, "I will think about what you said."

"There is no time to think about it." Li Yunxiu shook his head, resolutely, "You must give me an answer now."

The outside world is putting too much pressure on Li Beixun. This matter must be resolved within a day or two, otherwise Li Beixun will definitely

Those who resigned, dad has been president for so long. If he can only take the blame and resign in the end, he will be a permanent member of his life.

The stain that can't be washed away, she absolutely does not allow this kind of thing to happen.

Therefore, she must have a decisive answer.

Right now.

Finish everything completely.

Xin Mei frowned, "But Li Yunxiu, you are the child who almost hurt Yu Xi's stomach after all. If you even

Without an apology, let us trade with you. Will it be too cheap for you? "

Li Yunxiu frowned. After a brief silence, she slowly stood up, looking at Xin Mei and Yu Xi calmly.

"If it's an apology, I can, it doesn't matter how much you want."

Xin Mei was about to speak when she saw Jin Nanfeng hurried in from the door.

Li Yunxiu lowered his voice and said immediately, "It is better not to let Jin Nanfeng know about our transaction.

What went wrong. "

Xin Mei was taken aback, and Jin Nanfeng had already arrived.

"Mom, what are you going to do?"

Xin Mei was dissatisfied, "What do I want to do? I am not embarrassed by Li Yunxiu, she took the initiative to come and find me

We apologize, there are so many people here, if you don't believe it, you can ask her. "

Jin Nanfeng frowned slightly, looking at Li Yunxiu, "Little Hydrangea..."

Li Yunxiu bypassed Jin Nanfeng directly and looked at Yu Xi, "Miss Yu, I’m really sorry, I didn’t control it at the mall that day.

Control your emotions and almost hurt the child in your stomach. I was wrong. I apologize to you, hope

Can you forgive me. "

Yu Xi did not speak, but Jin Nanfeng grabbed Li Yunxiu's hand, "Li Yunxiu, you don't have to apologize to her.

I also have to know today that something like this happened to the Li family, you don’t need to apologize to this woman, I will explain

To make it clear, my relationship with her..."

"no need."

Li Yunxiu gently pulled away Jin Nanfeng's hand.

Then he said lightly, "Jin Nanfeng, I beg you, can you not make things worse? I'm already very tired."

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