Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1157: . I only have one mom

Hong Xin took out her mobile phone, went out to make a call, and came back within five minutes.

"Sister Yunxiu, Brother Aliang said that he will be at sea the day after tomorrow. Do you think we can go there and see the day after tomorrow?"


Li Yunxiu frowned.

"Why, is it inconvenient for you? Then I will tell Aliang to find time."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter, although I am a little anxious, but there should be nothing important."

"Okay, then it's settled, you remember to bring some change of clothes, then you will stay in town for one night,

I assure you, Sister Yunxiu, you will fall in love with that place. "

"Then I am looking forward to it."

Li Yunxiu smiled.

Not long after Li Yunxiu and Hong Xin left, Jin Nanfeng came.

Although the people who work in the shop don’t know what happened to Jin Nanfeng and Li Yunxiu, they don’t care about the news.

I learned about the divorce of the two people, so when I saw Jin Nanfeng at the moment, I was a little embarrassed.

They are big stars, they dare not offend any of them, the movie kings are coming, and the face they deserve is still to be given

Okay, but for the second time, their boss divorced Jin Nanfeng. This is justified. They can’t treat Jin Nanfeng.

Too enthusiastic, who knows if they are seen by the boss, will they be expelled in a fit of anger.

A few people are looking at me while I am looking at you, so I decided to choose someone to entertain Jin Nanfeng, but Jin Nanfeng was at this time

When he came over.

"Is your boss here?"

Jin Nanfeng was wearing a mask, and his voice sounded haggard, as if he had not slept for several nights.

The store manager hesitated, coughed slightly, and then said, "The store manager just left."


What was obvious in those beautiful eyes dimmed suddenly, and the store manager was a little helpless, biting his head.

Continued, "Yes, not long after leaving, and Hong Xin."

"Hong Xin?" Jin Nanfeng frowned when he heard the name. "Why did that woman wrap her around again?"

"She has been the boss outside the store, and the boss is a softhearted person, so maybe forgive her."

The deputy store manager also helped, "Yeah, yeah, the boss is really good at talking. If it’s me, he lied to me.

For a long time, I secretly took the money from my shop. I will definitely not forgive her for the rest of my life. "

"But this Hong Xin does have perseverance. It's been a long time, and she is reluctant to leave. Maybe she really regretted it.

Meaning too. "

Jin Nanfeng nodded, "Do you know where they are?"

"I don't know, but I heard that they seem to be going"

The deputy store manager frowned, thinking carefully, "I overheard it when I went to deliver them coffee."

Seeing that the deputy shop manager was talking more and more, the shop manager couldn’t help but stabbed her with an elbow. The deputy shop manager realized then.

He smiled embarrassedly and explained, "But maybe I heard it wrong."

Jin Nanfeng saw her look weird and knew that he made them embarrassed, so he nodded gently and said "thank you".

Leave with a hat.

He originally came here to find another chance to have a good talk with Li Yunxiu, but unfortunately, he even sees her now.

The noodles are already luxurious.


Jin Nanfeng remembered what the clerk said, and the corners of his mouth raised a bitter smile.

Better, it might not be a good choice.

Jin Nanfeng returned home and saw Chen Chen sitting barefoot on the floor playing puzzles.

"Why don't you wear shoes?"

Jin Nanfeng frowned and walked over, "If you have a cold, I don't have the time to take you to the hospital."

The little guy gave two cold "hum", put the puzzle pieces back to the original place, and then raised his head, like Shi

She gave Jin Nanfeng a look like, "I know, you, I was busy apologizing to Mommy recently, so

There is no time for me, right? "

Jin Nanfeng’s thoughts were clearly guessed by the kid, and his face was a little angry and gloomy, "You don’t care about adults.

No matter, don’t hurry up to put on your shoes, I have to hold a stick to force you to go, right? "

Chenchen lowered his head to play the puzzle again, and his voice was dull, "I'm not going, Chenchen is eager to catch a cold and get sick.

That way Mommy will definitely come to see me, and I will never see Mommy for the rest of my life alone. "

"Devil, you just hate your dad, don't you?"

Jin Nanfeng couldn’t help but stretched out his hand and tapped **** Chen Chen’s head, “If you don’t want to be with me, for

Why come and live together? "

"Isn't that because you can't catch up with your mother at all?"

Chenchen was speechless and rolled his eyes at Jin Nanfeng, then put down the puzzle in his hand and walked to the sofa.

Sitting down, the little adult looked at Jin Nanfeng, "Hey, smelly father, what mistake did you make to make Mommy so

Angry? "

Jin Nanfeng’s face changed, and after a long silence, he sat cross-legged on the floor not far from Chenchen and bowed.


"Mommy is a very kind person. You have to apologize to Mommy, and Mommy will come back."

"She won't come back again."

Jin Nanfeng smiled bitterly, and his heart felt unstoppable pain because of what he said.


Chen Chen obviously couldn't understand.

Jin Nanfeng took a deep breath, but still could not show the irritability and boredom in his heart. He looked at him.

This villain who looks more and more similar to himself smiled with a trace of regret, "Because your **** dad committed a crime.

An unforgivable mistake. "

"Are you in love with other aunts?"

Chenchen asked suddenly.

"No, I only love your mommy."

"Then why can't you be forgiven?"

Chenchen frowned, her blue eyes filled with puzzlement, "Mommy said, I will have younger siblings soon, you and others

Auntie has a baby? "

Jin Nanfeng's eyes stopped and nodded hard after a moment of silence.


"But Mommy said before that only two people who love each other will have a baby... Since you don’t love that aunt, why

Do you have a baby with that aunt? "

Tong Yan Wuji, but it is often children's words that are more lethal.

Jin Nanfeng had to admit that he couldn't answer Chenchen at all.

Every question of Chenchen is like a sharp sword that has been quenched and pierced fiercely in his heart.

Soft place.

It hurts very much.

After being silent for a long time, Jin Nanfeng smiled bitterly, "Because there is no way, the mistakes made by my father cannot

To be forgiven. "

Chen Chen narrowed his mouth, "Then I will never see you and Mommy together? You won't call other aunts to call mom

Damn, I only have one mummy! "

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