Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1161: .Water Spiritual Beauty

"How do I know this? It hasn't been long since I started to work, but no one will go after I came. Who will go to the bird without shit?

Where? "

The little brother in the boat next door was sleeping, was noisy by the sound, and took off the hat on his face while casually taking off

Said, "Aliang's boat went to Yuhe Town today."

Jin Nan's heart sank, "Who is on the boat?"

"The two girls, they said they were going to Yuhe Town to travel, and their brains were broken. Then two beautiful beauties..."

Jin Nanfeng's expression changed. The two girls, are Xiao Hydrangea and Hong Xin?

"How long have they been away?"

"Ten minutes, I shouldn’t have arrived at Yuhe Town. Today’s waves are relatively large, and it is estimated that there will be no more than 40 minutes.

It's impossible. "

Jin Nanfeng didn't hesitate anymore, he jumped onto the speedboat and said, "Go to Yuhe Town."

"Huh?" The little brother seemed a little embarrassed, "I don't usually go to Yuhe Town."

"I want you to go to Yuhe Town as quickly as possible. You can open any price you want. As long as I can afford it, I can give it to you."

"You also give two hundred thousand?"

Jin Nanfeng nodded without thinking, "Yes."

"Hahaha, boss, I was joking with you, just watch and give it yourself." The little brother started with a smile


Not long after Jin Nanfeng set off, Yang Yun called.

"Brother Jin, I have already found the bodyguard. Where are you now? I will let them find you."

"It’s too late. I’ve already set off. You ask the bodyguards to come to Nangang Pier and take a speedboat to Yuhe Town. Give my mobile phone number.

Give them a code and ask him to contact me on the island. "

If this Yuhe Town is really that horrible, Jin Nanfeng himself can’t be sure whether he can embroider Li Yun.

Bring it all out.

The speedboat drew a long series of blue and white waves on the blue sea, which looked very beautiful, but it all depends on Jin.

Nan Feng's eyes were extremely irritable.

Little hydrangea, you must be good.

Jin Nanfeng couldn't help but prayed in his heart.


After more than forty minutes of driving here, Li Yunxiu finally arrived at the so-called Yuhe Town.

"Then I will leave first." A Liang waved his hand.

"Thank you." Li Yunxiu liked this talkative young man very much.

"Goodbye, Brother Aliang."

Hong also waved at Aliang.

Aliang's speedboat left.

Only then did Li Yunxiu look around. He thought it was a small modern fishing village, but it was beyond Li Yunxiu's expectations.

It is expected that there is no shadow of modernity here. What you can see from the past is just a few people who can’t be named.

Looking at the trees and weeds that came, Li Yunxiu's mood was a little heavy.

The place they stop at is said to be a pier, rather than an abandoned wooden bridge, which can barely be used for pedestrians.

When I walked, the boards under my feet were broken, and they would fall off if I was not careful.

Is this place really a tourist attraction?

Li Yunxiu couldn't help but doubt in his heart.

"Sister Yunxiu, don't stand in a daze, we have to go for a long time?"

"it is good."

Hearing Hong Xin's voice, Li Yunxiu responded and walked over.

The more you go forward, the stranger Li Yunxiu feels. Hong Xin said before that the development here is very good, but why does she even have one

I haven’t seen any decent houses. On both sides of the road are some low huts, some of which are obviously abandoned for a long time.

, Even the master can't see it.

Li Yunxiu finally couldn't help but ask, "Hong Xin, didn't you say that this is a tourist attraction? Why don't I think that

Is it too similar? "

Hong Xin paused, and then said, "Ah, because the road I took you on has not been developed yet.

It is a tourist area, you will see it later, our Yuhe Town is very big. "

Li Yunxiu nodded suspiciously, but the pace under her feet was getting slower and slower. I don’t know why, she thought

A trace of anxiety, this bad premonition continued to expand and spread in the bottom of her heart as she went to the island, and now it seems to be

A huge black hole sucked her in completely.

Seeing Hong Xin walking faster and faster, Li Yunxiu finally stopped. She couldn't help but glanced back, only to find

I have gone far and far away from the place where I was on the island, and I can look far away, and I can see the towering building at the end of my sight.

The building is erected in layers, and that is the imperial capital...

Li Yunxiu's heart sank again, she retracted her gaze and looked around, very quiet and quiet.

There is no human voice except the wind.

Unknown trees clustered around one by one, like a large natural net, and Li Yunxiu could hardly breathe just looking at it.

"Hong Xin..."

She finally stopped the woman who had gone so far away.

"Sister Yunxiu, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Li Yunxiu standing in the distance, Hong Xin could only walk back, looking at Li Yunxiu's pale face, and asked, "Sister Yunxiu

Sister, are you okay? Why is your complexion so bad? Are you tired after walking for too long? "

Hong Xin looked around, pointed to a stone not far away and said, "Then let's go and rest?"

Li Yunxiu gently shook his head, looked at Hong Xin, smiled hard, and then said, "Hong Xin, I thought about it.

I think Yuhe Town may not be suitable for me..."

"what did you say?"

Hong Xin frowned at once.

"Actually, I don’t really like quietness. It’s better for me to stay in the city. Hong Xin, I

Let's go back. "

Li Yunxiu took two steps back as he spoke.

Unexpectedly, Hong Xin grabbed Li Yunxiu all at once, "Sister Yunxiu, you are here, you have to return before it arrives.

Isn't it a pity to go? In fact, Yuhe Town is also very lively, I promise, you will like it when you see it. "

"Hong Xin, I really don't like this place, you can let me go back."

Li Yunxiu felt that his voice was trembling slightly.

Hearing what Li Yunxiu said, Hong Xin's face was full of disappointment, and her hand was gently retracted, and she sighed helplessly.

Angrily, "Well, since sister Yunxiu has persisted like this, then I won't force you, but I have already

My brother called and said that I am bringing my friends back for dinner today. Shall we leave after dinner? "

Hong Xin frowned, "Moreover, at this point, there is no speedboat coming. The nearest boat will arrive at 1pm.

Well, you can't go now either. "

"Can't you call the person just now to come over?" Li Yunxiu insisted, "I can double how much

give him……"

"okay then."

Hong Xin nodded, walked to the side and made a call, not knowing what was said, Hong Xin walked away discouraged

Come back, "Brother Aliang went to another place. It will take two hours to get back. Sister Yunxiu, you will be in town first.

Go around and have a meal at my brother's house. "

Although Li Yunxiu hopes to leave here immediately, but seeing Hong Xin have said so, she can only help her

Calm down and continue to follow Hong Xin to the front.

Some of the main houses can be seen faintly before, but they are still quite dilapidated, and Li Yunxiu has never seen Hong.

What hotels, hotels and restaurants, Xinlai said, the houses here are very low and dilapidated. Li Yunxiu has never


Some elderly people sat at the door of the house, quietly not talking, just watching Li Yunxiu and Hong Xin.

No matter where Li Yunxiu went, she couldn't avoid it, and she couldn't help but get a layer of goose bumps. Ge

Uncomfortable outside.

"Hong Xin, there are so many old people in your town?"

Along the way, I have seen more than 20 people one after another, but a young person didn’t see it. Li Yunxiu couldn’t

It's a little strange.

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