Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1173: .Xiacheng

Here Li Yunxiu followed Yang Yun and saw Yu Xi as soon as he went out.

Passed her by.

"I hope I won't meet you again."

Yu Xi couldn't help but said.

Li Yunxiu paused for a while, and after a brief silence, she started again, "Don't worry, it will never happen."

When the matter was over, Jin Nanfeng also let go. She had no other wishes.

After returning to the Presidential Palace, it took another half a month before Li Yunxiu told Li Beixun and Shi Qing about his plan.

"Are you going to Xiacheng?"

It is a city in the northwest of the whole China, on the edge of the desert, and the environment is not good.

Shi Qing immediately objected, "No way, no way, how can you, a girl, go so far? And what is that?

What place do you understand? Some places are not powered..."

"Mummy, don’t worry about me. When I was studying abroad, one of my classmates was from Xiacheng.

After asking him to find a house for me, everything has been done, and Xiacheng is not as partial as you think.

It is remote, and it has developed very well in the past few years. "Li Yunxiu smiled, "If you don't believe it, go and ask dad, he is always

He knew best. "

"Bei Xun..."

Shi Qing didn't care what kind of city Xiacheng was, she just hoped that Little Hydrangea wouldn't run that far.

However, Li Beixun knew very well that Xiao Xiuqiu and Jin Nanfeng had a trouble with each other, and his daughter was leaving sooner or later.

So he asked indifferently, "Have you arranged Chenchen's affairs?"

"Well, it's arranged, I have already told him, let him follow Jin Nanfeng, I will come back every month, Zhou

At the end you and Mommy can take Chenchen to the Presidential Palace to play. "

"I see, when's the plane?"

"The morning after tomorrow, my classmates will pick me up at the airport."

Li Beixun nodded, "Be careful on the road."

"Bei Xun..."

Shi Qing was anxious. She originally wanted Li Beixun to persuade Xiao Xiuqiu, but listening to Li Beixun’s meaning, he praised

Go to the summer city so far away with Xiao Xiuqiu?

Li Beixun frowned and shook his head gently to Shi Qing, preventing her from continuing.

Shi Qing bit her lip, she didn't know what to say for a while, but she knew very well that Bei Xun's decision would not be


Although she is reluctant to bear the little hydrangea, but now, she can't keep her.

Soon, on the day of departure, Shi Qing and Li Beixun took Chenchen to the airport to send Li Yun embroidery.

Compared to Shi Qing's sadness, Li Yunxiu seemed very relaxed.

"Mommy, don’t want to be like this. I just changed my place to live, and I’m not going to come back.

Has it promised you? I will come back every month, and I will have a video call with you every day, so don’t be sad.

not good? "


Shi Qing nodded, but couldn't help but wet her eyes at the moment she turned her head.

This daughter of hers always get together less and more with herself. After careful calculation, the time they really spend together can be

How could she not worry if Xia Cheng was so far away in fifteen years.

Li Yunxiu hugged Shi Qing deeply, and said in her ear, "Mommy, I promise you, I will have a good life.

Live. "

Go to a place where there is no Jin Nanfeng and start all over again.

"Mommy, are you really far, far away?"

Chenchen looked up at Li Yunxiu, "Will you come back to see Chenchen?"

"Of course, I will come back every month." Li Yunxiu let go of Shi Qing and looked at his son, tenderly

Say, "Chen Chen, you must listen to your father and grandpa and grandma, don’t be naughty, be good

Eat well. "

"Can Chenchen go to you?" Chenchen frowned. "If Dad and uncle bully me again, can I go to Mommy?"

"Dad won't bully Chenchen."

Li Yunxiu smiled.

Seeing that the time for the plane to take off was approaching, Li Yunxiu reluctantly placed a kiss on Chenchen’s face.

He stood up and said goodbye to everyone.

The flight to Xiacheng takes about four hours.

Li Yunxiu hardly slept well last night. When he got to the plane, he became drowsy. When he was awakened by the stewardess, he was already there.

The sky above Xiacheng.

Xiacheng is indeed different from every place she has been to before. When you look at it, there are mountains in the past.

It is because entering the late autumn, not only did it not make people feel alive, but it gave people a particularly desolate taste.

Li Yunxiu slowly walked out of the airport with his suitcase, and saw a model of the same age wearing a hat not far away.

Such a man was waving at himself excitedly, "Yunxiu, Yunxiu! Here and here!"

It is his old classmate, Xia Zhiyang.

Li Yunxiu ran over a few steps, "Xia Zhiyang! Sorry, have you waited a long time?"

"No, I've only been here for a while, and your flight is ten minutes ahead of schedule."

Xia Zhiyang was dark-skinned and generously accepted the box for Li Yunxiu.

"Have you eaten? Let's go eat something first, and I'll take you to experience the customs of our Xiacheng."

"it is good."

Xia Zhiyang kindly invited, and Li Yunxiu was naturally not good at rejecting it. After agreeing, the two walked out of the airport to the parking lot.

Li Yunxiu saw that Xia Zhiyang was very noble, especially the watch on his wrist, which was worth close to one million.

Joked, "You seem to be developing well in Xiacheng."

"It's far worse than yours." Xia Zhiyang smiled "haha", "opened a small company and barely supported the family.

Make a living. "

"Hey, it's amazing. How do I remember that you said before that you hate starting a company and being a dad, thinking

Be an artist. "

Xia Zhiyang was a little embarrassed, scratching his head embarrassedly, "It's all young and ignorant. When an artist is my wife and child,

You can't drink Northwest Wind. "

Li Yunxiu couldn't help smiling by him.

Li Yunxiu followed Xia Zhiyang to the parking lot and found the car, only to find that there was still a person sitting in the car, a very young one.


In such a cold day in Xiacheng, the boy didn’t seem to feel that at all. He only wore a thin gray low-collar fur.

There is a silver skull necklace hanging around the neck, and simple black trousers underneath. The hair is dyed and it’s exaggerated.

It was yellow, with a slowly burning cigarette in his mouth. No matter how you looked at it, he felt like a bad boy.

How could he sit in Xia Zhiyang's car, Li Yunxiu felt suspicious, and couldn't help but glanced again.

The boy didn't seem to like such a look, and then he put the car window up, and turned his head in boredom.

Li Yunxiu was a little embarrassed, and asked Xia Zhiyang beside him gently, "Who? Your cousin?"

"No, I hired the driver."

"Driver?" Li Yunxiu was taken aback. "Is he an adult? Has a driver's license?"

"With half a year of adulthood, the driver's license is fake."

"Then you dare to hire him as a driver?" Li Yunxiu couldn't believe it.

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