Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1177: . Birthday alone

With that, grabbing his hair and leaving.

Li Yunxiu reluctantly returned to the house.

This Qi Yi is too strange. He's just a kid who hasn't fully grown up yet.


In the next two or three days, Li Yunxiu almost soaked herself in the new flower shop. She deliberately replaced that one.

The old grandma continues the story in this store, so she didn’t plan to move the original things in the store, but just added some needs.

To use, the original clerk in the shop is an old employee who has been working in the flower shop for five or six years, even if they change to a new one.

The board did not affect them in the slightest, but patiently taught Li Yunxiu how to take care of the flowers. Li Yunxiu was born smart.

Ming, learning things is fast, within half a month, I will learn about it seven or eight.

When the work of the flower shop slowly got on the right track, it was already a whole month that Li Yunxiu had spent in Xiacheng.

When Li Yunxiu came home that day, he suddenly received a call from Shi Qing.

"Little Hydrangea, happy birthday."

Li Yunxiu was taken aback. By the way, the 24th of December was her birthday.

"I forgot."

Li Yunxiu smiled embarrassedly.

"You kid is really so old, how can you forget your birthday."

Shi Qing sighed, "You are in Xiacheng. Your father and I originally planned to go there to help you celebrate your birthday, but Beixun works.

There’s something wrong at last, so we can’t go. I have someone give you a birthday gift.

Accept it. "

"Well, thank you."

Li Yunxiu's heart was warm. Although she was far away in Xiacheng, she still missed her parents and family.

It felt warm and at ease for her.

"After a while, you remember to order a birthday cake for yourself. Although we are not by your side,

You still have to be more serious, you know? "

"Well, I know."

"Then I will let Chenchen talk to you on the phone."

"Chen Chen?" Li Yunxiu was stunned. Shouldn't Chen Chen be with Jin Nanfeng? Today is not the weekend, Chen Chen

How could it be in the presidential palace?

Just before I had time to think about it, Chenchen's tender voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mummy, happy birthday."

"Thank you."

Hearing the little guy’s blessing, Li Yunxiu couldn’t help laughing. Although he called the little guy every day, he

The feeling of missing has not alleviated.

It seems that I have to take some time to return to the emperor.

"Mummy, when will you come back to see me?"

"Um... how about next week?"

"Really?" Chenchen's voice was obviously a little excited, and the pitch was a lot higher, "Then Mommy can't lie to me, lie to others.

All children are bad children. "

"When did Mommy lie to you?" Li Yunxiu helplessly, "Next Wednesday, I will definitely go back, and then let your dad

Dad sent you to the presidential palace in advance, do you know? "

"I live in the Presidential Palace now, Mommy."

Live in the presidential palace? What about Jin Nanfeng?

This question flashed through Li Yunxiu's heart again. She asked Chenchen to return the phone to Shi Qing and asked,

"Mom, has Chenchen always been with you since I left?"


"But I clearly agreed with Jin Nanfeng that Chenchen will put it with him..."

She can't be with Chen Chen, and she can't let Jin Nanfeng not be with Chen Chen either.

Shi Qing was also a little helpless, "We didn’t force it to take over. Of course, we knew that the child was still with us.

It’s good around my parents..."


"Jin Nanfeng brought it here."

Li Yunxiu's face turned pale.

"He said he was very busy at work, and he might not be in the imperial capital often in the next one or two years, and he was worried about handing Chenchen to the nanny.

So I asked us to take care of it, saying that Chenchen would be picked up on the weekend. "

"He didn't pick Chenchen once, didn't he?"

Li Yunxiu seemed to have guessed something faintly.

Shi Qing was a little embarrassed. "He didn't lie. He has been very busy recently. I have seen his schedule and work.

Almost the rows are full, and I don't even have time to breathe, so there is no time to manage Chenchen. "

Li Yunxiu's heart shrank tightly, as if being pinched by someone.

"I'll find him."

"Little Hydrangea. Don't go to Jin Nanfeng." Shi Qing called to Li Yunxiu, "Actually Chenchen is also very good with me, I

I don’t usually have too many things to be busy with. Taking care of Chenchen won’t waste me anything. Besides, you go to Jin Nanfeng.

Not suitable. Although Chen Chen belongs to Jin Nanfeng, you also know that it’s not his business and you can’t ask for it.

Ask Jin Nanfeng to take responsibility. "

Li Yunxiu was silent. Shi Qing was right. Chenchen shouldn't have come into this world. It was herself.

Used a wayward and selfish method to get him.

In fact, Li Yunxiu always felt that Yu Xi was right. She and Yu Xi are exactly the same people, and Yu Xi designed to make herself

With Jin Nanfeng's child, why not?

To put it bluntly, they are all unbearable, no one is more noble than anyone else.

The corner of Li Yunxiu's mouth raised a wry smile.

"Little Hydrangea, don't blame yourself, Chenchen is really good with me."

"I'm afraid he will disturb you. Dad's work is already very busy..."

Chenchen's impetuous character might make Li Beixun angry.

Shi Qing immediately laughed when she heard Li Yunxiu's words, a little mysterious, "Little Hydrangea, in fact, don't look at the usual

I treat Chenchen better. In fact, your father cares more than me. Last time Chenchen was at your third uncle’s house, and he watched horror with Mu Chenxi

I came back so scared that my face turned pale, and I didn’t dare to sleep at night. Your father secretly went to him several times in one night.

It. "

Li Yunxiu's heart tightened suddenly.

"Little Hydrangea, everyone is a family. You don’t need to share with us like this. To you, we will never

There will be any complaints, do you understand? "

Shi Qing's voice fell on Li Yunxiu's heart little by little, turning into the strongest brand.

She nodded her head vigorously, "I see, mother, I will ask you to take care of Chenchen, and he is bold

Xiao, don't let him watch horror movies. "

"That was Chenxi teasing Chenchen, Chenxi and Chenchen are the same age, they can always play together, I often put Chenxi

Take it over and play with Chen Chen. "

"Thank you Sanshu for me, then."

Li Yunxiu smiled. To be honest, she might not have seen Mu Qianli for a long time. She will return to the imperial capital this time and visit again.

Take a moment.

"Okay, don't worry about things in the imperial capital. You will be back next week and let me know when the flight tickets are booked.

Time, I’ll let people pick you up, and, today is your birthday, don’t just pass it carelessly

Ah, the cake must be eaten, you know? "

"I know, I will take pictures and testify, so don't worry."

Shi Qing confessed something else, and then hung up the phone.

Li Yunxiu glanced at the phone, then went out to the cake shop and bought himself a small cake.

When she returned home again, she also happened to meet Qi Yi who was going out.

"Hey, Qi Yi."

Li Yunxiu took the initiative to say hello.

Perhaps after the last time, Qi Yi's attitude towards Li Yunxiu was obviously better, and he nodded "Yes."

With a cry, I saw the cake in Li Yunxiu's hands again, "Are you celebrating your birthday today?"


Li Yunxiu nodded.

"Isn't it boring to celebrate a birthday alone?"

Qi Yi asked again.

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