Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1179: .The pain pierced by arrows

Qi Yi was embarrassed and embarrassed, his stomach full of fire was sent to Li Yunxiu, "It's your faucet, I'm not used to it.

I'm used to it, why don't you remind me? ? "

Li Yunxiu found that talking to a boy of this age was really exhausting, because the other party didn’t make sense at all, Jane

It's harder to deal with than Chenchen.

"It's alright, you'd better go back and change your clothes quickly, lest you catch a cold. I'll do it myself here."

Qi Yi was covered with water, so he could only leave in despair.

When he came back after changing his clothes, Li Yunxiu had already put the chicken wings in the pot, and soon he could smell the smell of meat.

Qi Yi's eyes couldn't help but shine.

Li Yunxiu helplessly, "Why do you feel like you haven't eaten meat in half a year? What do you usually eat?"

"Take it out."

Qi Yi answered.

"Do you eat takeaway every day?" Li Yunxiu was shocked.

"I don't know how to cook."

"Can't cook noodles?"

"I am a big man who eats noodles every day?"

Qi Yi was annoyed.

Li Yunxiu shook his head helplessly and looked at Qi Yi, "That's good, you can come to me for dinner in the future."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Qi Yi frowned.

"Anyway, I can't finish it all by myself, and it's a pity to waste it. We are neighbors and it is okay to help each other.

Although my cooking skills are just like that, it's healthier than your daily takeaway. "Li Yun embroidered

Mei, "But I bought a flower shop outside, and I don’t get off work until five o’clock every night, but there is a

There is a small kitchen, if you don’t like the trouble, you can come to the flower shop to find me for lunch. "


Qi Yi answered lazily, making people unable to see what emotion it was.

"Why, you don't want to?"

"No reluctance..."

Qi Yi frowned, then flipped through his pants for a long time, found a worn-out wallet, took out a few banknotes from it

Embroidery for Li Yun.


"Food expenses."

Li Yunxiu paused, then shook his head quickly, "You don't need to give me this..."

She took the initiative to invite Qi Yi to eat here, how could she receive Qi Yi’s money?

"Take it." Qi Yi stuffed the money into Li Yunxiu's hands. "How many times do you want me to tell you to remember, I don't like it.

You can take other people’s things for nothing, besides, you can use the money to buy some good food, don’t next time

I'm making vegetables, and I'm not a rabbit. I want to eat salmon and steak. "

Li Yunxiu couldn't help sighing in his heart. This guy has a lot of demands. His money is based on what he mentioned.

Please, let alone a month, a week is not enough, okay?

Although I think so in my heart, Li Yunxiu will not really care about him so much. Although Qi Yi has a bad temper,

But he was a very enthusiastic person by nature, and coupled with his young age, Li Yunxiu could not help but treat him as his younger brother.

After eating, Li Yunxiu and Qi Yi divided the cake, and they sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Qi Yi asked suddenly, "By the way, do you and Jin Nanfeng have children?"

Li Yunxiu paused, without answering.

Qi Yi coughed twice, and then said, "Forget it, when I talk too much."

"I didn't mean that, I just wondered why you are so interested in whether I have children."

"I'm not interested, just want to ask, I have a cousin who likes Jin Nanfeng, she said Jin Nanfeng seems

There is a child. "

"He and I do have a son." Li Yunxiu smiled faintly, "I will go back to see him next week."

"That's it. Then you are quite courageous." Qi Yi nodded.

Li Yunxiu found it difficult to keep up with Qi Yi's thoughts, "What are these words?"

"Generally, a woman will become very forbearing when she has a child.

You won't get divorced in face. "Qi Yi laughed at himself. "Just like my mother, my father raised so

Many women, and an illegitimate child older than me. That woman took the child into my house. My mother

I dare not say a word, I feel aggrieved. "

Qi Yi's lazy voice contained an imperceptible coolness.

"Is Jin Nanfeng also having a lover outside?"

Li Yunxiu was stunned again, and shook his head a moment later.

"We are just because of disagreements."

"A person with your personality will still be at odds with others? Jin Nanfeng is probably blind."

Qi Yi said so unceremoniously.

Li Yunxiu smiled faintly, without speaking.

"Where there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world, why do you have unrequited love for a flower, auntie, you have to look forward, one day, let him regret it."

"First, I don't have unrequited love for him. Second, I have come out." Li Yunxiu grabbed the pillow at hand and fiercely

Throw it to him, "Also, you tell me to give it a try again, and be careful that I will mix rat poison in my meal tomorrow."

"That's called your aunt."

"Shut up and call sister."

Li Yunxiu flew over with another book and was steadily caught by Qi Yi.

The two talked and laughed and hurt each other until nine o'clock in the evening, when Qi Yicai went back to his apartment with anger.

"Will you go to the flower shop for dinner at noon tomorrow? I will cook a little richer if I eat." Li Yunxiu stopped Qi Yi who was about to enter the house.

"Tomorrow I will finally send my boss to a meeting. I don't have time to come over."

"Okay, see you that night."

Li Yunxiu said he would close the door.


Qi Yi seemed to have thought of something, and walked over in a few steps, "Phone."


"Give me your cell phone."


Li Yunxiu gave Qi Yi the phone.

Qi Yi quickly pressed a series of numbers and then returned the phone to Li Yunxiu, "This is my number, and I have saved yours.

Now, I will send you the dishes I want to eat. Bye bye. "

Seeing him slip into the room, Li Yunxiu smiled helplessly.

Forget it, although Qi Yi is a bit annoying, she is still worthy of being with. She can't imagine it.

Without Qi Yi, how boring her life would be.


Imperial capital.

Yang Yun hurriedly walked into the Jianghua Villa, "Brother Jin, the recording of the variety show the day after tomorrow is temporarily changed."

"what happened?"

"The old town was originally booked, but it was boycotted by the local Environmental Protection Association. The director team was afraid that the program would be broadcast.

There was a dispute after the release, so I changed the location of next week’s show..."

Yang Yun's voice suddenly dropped a lot, and her expression became a bit embarrassed.

"Where did it change?"

Yang Yun was silent for a while, and then said, "Xiacheng, Haitu Desert."

Jin Nanfeng's face turned black for an instant, and his heart was tightened by an invisible hand almost instantly.

Yang Yun knew that the current Xiacheng was a taboo for Jin Nanfeng that could not be touched, so she quickly said,

"Brother Jin, if you don't want to go, I will negotiate with the director team. Our contract does not say that we need to change the location temporarily.

Point, just find a reason to push it. Besides, you haven't taken a vacation for a month, so you can rest for a few days. "

"No, let's listen to the arrangement of the director group."

Jin Nan finished speaking coldly, got up and went back to the room.

In that remote city, there are people he most want to see. In the month that Li Yunxiu has left, he has countless

I woke me up in the middle of the night and saw the empty seat beside me. The intense feeling of loneliness and emptiness was like the tide of darkness.

The water, engulfing the dark and terrifying iceberg under the sea, approached him little by little, almost suffocating.

He didn't know how many times he wanted to rush to Xiacheng desperately, but he resisted it.

He tried every means to restrain his miss for her, and he even sent Chenchen away.

Now he has no way to face Chenchen’s child. When he sees Chenchen’s face, he can always think of Li

Yunxiu, this feeling of losing one's love is very uncomfortable, and it is more painful than Wan Jian Chuan Xin.

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