Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1186: .Not five thousand, fifty thousand

Li Yunxiu looked at the familiar font belonging to Jin Nanfeng. For some reason, she vaguely felt how hot the paper was.

I can hardly hold it.

She took a deep breath, then packed her things and quickly left the hotel.

When I got home, I found that Qi Yi was squatting at the door to smoke. When she came back, he raised his eyebrows immediately, "I said auntie, you too

Don't run out so hungry to spend the Spring Festival evening with your ex-husband, right? "

Qi Yi's expression was the same as his heart, both quite unhappy.

He originally thought that Jin Nanfeng and Li Yunxiu were divorced because of Jin Nanfeng. What happened to the two of them?

It’s too clear, but from the conversation between the two people last night, he knew that Jin Nanfeng still had a woman, and that woman

He is still pregnant. He probably guessed why Li Yunxiu divorced Jin Nanfeng. Although Li Yunxiu is stupid

That's okay, but how can you allow this kind of thing to happen?

Therefore, it is true that Jin Nanfeng betrayed Li Yunxiu, and the declared disagreement is a falsehood.

But he hasn't given Li Yun embroidered a good breath, who knows this woman actually played all night

Go back, he doesn’t need to think about it and knows where she went last night, and thinks that Li Yunxiu lost his temper to him last night.

Looks like, his heart is even more unhappy.

He got up, dusted the soot off his body, and Qi Yi turned and walked downstairs.

"Qi Yi."

Li Yunxiu stopped him.

"I'm sorry for what happened last night, you are for my good, I should not lose my temper to you, I apologize to you, I hope you

Can forgive me. "

"To forgive people is something God does. There is never the word forgiveness in Qi Yi's dictionary."

Qi Yi threw the cigarette **** on the ground and stepped on it, and then left without looking back.

Li Yunxiu sighed helplessly. To be honest, Qi Yi is a very righteous person. She didn't want to lose out because of that little thing.

Go to this friend, forget it, let's find a time to apologize to him.


That afternoon, Li Yunxiu left the flower shop early and went to the supermarket to buy a lot of Qi Yi's favorite dishes.

In her opinion, Qi Yi was still young, and it was only a matter of a day or two to regenerate Qi.

Li Yunxiu made a large table full of dishes, and then went to knock on Qi Yi's door.

"What are you doing?"

Qi Yi opened the door full of anger.

"Qi Yi, I'm really sorry for what happened last night. I was in a bad mood. I really apologize to you. I did a lot of you.

If you like your favorite dish, just come over and chant? "Li Yunxiu smiled brightly.

"Forget it. I'm not going."

Qi Yi curled his lips, "I can't afford your meal."

Said to be closed.

Li Yunxiu hurriedly squeezed away with his body, piled up smiling faces, "Qi Yi, your manly man can bend and stretch, not even this

Is there no point measurement? I was really in a bad mood yesterday. I apologized to you very seriously and you just

Forgive me? "

Qi Yi "hummed" twice, with a cold expression on his face.

Li Yunxiu saw that it was hard to do it, so he switched tactics, placing both hands on his chest, stirring helplessly, his face also

Pian was sad, biting his lip, eyes flushed, tears kept rolling, and she was about to fall.

Facts have proved that this trick is very useful for Qi Yi. Qi Yi is not afraid of women playing rogues, but is afraid of beauty falling off.

Tears, so seeing Li Yunxiu doing this, he immediately raised his hands to compromise.

"'t cry, I didn't say you forgive you."

"Then you said in the morning that there is no word forgiveness in Qi Yi's dictionary...Woo..." Li Yunxiu pretended to be sad.


Qi Yi's face turned pale, "I was wrong. Isn't it okay for me to talk nonsense? Auntie, sister, don't you cry?

Row? I am most afraid of women crying. "

Li Yunxiu pretended to touch his tears, "Then you must not blame me."

"Don't blame it, right?"

"Then do you go where I eat?"

"go with."

Qi Yi nodded heavily.

Li Yunxiu was relieved now.

Qi Yi frowned, "I don't understand what you adults are doing. The adult world is so complicated.

Is it? If you say no to love, your body is still very honest. "

"Don't talk nonsense." Li Yunxiu regained his usual calm and ignorance, "I was only looking for something to do last night.

Jin Nanfeng discussed it, but it was too late and it was not convenient for them to send me back. I was not as casual as you thought. "

"I just think that man can coax you with just a few words. You can't even tell the south, east, and north sides."

"If it's as easy as you said, do you think I will come here?"

Li Yunxiu smiled lightly, "I won't be together with him, don't worry."

"Don't worry?" Qi Yi paused, the tips of his ears turned red quickly at this moment, but his mouth was very rude, "You and

Whether he is together or not has nothing to do with me. What I am angry about is just how good was your attitude towards me yesterday? I don't care

You...who are you with? "

"Of course I know this, you don't need to explain it." Li Yunxiu smiled, "Well, let’s not talk about Jin Nanfeng.

Now, come over for dinner, the food is going to be cold. "

"Oh, what are you eating tonight?"

"Pork chop."

"What? Why isn't it steak? I don't like pork..."

"There are still pickles in the refrigerator, you can think about it."

"Forget it, pork chops will be pork chops."

Qi Yi followed Li Yun embroidered into the house dingy.

Li Yunxiu received a call from the flower shop as soon as the two had finished eating.

It was said that something happened at the flower shop, and Li Yunxiu was asked to go there immediately.

Qi Yi quickly sent Li Yunxiu over with a motorcycle.

When Li Yunxiu arrived at the scene, he discovered that there were many people standing in the small shop, all of them looking vicious and evil.

"Miss Li..."

Several shop assistants were a little scared in their eyes, as if looking at Li Yunxiu for help.

Although Li Yunxiu felt a little frustrated in his heart, he did not dare to do anything to himself in broad daylight, so

Bite the scalp and walked up, "Hello, I am the manager of this store, has something happened?"

"You are the boss, right? There is a problem with your flower delivery?"

One of the men with dyed yellow hair grinned.

"something wrong?"

The man threw a bunch of flowers casually, and saw several kinds of flowers scattered in a bunch of roses.

"The shopkeeper, he came in the afternoon and said he was going to wrap a bunch of flowers for his wife, so I wrapped her a bunch of red roses, but

It was later that he said that there was a white chrysanthemum in the flower. "The clerk seems to be crying," I can pack flowers in this flower shop.

It's been ten years, how could you make such a low-level mistake? This is absolutely impossible. "

"You said it's impossible, so what's the matter with the white chrysanthemum in this flower?"

The yellow-haired man yelled immediately.

"At first glance, this white chrysanthemum was stuffed in later, besides, we never use this kind of white chrysanthemum in our store.

This is Porcelain. "

The clerk mustered up the courage to refute.

"Who touched the porcelain, tell me, the flowers are bought in your shop, can I still buy a white chrysanthemum to curse my wife?"

"But this flower is obviously..."

The clerk's anxious tears rolled down.

"Obviously what?" The man interrupted the clerk unceremoniously, "I originally wanted to give my wife a surprise.

After my wife got her madness and wanted to divorce me, what do you think? "

"This flower is you stuffed into me, I can't put white chrysanthemum in the rose..."

The clerk wanted to say something, but Li Yunxiu gently held her, and shook his head gently at her, beckoning her to stop.

This kind of low-level mistake is naturally not made by the old employees who have worked here for ten years. People with a discerning eye will know it.

what's going on.

Before she came to Xiacheng, Li Beixun and Shi Qing reminded her that Xiacheng was remote and mixed.

Xin, but she did not expect to be met by her.

Even the police may not be able to care about the snakes in such places.

Let's make money and eliminate disasters.

Li Yunxiu made a decisive decision, "This eldest brother, treat it as a problem with our shop. We take the initiative to compensate you.

How appropriate. "

The man immediately stretched out five fingers and shook them.

Li Yunxiu did not hesitate, and immediately ordered the clerk, "Go and get five thousand yuan."

"and many more."

The man interrupted Li Yunxiu's words and raised his chin, "Not five thousand, it's fifty thousand."

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