Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1190: .not that simple

"The answer in your heart has never changed." Li Beixun laughed a little in his eyes, "I, Li Beixun, will be a problem in this life.

Probably the biggest failure to succeed in the industry is to let his daughter be caught by a bad man. "

Li Beixun walked downstairs after speaking.

Li Yunxiu felt a little uncomfortable, "If I'm with him, would you look down on me? Think I'm lowly..."

"Love is a great thing, little hydrangea, I will never miss you that much. You are my daughter and I will bless you."

I don't know if he was comforted by Li Beixun, when Li Yunxiu returned to the room, his mood was calmer.

She sat cross-legged on the bed quietly, thinking a lot in her mind, most of which was the child in Yu Xi's belly.

Although from her point of view, it is difficult for her to like that child, but it is always an innocent life, she

You cannot deprive a life of the right to come into this world just because you don't like it.

In that way, her Li Yunxiu would be too cruel.

But asking her to accept it was also cruel. The child was like a fishbone stuck in his throat, and he couldn't even ignore it.

Li Yunxiu sighed deeply, what should I do...


Inside an apartment in the Imperial Capital.

"What? Li Yunxiu is back? Jin Nanfeng sent it back?"

Yu Xi slapped on the table and looked at the man who was lying on the sofa playing games just now when he got home.

"Wang Ming, you can tell me clearly, are you sure what you are saying is true?"

"Of course it is true. What did I lie with you for? I saw it with my own eyes. Jin Nanfeng put his arms around Li Yun embroidered and put Li Yun

Embroidery was sent home. "

Wang Ming laughed mockingly, "Yu Xi, when do you think Jin Nanfeng can marry you? Your belly is getting worse.

The bigger one is, if you don’t hurry up, if you give birth before you enter the Jin family, if the Jin family finds out the child

What should I do? "

Yu Xi became even more angry when he heard what Wang Ming said, and walked over angrily and snatched the remote control from his hand.

Playing games, you know playing games all day long! I beg you to help me figure out a solution, OK? If i can't get in

After the Jin family's door, we both have to finish playing! "

"What can I do? You know me. You don’t have a bad brain. You don’t want to follow your instructions. Let me do it.

What do you want me to do? "

Wang Ming took the game remote control back, "Yu Xi, I always find it difficult to do, you see there was a Xin Mei before

Help you, but since the last time Jin Nanfeng was injured and hospitalized, Xin Mei didn’t seem to tell you about letting you into Jin’s house.

Love? Do you think she wants to understand and doesn't plan to recognize you as a daughter-in-law? "

Yu Xi's face turned pale, very angry, and gritted his teeth, "It's all Li Yunxiu! I don't know how to give Jin Nan the wind.

What kind of ecstasy soup, he doesn't want a gentle and considerate beauty, he has to eat the prickly outside! And that Xin Mei,

She is just a paper tiger, the thunder is heavy and the rain is small, Jin Nanfeng doesn't want you to listen to her at all, she still does her own way. "

Yes, Yu Xi sneered again, "She was really scared, and Jin Nanfeng is about to sever her mother-child relationship.

Yes, she was beaten to a cerebral congestion again, so she dare not make Jin Nanfeng upset now. Jin Nanfeng’s lunatic, for

With Li Yunxiu, everything can be done. "

Yu Xi's eyes were full of yin prey.

Wang Ming looked back at Yu Xi, as if shocked by the dark glow in her eyes, and said with a pale face, "Yes, go

Didn’t Ci Xinmei say to accept you as a goddaughter? Or let's stop it, you just climbed onto the goddaughter's

Dear, it will be enough for us to be happy for years. "

"Are you stupid? Then what's the point of my laborious pregnancy with this child?"

Yu Xi sneered, "No matter how good a goddaughter is, she is also a goddaughter. What Xin Mei gave me is just a little favor.

What I like is the whole Jin family. If this kid is admitted by Jin Nanfeng, he is quite serious

The future heir of the Jin family, let alone a few years, even a few lifetimes will be enough for us to be happy. "

"But doesn't Jin Nanfeng have a son?"

"You mean Li Jingchen that wild species?" Yu Xi sneered. "If I can enter the Jin family's door, there will be his

thing? The future property of the Jin family will definitely belong to this one in my stomach. When the time comes, the mother will be more expensive than the child.

The good day is coming. "

Wang Ming probably also thought of the future glory and wealth, could not help but smiled "hehe", but quickly frowned, "You said

It sounds good. Now Jin Nanfeng doesn't want to marry you, and Xin Mei doesn't help you anymore. How did you enter the Jin family? "

Yu Xi's face turned white. This time, a deep hatred was actually born in her eyes, which made her facial features distorted.

"This Li Yunxiu really has a scheming plan. He promised me in the hospital that he would never be with Jin Nanfeng again in this life.

I got in touch, but now I actually hooked up with Jin Nanfeng again, but I believed her so much at the time. "Yu

Xi smiled fiercely, "Well, since she doesn't abide by this agreement, don't blame me and me."

"What are you going to do?" Wang Ming was frightened and frowned, "Yu Xi, I'm serious, let's accept it when we see it, now

Isn't it good for us to live like this? What do you insist on marrying into Jin's family? Besides, you are my daughter

People, if you really get married to the Jin family, what should I do? "

Yu Xi looked at Wang Ming dissatisfied, "Just accept what you see? I am not thinking about the future of the two of us.

? I definitely want to be the Jin's grandmother. "Yu Xi finished, kicked Wang Ming, "Go and help me stare

Jin Nanfeng and Li Yunxiu, if there is anything else between them, come back and tell me immediately. "

"Ah? It's so late, do you want me to go out?" Wang Ming was very dissatisfied, got up and hugged Yu Xi, "Tonight you

Don't drive me away. Tell me, since you were pregnant, how long has it been since the two of us have had a good relationship..."

As Wang Ming said, he reached into Yu Xi's skirt.

"Don't be foolish." Yu Xi quickly pushed Wang Ming away as he approached the enemy.

"What's wrong? Didn't the doctor say that this month just be careful?"

Yu Xi guarded her stomach tightly, "This kid is my only bargaining chip now, so I can't make a difference.

Wrong, you will be patient, you will have everything when this child is born. "


The day after Li Yunxiu returned to the imperial capital, Xia Shanshan called out for afternoon tea.

"Jin Nanfeng actually has the face to come over to find you to get back together? Oh my God, is his face made of the city wall?" Xia Shanshan

The shocked jaw is about to fall, "Yun Xiu, you must never agree to him. How do you say that sentence? Jiang Shan Yi changed his book.

Sex is hard to change. Dogs can’t change eating shit. Jin Nanfeng is that kind of person. He can make a **** outside today.

When the son comes out, there will be some illegitimate daughter tomorrow. If you believe him, then you will be evil. "

Gu Niannian ate the cake and nodded desperately, "I agree with what Sister Shanshan said, although I am Yan

Control, like handsome guys, but cheating is also unacceptable. "

"I know what you mean, but many things are not as simple as you think..."

Li Yunxiu felt helpless.

"I understand, Jin Nanfeng didn't take the initiative to cheat, did he? He is also a victim, but the child is real

what? Are you really going to help that **** Yu Xi raise a child? Yu Xi's mind is vicious, and her children are probably good

Where to go, be careful to become a story of a farmer and a snake. "

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