Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1204: .Not hers!

Brother Huo's heart suddenly became cold because of Jin Nanfeng's words.

The blood in his body almost froze.

"When he said it, let me know immediately."

This is the last sentence left by Jin Nanfeng to the bodyguard.

Leaving from Brother Huo, Jin Nanfeng received a call from Yang Yun.

"Brother Jin, the blood test report is out!"

Jin Nanfeng's breathing suddenly stagnated, and he heard his trembling voice, "How is it?"

"It's not Miss Li!" Yang Yun's voice was a little joyful.

Jin Nanfeng's nose was sore, and the stone on his heart finally loosened.

Fortunately, it’s not a little hydrangea...’

If the result of the test is her, he is really going crazy, since Li Yunxiu was abducted, no, it should be said from

From the moment Chenchen was tied up, he was like a tight bowstring, any more power would

Let him break apart.

"It's not good, it's not good."

"But that's Jian Zixun's blood." Yang Yun's next words made Jin Nanfeng's heart rise again just now.

Hang up.

"Jian Zixun's?"

"Yes, Brother Jin, do you think Jian Zixun has already..."

"Live to see people, die to see corpses."

"I understand." Yang Yun remembered the business, "and the shares of Li Group have been purchased."

"What's the situation now?"

"The stock price is normal and there is nothing wrong with it. If we follow this trend, we will wait until the market closes.

There are still benefits, Jin, how could the prisoner do this..."

"I don't know, look again, he will definitely contact us again."

After hanging up Yang Yun's call, Jin Nanfeng drove the car to the hospital.

Chenchen’s injuries were not serious, but because he had experienced kidnapping, he saw Li Yunxiu being taken by bad guys.

Go, the little guy’s mood is very unstable, Li Yunjin is worried that he will have a psychological shadow, so he specially invited the best

The doctor accompanies Chenchen all day.

When Jin Nanfeng arrived at the hospital, Chenchen was still asleep. Only two siblings, Li Yunjin and Li Yunxiao, were in the ward.

"Jin Nan..."

Seeing Jin Nanfeng, Li Yunxiao immediately stood up to speak.


Jin Nanfeng glanced at his sleeping son and motioned to Li Yun to be quiet.

Li Yun frowned and was silent.

Jin Nanfeng walked to the bed, held Chenchen's hand, and tucked the quilt for him, and then said to the two brothers and sisters of the Li family,

"Go out and talk."

"Does my sister have any news now?" As soon as he left the room, Li Yunxiao anxiously took Jin Nanfeng's arm, "Is there any

Did you find the bad guy? When can I rescue my sister? "

"Smile." Compared to Li Yun's smile, Li Yunjin looked much calmer, and he frowned and rebuked Li Yun's smile.

Li Yunxiao let go of Jin Nanfeng in frustration.

Li Yunjin did not ask about Li Yunxiu, but said, "Did you buy shares of Li Group?"


"What the kidnapper asked for?"

"Yes, it's urgent, I didn't discuss it with you."

"Since it was requested by the kidnappers, what else can you discuss? You decide for yourself." Li Yunjin sneered, "Then

What? Didn't they say when the little hydrangea was put? "

"No." Jin Nanfeng was a little irritable. The kidnappers have been passive since they have not mentioned the release.

"What should I do then." Li Yun smiled anxiously and tears came out. "Sister is not in danger, right? Mom and Dad will be back tomorrow.

It's coming... I can't help it..."

"Just say what you should say." Jin Nanfeng felt helpless.

"Blame you!" Li Yun smiled and looked at Jin Nanfeng angrily. "Why do you want my sister to send the ransom alone? Why

Want to remove the person who protects your sister? Jin Nanfeng, if my sister has any shortcomings, I will not forgive you. "

Faced with Li Yunxiao’s accusation, Jin Nanfeng didn’t speak. All of them had been suppressed for too long and they needed someone alone.

It's better to express it, even if it's angry, than holding it in your heart.

"Yunjin." Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Yunjin, "You have paid more attention to the Li Group recently. I always think they want

My purchase of stocks is not simple. "

"I know."

Li Yunjin nodded solemnly.

"I'm going to find Little Hydrangea. Chenchen will ask you to take care of it."

After Jin Nanfeng turned and left, Li Yunxiao seemed to react suddenly, "Brother, he seemed to call you Yunjin just now."

"Let him go."

Jin Nanfeng was originally older than himself, so it is not surprising to call himself that way.

If Jin Nanfeng calls himself "Brother" in a proper manner, then he really has a numb scalp.

When the two returned to the ward, Chenchen was already awake.

"Uncle, auntie."

"Chenchen." Li Yun smiled and ran to hold Chenchen's hand. "Would you like something to eat? Auntie bought your favorite ice cream.

Pour the cake, but only a little bit. "

"I don't want to eat cake, Chenchen wants Mommy."

Chenchen's voice was full of grievances, "Auntie, when will Mommy be back?"

Li Yunxiao paused for a moment. After a long silence, Li Yunjin touched the little guy's head, "I will be back soon."

"You lie, everyone said that, but it's been so many days, Mommy hasn't come back." Chenchen's eyes

The eyes were full of tears, "Uncle, will Mommy never come back?"

"How is it possible, don't talk nonsense." Li Yunjin frowned, "She will be back."



Li Yunxiu opened his eyes and realized that he did not know when she fell asleep again. What made her more disturbed was that in the basement

There is no sunshine all year round, and there is no clock, it is easy for people to ignore the time, she can only rely on the three meals delivered to barely divide

Early morning or evening.

"Why did I fall asleep?" Li Yunxiu looked at Jian Zixun on the bed and smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry."

"I can't go anywhere here anyway, and it's good to sleep to pass the time."

Jian Zixun's injury was still not healed, and he grinned with pain after a little movement.

"Does it still hurt?" Li Yunxiu frowned, watching the sweat rolling out of his forehead with concern.

"It must hurt." Jian Zixun "hum" twice, "If the two of us escape, remember to let Jin Nanfeng's house

Thank you guys, but I tried my best to help him protect his woman. If he treats me that way, then I

Those sticks are really for nothing. "

"Will do."

Li Yunxiu's eyes suddenly became firm, "He will find us."

"You trust him."

"He promised me that he would help me find you at all costs." Li Yunxiu remembered Jin Nanfeng's commitment at that time.

No, "I believe him."

"What's the use of believing him? He used to swear he would treat you wholeheartedly, but it turned out that Yu Xi

Stall things. "

"Do you also know about Yu Xi?"

"Listening to what Jian Guosheng said, it's not very clear." Jian Zixun looked at Li Yunxiu's darkened eyes and endured Xu.

For a long time, I still couldn't hold back, "That... Jin Nanfeng really had a good night with Yu Xi Chunfeng?"

The scar was torn open again, Li Yunxiu pinched the palm of his hand tightly so that he didn't let the pain shed tears.

It seemed as long as a century had passed before she nodded softly and let out a casual "um".

"Jin Nanfeng doesn't look like that kind of person either..."

"He was drugged and he has no consciousness."

"Don't have any consciousness?" Jian Zixun paused, then asked, "He fainted?"

"How could I ask him about this kind of thing." Li Yunxiu was a little irritated.

"Just ask, if Jin Nanfeng didn’t know what happened, would it be possible? He and that

Nothing happened to the woman named Yu Xi? "

"How is it possible?" Li Yunxiu paused, then shook his head, "If nothing happened, then Yu Xi's stomach

How does his child explain? "

"It's very simple to explain, it's not Jin Nanfeng's."

Li Yunxiu smiled depressed, "I know you are comforting me, so I said this kind of thing, thank you, no

Really don’t have to. For this matter, I have accepted the facts. I will not accept that child, but I will not force it.

What to do with Jin Nanfeng. "

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