Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1210: .I owed you, I paid it off

"I said, but don't people not want to be with you?" Xin Mei was helpless, "Nanfeng, you are a

Man, are you a bit spine? Are you unable to live without her? "

"Yes, without a small hydrangea, it would be better for a son to die." Jin Nanfeng directly gave Xin Mei a decisive answer, "this answer

Are you satisfied?"


Before Xin Mei's words were finished, Yang Yun rushed in, "Brother Jin, let me pass the message from the presidential palace.

It is the result of Yu's investigation. I want you to go there. "

"Prepare the car, I'll pass right away."

"south wind!"

Xin Mei could only watch Jin Nanfeng leave just like that.

As soon as he arrived at the presidential palace, Li Yunjin threw a few pieces of paper over, "The driver who killed himself five years ago had a

The son and daughter. Her daughter was sick all year round. After he committed suicide, he died soon after being unable to pay for medical expenses. "

Li Yunjin frowned, "The remaining son is called Yu Motang. He was still studying at the university. He retired from school after the accident.

I learned it, but my whereabouts are still unknown. "

Li Beixun looked at Yu Motang's photo with deep eyes, "To blame the death of his father and sister on the head of the car accident.

So I hate that the whole Li family kidnapped Little Hydrangea. Do you plan to take revenge on the Li family? "

"Can you find Umetang?"

"After he left school, he never showed up again. How could it be so easy to find him?"

Li Yunjin said angrily.

"I can only do my best. If you can find him within a week, things will be much easier." Li Beixun looked at Li Yunjin,

"What did the police say?"

"It has been re-investigated. There is no problem with the case. All surveillance videos and witness records are kept.

It's very complete, it's indeed the drunk driving named Yu. "

"Yeah." Li Beixun nodded.

But, within a week, can they find where Umetang is?


Outskirts basement.

Li Yunxiu looked at the lunch delivered and sighed helplessly.

On the third day of being locked up here, the time seemed to be as long as a century. Shi Feng has been there since he left last time.

Never came again, Jian Guosheng never came, and Li Yunxiu knew almost nothing about the outside situation.

Looking at the food in front of him, Li Yunxiu had no appetite at all. She pushed the thing in front of Jian Zixun and got up.

Walked to the door, patted the door, "Is anyone?"

"What are you doing?"

"That one……"

"It's okay don't knock on the door, it's impossible to let you out."

The guard at the door was very fierce.

"Can you call Shifeng for me?"

"How old are you? Shifeng is what you can see casually?"

The guard closed the door again after speaking.

"Wait a minute." Li Yunxiu hurriedly stopped him, and then took off a string of crystal bracelets from his mobile phone.

Pass it to him, "Please."

The man took what Li Yun had embroidered, put it in his hand and looked at it, and put it in his pocket calmly, looking impatiently.

He glanced at Li Yunxiu, "Wait, I'll call him for you when I have time."

The door was closed.

Jian Zixun was stuffing something in his mouth, and when he saw Li Yunxiu coming back in despair, he was speechless, "If I didn't remember

Wrong, Jin Nanfeng gave you that bracelet, right? "


Li Yunxiu nodded.

In the New Year of that year, Jin Nanfeng failed to return in time because he was working abroad. In order to "apologize" to himself,

He specially asked the designer to design this bracelet, which is made of pure blue crystals. In fact, it is not a special feature.

Don’t be expensive, but because of Jin Nanfeng’s dedication, she likes it very much, even if she went to summer

Cheng, she was not willing to take it off, and now they are so freely cheaper, and Li Yunxiu is very sorry.

"Is it worth it?" Jian Zixun shook his head, "I said, let's give up early, how could Shifeng help us escape?

go with? He said it last time..."

"I don't want him to help us escape, I just want to ask what happened outside." Li Yunxiunu

Mei, "What does that car accident mean? If Shifeng could tell me, it would be fine."

"You can't help but value Shi Feng too much. He is our enemy, don't be naive." Jian Zixun took a bite.


Li Yunxiu's heart tightened tightly, very disappointed, too, she was really crazy about her dream.

But to her surprise, Shifeng really came not long after the meal.

"You want to see me?"

Compared with last time, Shi Feng's condition is much better, but his face is still very pale, showing a vaguely sick state.

"Is your injury all right?" Li Yunxiu asked.

Shi Feng looked at her quietly for two full minutes before answering, "It's okay."

"Just fine."

Li Yunxiu smiled unnaturally.

"That's why you called me here?"

"No." Li Yunxiu shook his head quickly, "I...I..."

Seeing the impatience gradually spreading between the wind and eyebrows, Li Yunxiu did not stop doing it and said directly, "I

Want to ask what is going on outside now? "

Shi Feng did not speak.

"Shifeng, you said that you owe me a favor. I don’t need you to pay me back. I just want to know what’s going on outside.

How is it, how are my family members? "Speaking of this, Li Yunxiu's brows became tighter, "I can't run anyway.

It shouldn't matter if you tell me, right? "

Shi Feng was silent again, his slightly cool eyes fell on her face, and Li Yunxiu's scalp was numb.

Just when she was about to give up, Shi Feng suddenly spoke at this moment.

"What do you want to know?"


This time it was Li Yunxiu's turn to be surprised.

Shi Feng walked to the empty sofa and sat down. He clasped his hands naturally in habit, a little carelessly, "You

Don’t you want to know what happened outside? such as? "

"Is my family okay?" Li Yunxiu asked the most concerned question.

"If it were Jin Nanfeng and your child, there would be no danger for the time being, but it would be hard to say over the presidential palace."

"What?" Li Yunxiu's heart lifted instantly, "What happened to the Presidential Palace?"

"Because of the car accident that year, Li Beixun is now being pushed to the cusp of the whole China, and he will probably soon

Deposed. "

"How could this be……"

"Because of the blow of this incident, the price of the Li family has been falling continuously, and the company is on the verge of bankruptcy."

Li Yunxiu's breathing suddenly hurried, and his eyes reddened after "rubbing".


Why does this happen?

"Are you arresting me for this?" Li Yunxiu's shoulders trembled violently, "Why, hate you so much?

Li family? What do we do that hurts the world? ! "

At this moment, Li Yunxiu's eyes are scarlet, and his hands are tightly held by his sides, like an angry one.

The leopard wanted to rush to bite the prey’s throat.

Shi Feng's pupils tightened subconsciously.

"Yunxiu, are you okay?" Jian Zixun quickly held Li Yunxiu's shoulder and limped her on the sofa.

"What are you angry with him? They are wolf-hearted people who are born cold-blooded and ruthless. Tell them more

The words are just playing the piano against the cow, wasting your tongue, wait, this kind of evil person will be retributed sooner or later. "

After Jian Zixun finished speaking, he did not forget to "hum" coldly at Shi Feng.

"You really saved him in vain. You are kind to a dog, and he knows how to be grateful and how to wag his tail at you."

No matter what Jian Zixun said, Shi Feng’s expression was calm at first, as if Jian Zixun’s cynicism was someone

People who have nothing to do with him, not his time.

Li Yunxiu lowered his head, clenching his teeth, tears could not help falling from the corners of his eyes, drop by drop on his hand


Jian Zixun looked at Shi Feng impatiently, "Go away, you are not welcome here."

Shi Feng stood up faintly, glanced at Li Yunxiu, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"Miss Li, the favor I owe you has been paid off. Don't worry, I will immediately apologize after Mr. Li publicly apologizes

Release yours. "

After speaking, Shi Feng turned and left.

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