Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1216: .I am waiting

Jin Nanfeng suddenly remembered that in the hospital at that time, he did hear two or three old nurses saying that his body

After growing up, he was much better. At that time, he was strange because his body was not only caused by improper diet,

I have always been healthy outside of illness. Is this the reason?

"This is true. In fact, I investigated a long time ago and found out that you are the uncle I have been looking for."

"why did not you tell me?"

Jin Nanfeng's head was messed up, as if he was stuffed with a lot of weeds, making his breathing very disordered.

"Because the Jian family and the Jin family have a feud."

Jian Guosheng said at this time, "Jin Nanfeng, you called your grandfather for so many years, but you actually killed you back then.

People with biological fathers. "

Jin Nanfeng's face suddenly paled, "Impossible."

Grandpa is a kind old man. He would always be kind to bring back and raise stray cats and dogs. How could it be harmful?


"It's true." Jian Zixun's voice was not as jokingly as before, becoming serious and heavy. "All he said was

Really, your grandfather did kill my grandfather, maybe he didn’t mean it, but this is a fact, because this

So, Yunxiu and I cannot tell you your true identity. "

Jin Nanfeng's heart couldn't help but "cock" again, his pupils dilated, "Little Hydrangea also knows..."

"Otherwise, otherwise, why do you think Yunxiu is so good to me? Why do you care about me so much?" Jian Zixun was somewhat ironic

He smiled, "It's not because I am your nephew."

Jin Nanfeng's eyes were slightly red, and his nose couldn't help being sore. At this moment, self-blame and guilt surged.

He couldn't help but tears.

It turned out to be because of this...

No wonder she told herself more than once that it was impossible for her to be good about Jian Zixun, and she could not let Jian Zixun have an accident.

Not only because she and Jian Zixun are good friends, but also because Jian Zixun is his nephew of Jin Nanfeng.

But he didn’t know anything, not only didn’t he know, just now he was jealous about Jian Zixun’s affairs and misunderstood Xiao Xiu.


"Stupid... Li Yunxiu, you idiot..."

Jian Zixun had nothing to hide after seeing the incident, so he simply said everything he knew.

"Do you remember the worst quarrel between you and Yunxiu?"

Jin Nanfeng raised his head and looked at Jian Zixun.

"On the day you took her back to see Xin Mei, she was very excited and told me that she was going to see your mother.

She said she was going to disclose Chenchen’s identity. She said she would definitely do her job as a daughter-in-law. She also said Chenchen is so good.

Love can definitely make your mother very happy. "

Jin Nanfeng frowned a little bit, listening to Jian Zixun’s words, a strong anxiety slowly widened in the bottom of his heart.

The unidentified thoughts also emerged at this moment.

"Could it be..."

He looked at Jian Zixun in disbelief.

"Yes, I said that that day I knew that you belonged to my uncle, and that day I knew that you were actually

The enemy adopted him and recognized the thief as his father. "

Jian Zixun laughed at himself, "Actually I know that our generation should not pay for the grievances of the previous generation.

My grandfather has passed away for many years, and grandma is no longer there. Grandpa Jin’s body will not last for two or three years.

When he dies, all the people directly related to that matter will cease to exist... right? "

Speaking of this, Jian Zixun lowered his head slightly, his voice was low and solemn, "So I quickly decided that I would conceal this secret.

Secret, if your true identity is exposed, you should be very painful. The Jin family will not accept you, and the Jian family only wants to squeeze

Dry your blood, what will you do then"

"and so……"

Jin Nanfeng had already guessed the next thing, "So you called Xiao Xiuqiu, didn't you?"

When he and Xiao Xiuqiu went to Xin Mei’s place, he remembered that she found her in the garden. At that time, she was holding

The phone, his face pale, was very disturbed.

"Yes, I called her."

"That's why that fool said in front of my mother that Chenchen was not mine? Isn't it?"

At that time, he was dazzled by anger. He took her back to see the family with joy, but he got

Li Yunxiu’s public “betrayal”, for the first time today, he could feel his embarrassment and embarrassment that day.

The palm fell on her face with fiery pain.

He has never figured out why Little Hydrangea suddenly regretted it at that time. It turned out that he didn't want to let him.

The identity of the Jian family is known to Xin Mei.

Li Yunxiu...why, why didn't you tell me...

Why are you so stupid to let me misunderstand you?

Jin Nanfeng's heart seemed to be thrown into a pan. He was tortured repeatedly for a long time, and his whole body was convulsed in pain.

"What I said is true, you can go to test DNA, but if you have seen my grandma, even this step is not necessary

Need it, you look almost exactly the same as her. "Jian Zixun smiled lightly, but the corners of his mouth curled up

But there is a hint of irony and bitterness in it, "You only know that you are not the child of the Jin family, but you didn’t

I realize that I have black hair and blue eyes like Chenchen. That’s because we have inherited my grandma’s genes.

Pass it. "

Jin Nanfeng clenched his fists. At this moment, he finally recognized this fact.

He has no more emotions, the surprise and shock have faded, and all that is left is full of pain and self-blame.

He actually misunderstood Little Hydrangea, so long and so long...

She keeps such an important secret for herself, but what about him? What did he do? He can still make Yuxi so barren

Don's thing.

Jin Nanfeng, why are you such a bastard?

Seeing Jin Nanfeng frowning tightly, Jian Guosheng thought that he saw the vitality and continued to cry, "Nan

Feng, now you believe what I said is true, right? There are not many people left in the Jian family now, you still have a brother

Brother, is Jian Zixun's father, he is dead long ago. The kid from the Jin family has long since died, but I am your only one

Brother, your son has to call me uncle, do you have the heart to watch me go to jail? "

"Is there anything I can't bear?"

Jin Nanfeng lowered his head and gave him a cold look without any temperature and a cruel smile.


Jian Guosheng was stunned.

"Blood relationship is worthless to me. Whoever raised me is my family. You and I are the first today.

The next time you met, you rushed to recognize me, don't you think Jin Nanfeng has a bad head? "

"How can you say that? I'm your brother!"

"So you also know that I am your brother. Then you arrested your brother-in-law and imprisoned your nephew?"

Jin Nanfeng kicked him away and let out a cold "hum", "When he calculated us, he didn't think of the relationship between us.

Have a blood relationship, now that something goes wrong, you start to recognize your relatives? Jian Guosheng, your wishful thinking is a bit better

Too much. "

Jian Guosheng fell to the ground with a painful "Ouch".

"I don’t want your life to save you face. Once the matter is investigated, you can spend your time in prison with peace of mind.

Old age. "Jin Nanfeng sneered, "Of course, since you are my biological brother, I will definitely...

Take good care of you, brother. "

"No, you can't do this to me, Jin Nanfeng, are you not afraid that I will tell the relationship between us? You are right

Your brother is so cruel, if your fans know, your acting career will be ruined! "

"Then wait and see, I'll wait."

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