Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1222: .Is it fun to play like this?

"Then I will pick you up and Chenchen later."

"Yeah." Li Yunxiu responded and hung up the phone. As soon as he turned around, he saw Qi Yi standing behind him with a face.

Looking at himself jokingly.

Li Yunxiu was startled, his face flushed, "Why are you standing behind and silent? It scared me to death."

"Are you calling Jin Nanfeng?" Qi Yi smiled unclearly.

"It has nothing to do with you." Li Yunxiu put the phone back in his pocket, and then walked downstairs, "It's you, who is at my house.

What are you doing here? When will you return to Xiacheng? "

Qi Yi went downstairs with Li Yunxiu, and said as he walked, "Then when are you going back?"


Li Yunxiu paused, only to realize that he had not even considered this matter.

Qi Yi's gaze fell on Li Yunxiu's body, very playful.

This feeling made Li Yunxiu feel particularly uncomfortable, so he glared at Qi Yi angrily and said unconvincedly, "I

My home is in the imperial capital. I can stay as long as I want. Your situation is different from mine. "

"Why is it different?"

Qi Yi sneered, "I have already quit Xiacheng's job. The work is exhausting and the salary is low. That ghost land in Xiacheng

Fang, there are not as many beautiful girls as the imperial capital, so Mr. Li asked me to be his assistant again. It is also reasonable for me to stay in the imperial capital.

As it should be. "

"Are you an adult? You should take it for granted?"

Li Yunxiu gave him a white look.

Qi Yi "Heh", "If you are not convinced, go and talk to Mr. Li."

Li Yunxiu frowned, "Okay, no kidding, Qi Yi, I'm serious, you are a kid who came out so

For a long time, your family should be worried, right? "

Seeing Qi Yi's somewhat dodging gaze, Li Yunxiu was even more convinced that he ran out secretly, "Qi Yi, I don't know

What is the conflict between you and your family? Actually, I am not qualified to talk about you. A few years ago, I also left home.

It’s been five years since I’ve gone, but I regret it, let my parents worry about me so much, if I can go back

Go, I will definitely use another way to deal with the problem..."

Speaking of this, Li Yunxiu looked at Qi Yi and said, "Your family must be very worried about you, so you should go home quickly.

Well, stop messing around outside. "

"I'm not the same as you." Qi Yi interrupted Li Yunxiu, with a hint of irony and disdain in his cold pupils.

"Even if they die outside, they won't care."

"How could it be? There are no parents in this world who don't love their children, Qi Yi..."

"You're so long-winded, auntie." Qi Yi was impatient, "because you recently reconciled with your ex-husband, so you took you

Are there more words? I will go back naturally when I want to go back, there is no need for you to persuade me here. "

"Who are you calling for?" Li Yunxiu blushed immediately.

Qi Yi seemed to not want to talk about his personal affairs, so he changed the way and changed the topic again to Li Yunxiu's body.

"Hey, I heard Mrs. Li say, you and Jin Nanfeng are reconciled again?"

Li Yunxiu paused, then nodded lightly, "It's almost like..."

"Unexpectedly, you are quite tolerant. He has some people outside. You can forgive him." Qi Yi didn't know.

What happened, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth somewhat self-deprecatingly, "Or, you women are all the same, for the so-called

Love, even the most basic dignity and bottom line are gone..."

Li Yunxiu seemed to have been touched by someone on the painful spot and retorted in anger into anger, "You are not me, how do you know me?

What is the dignity and bottom line.

"I don’t know, but I think I can still guess a little bit.

It's really sad that this kind of thing can do this. "

Li Yunxiu's face turned pale, she admitted that what Qi Yi said was right, even at this moment, she felt that Qi Yigang

Gang's words seemed to be a loud slap, slammed on her face fiercely.

Falling in love with Jin Nanfeng is the luckiest thing in her life, and it is also the saddest thing in her life.

To her, that man is a kind of Gu that has never been decrypted. Once infected, there is no way to get rid of it.

Yes, sometimes Li Yunxiu feels like she is having a dream, her consciousness floating in the air, her eyes are open.

Seeing herself in her dream walking towards Jin Nanfeng step by step, she wanted to stop, but she couldn't make a sound.

It was like being struck by lightning and being tripped by an invisible iron rope, watching him fall into that terrible future that cannot be turned back.

Qi Yi is right. Li Beixun and Shi Qing taught her from a young age that no matter what happens in the future, she must respect and love herself.

I can easily lower my identity, and I can’t make people think that you’re a bully, but the fact is that when facing Jin Nanfeng,

It seemed that she had been taken away from her consciousness and reason, and she couldn't even tell who she was.

She hates herself like this.

There is also a bit of hatred for Jin Nanfeng who made him such a self-blaming woman.

Perhaps it was the paleness on Li Yunxiu’s face that let Qi Yi know that he had said something wrong, and the boy grabbed his hair and threw a sentence

"I'll leave if I have more business" and he quickly went out.

In the late afternoon, Li Yunxiu used an excuse to go out to meet friends and leave the presidential palace.

"Mommy Chenchen wants to go together."

Chenchen pestered Li Yunxiu not to let her go.

"Chenchen, mommy has something to do when she goes out, so she can't take you with you. Can you go find auntie for fun?"

"No, my aunt has to work and has no time to accompany Chenchen. Brother Leng Yi doesn’t play games with me either. He said Chenchen is very

dish. "

"Uh..." Li Yunxiu looked at the despised little guy with incomparable sympathy, very helpless, "But Mommy really has something..."


The little guy answered very upset.

Li Yunxiu could only touch his head, "I'll be back in a while. When I come back, we will be with Dad.

Okay? "

"Can I go to the movies?"

Chenchen blinked.

Li Yunxiu nodded, "Of course."

"Hurray! I like Mommy the most." Chenchen happily hugged Li Yunxiu, and kissed her cheek "Ba Hao".

Seeing the little guy jumping around and being taken to the garden by the housekeeper, Li Yunxiu relieved his mind and drove away to see Yu Xi.

Yu Xi arrived earlier than Li Yunxiu. She was not used to making people wait for a long time, because at first she smiled apologetically, "No.

Meaning, there is a traffic jam on the road, it is late. "

"It's okay, it's only four to fifty, I'm here early." Yu Xi said as he motioned Li Yunxiu to sit down.

He just raised his hand, but accidentally dropped the wallet on the table to the ground.

Yu Xi looked at Li Yunxiu, "I'm sorry, Miss Li, my body is not very convenient. Can you pick it up for me?"

Li Yunxiu paused. She guessed that Yu Xi did this deliberately. How could she drop her good wallet when she came

On the ground, not to mention, the waiter is nearby, why does she want her to help pick it up?

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu smiled and raised his hand to call the waiter, "Hello, please bring me a glass of soda. Thank you. Also

Yes, there is a wallet on the ground..."

The waiter immediately bent over and picked up the wallet and handed it to Li Yunxiu, "Is this your guest?"

"It's my friend." Li Yunxiu looked at Yu Xi.

Yu Xi took the wallet over with an embarrassed look, and put it on the table casually, a stray bird of prey flashed across his eyes.

When the waiter brought the soda, Li Yunxiu took a sip and then broke the sinking between the two.

Mo, "Yu Xi, what are you going to say?"

"Leave Jin Nanfeng."


Li Yunxiu bit the straw and looked at her calmly.

Yu Xi sat upright, "Don't be stupid, you know exactly what I mean, Li Yunxiu, don't you think you

Is it ridiculous? "

The hypocritical and kind mask was torn apart a little bit, only revealing the most unbearable filth inside. Yu Xi looked at Li Yunxiu,

It was full of irony, "Who was in the hospital back then, vowed to pat his chest and promised that he would never

When I come back again, I won't have anything to do with Jin Nanfeng. Li Yunxiu, do you think it's interesting that you play with me like this? "

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