Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1234: .Sorry……

"I refused." Qi Yi's expression was very serious.


"Because I said I have a girlfriend, my girlfriend will be jealous."

Li Yunxiu didn't react at first, "Where do you have a girlfriend..." Halfway through, he looked at Qi Yi quietly.

With her eyes, she suddenly realized who the "girlfriend" Qi Yi said was referring to.

"Don't talk nonsense... Qi Yi, we are not in that kind of relationship."

"I know, I just talked casually."

"I don't like it anymore, don't talk about it anymore." Li Yunxiu frowned and looked at Qi Yi very seriously.

Jin Nanfeng once told her that Qi Yi was not innocent about her thoughts. At that time, she didn't believe it and felt that Qi Yi

Just a child who has not fully grown up, like a younger brother, but now, Li Yunxiu finally understands, even if

Qi Yi does not have the maturity and experience of Jin Nanfeng, but he is still a normal man who is about to reach adulthood.

What Jin Nanfeng said was right.

"just a joke."

"I don't like other people making such jokes. I am married, Qi Yi, I am a person with a family." Li Yunxiu looked serious.

With Qi Yi.

Qi Yi was silent, before speaking for a while, "What about the family? If your other half can't give you stability

A happy life, such a family is meaningless. "


Li Yunxiu never expected Qi Yi to say such words to himself.

However, Qi Yi suddenly grasped Li Yunxiu's wrist at this moment, and then pulled Li Yunxiu to one place involuntarily.

A place with few people.

"You let me go, Qi Yi."

Li Yunxiu somewhat resisted his touch.

"Li Yunxiu, haven't you always wanted to know the situation of my family?" Qi Yi's breathing was a little short, "you don't

Do you want to know why I would rather work outside than go home? "of

Li Yunxiu was silent.

She didn't interrupt Qi Yi, she was waiting for Qi Yi to continue speaking.

"My dad is a very caring man. When he fell in love with my mother, he set foot on a few boats.

Hou is a scholar of a large family with a gentle personality. Facing my father’s betrayal, he still chose time and time again.

Forgive him. "

Li Yunxiu's heart tightened.

"My mother insisted on marrying my father despite the objections of my grandparents, but just when I was about to be born

When, my father suddenly brought back a child from outside. Yes, he was my half-brother. "

Li Yunxiu's face gradually paled, and she felt that the story Qi Yi told was familiar, as if it were something she has experienced now.


"I don’t know what my mother was like at that time. She was about to give birth, but my husband took a goodbye

Woman's child is back. "Qi Yi sneered, "Probably my mother was too weak-tempered and gave them to continue to bully my mother."

My dear capital, the junior started to enter the room, and went in and out of the house from time to time. My mother swallowed for years.

Until I had a memory, and then one night, she took the medicine and killed herself. "


Hearing this, Li Yunxiu finally couldn't help but screamed out, his lips trembling.

"My father soon married that woman, and not two months after my mother died, he let another

The woman easily replaced her. "Qi Yi sneered, his eyes full of cold, "To be honest, I hate my home.

Court, they are a happy family, I am just an eye-catching existence. I grow up in their beating and scolding

Great, after my grandpa and grandma passed away, I ran out. "

Li Yunxiu's heart was so uncomfortable that she almost exploded. She didn't expect Qi Yi's past to be like this.

"Qi Yi, I'm sorry..."

"You don't need to apologize to me, it has nothing to do with you." Qi Yi took a deep breath, as if calming down.

My feelings, "You didn't force me to tell this kind of thing, it's my own decision."

Qi Yi flipped a cigarette out of his carry-on bag and stuffed it into his mouth. Although he didn't care about it, his eyebrows

The irritability and dullness of Ujian still pierced Li Yunxiu deeply.

She thought that she had let Qi Yi go home, and she also said ridiculous things like "parents love their children"

Come, my heart is even more disturbed.

She didn't know how ridiculous Qi Yi was when he heard her say that.

"I'm sorry about your mother."

Li Yunxiu was a little sad.

"No, you don't have to feel sorry." To Li Yunxiu's expectation, Qi Yi smiled slightly, "Until today

God, I think my mother’s approach is right, her character is weak, and she never knows how to fight for herself.

Take it and fight for her child, so it will be bullied by her husband and women outside. Since she didn't have the courage to take me

Leaving, choosing to die may be a relief for her, and I have never complained about her. "

Qi Yi’s words were cold, and Li Yunxiu could hardly believe that this would be a child who has not yet fully grown up.


"You said this to me because you think I will be the same as your mother?" Li Yunxiu asked.

"Not exactly." Qi Yi looked at Li Yunxiu seriously, spit out a mouthful of eye circles, "You and my mother are very

Like, but not the same kind of people, you are not the kind of soft buns that you are submissive, and my mother only sees my father

Kissing someone, for you, you still have family members and Chenchen, you will not do anything stupid for Jin Nanfeng. "

Li Yunxiu nodded, "It is true. Then why do you want to tell me this?"

"Because I don't want to see the betrayal and pain my mother has experienced happen to you." Qi Yi's eyes were hard.

Judging, "I was very young when my mother died, and I was not too impressed with her death, I don’t know

What did she experience before she committed suicide, but from your body, I can feel that feeling must be difficult

Feeling so that she can give up her life so decisively to end it all. "

Li Yunxiu's face paled a little, and for the first time she felt that Qi Yi was a very smart person, smart enough to make her even

It felt a little scary. In front of him, she looked like a clown whose skin was a little bit removed, and she had nowhere to hide.

"Yun Xiu, in fact, you and Jin Nanfeng are not as happy as before, aren't they?" Qi Yi walked forward

Two steps, lowering your head and staring at Li Yunxiu, "You know it very well, now you only have quarrels and suspicions, then

A woman’s child is a nightmare that you will never wake up in your life. Are you sure you want to continue? I always recognize

Because people who learn to let go are very smart, Yunxiu, you know very well that leaving Jin Nanfeng is best for you

The ending. "

Li Yunxiu remained silent for a long time, until Qi Yi ran out of cigarettes, she finally raised her head and looked at him, "I admit

You are right. The quarrel and suspicion between Jin Nanfeng and I are more than anything else. "

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