Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1238: . Accompany me for the New Year

Li Yunxiu heard the jealousy in his words, a little embarrassed, "You just said you were not angry."

"I'm not angry, I'm jealous." Jin Nanfeng's voice was sour, "You are getting bolder and stronger.

Ran and Qi Yi out for vacation? "

"I'm not with him, he came to me by himself. He came to me all the way, I can't let him go back, right?"

"How do you explain the bracelet?" Jin Nanfeng was reluctant, "He didn't put a knife on your neck to force you to wear it.

Right? "


Li Yunxiu subconsciously wanted to explain, but found that she couldn't find a reason. She did the bracelet.

No, she bit her lip, and then said cat-like, "I'm wrong about the bracelet."

"You are not allowed to wear that kind of thing with other men in the future."

Jin Nanfeng said in a deep voice, as if he was educating a child who had made a mistake.

"I'm really jealous, Little Hydrangea."

"Oh, I won't do it next time."

After receiving Li Yunxiu’s answer, Jin Nanfeng was still not satisfied. He saw the small stall on the roadside buying decorations and embroidered Li Yun.

Put it down.

"Wait for me here."

Not long after, Jin Nanfeng brought back something again.

They are actually two new bracelets, but this time they are not red corals, but pearl-colored shells.

"Don't let me see that bracelet. If you like it, take this one. It belongs to us."

Gently put it on Li Yun's embroidery, and Jin Nanfeng put the one on his wrist again.

Li Yunxiu only felt speechless, would this man be a little too naive? How jealous is this, he is obviously a little

The children are fighting for favor.

Li Yunxiu even suspected that Jin Nanfeng had never worn such cheap and childish jewelry in his life.

"Aren't you afraid that others will laugh at you, is it weird to wear this?"

"Follow them."

Jin Nanfeng squatted down again. "Come up."

Li Yunxiu climbed onto Jin Nanfeng's back again.

Feeling Jin Nanfeng's warm body temperature, Li Yunxiu's anxiety finally disappeared.

Back to the hotel room, Qi Yi hasn't left yet. Seeing two people come back, the corner of Qi Yi's mouth clearly raised a hint of irony.


Jin Nanfeng ignored Qi Yi. He went to the front desk and asked the waiter to take a band-aid to treat Li Yunxiu's wound.

Then he gave Qi Yi a cold look.

Qi Yi knew he had something to say to himself, got up and followed him out.

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

Li Yunxiu was nervous for a moment. Jin Nanfeng, a jealous man, had a bad temper. Qi Yi was the most energetic age. She

I really suspect that these two guys are fighting each other at a different point.

"You don't care about men's affairs."

Jin Nan asked Li Yunxiu coldly.

"Nonsense, if you two get into a fight, should I take care of it or not?"

Li Yunxiu endured the pain in his feet and stood up.

"Yunxiu, you think too much. How do you say Mr. Jin is also a famous movie emperor, this kind of damages his reputation

How could Mr. Jin do that? "

Qi Yi raised his lips and smiled, quite provocative.

"Qi Yi, in front of Little Hydrangea, I have something to say straight. Please stay away from my wife."

"Mr. Jin, what are you talking about? I and Yunxiu are friends. There is no law. After a woman gets married, she will not

Can you date friends of the opposite sex? "Qi Yi looked at Jin Nanfeng with slanted eyes as if he heard a joke.

"The law doesn't provide for it, it's my Jin Nanfeng. What? Do you have any comments?"

Qi Yi sneered, "Jin Nanfeng, don't you think you are too domineering? Yunxiu is an independent person. What qualifications do you have?

Make her friends? Have you respected her? "

"I don't need your intervention in my affairs with her, you are the least qualified person."

Seeing that these two people might quarrel at any time, Li Yunxiu became angry, "Shut up both of you!"

Jin Nanfeng and Qi Yi looked indignant, but both took into account Li Yunxiu's words just now and fell silent.

"Qi Yi, go back first, I will contact you later."

Li Yunxiu smiled softly at Qi Yi.

Qi Yi nodded, glanced at Jin Nanfeng coldly, and turned away.

Jin Nanfeng sat on the edge of the bed with a cold face.

He was really angry now.

Li Yunxiu limply walked over and looked at Jin Nanfeng's ashen face, not knowing what to say.

Simply hooked his tie directly, with a sudden force, pulled his body in front of him, and then just like this

Posture, gently kiss Jin Nanfeng's thin lips.

Jin Nanfeng’s pupils "Huo" dilated, looking at the woman who was kissing him jerkily with his eyes closed in disbelief.

Hearts "puff puff puff" accelerated and jumped frantically.

I don't know how long it took before Li Yunxiu finally left his lips.

Jin Nanfeng was caught on fire. He let him go so easily, hooked her waist, and held her tightly.

The two people touched their foreheads, exchanging each other's gentle breath, and gasped heavily after the kiss.


Asked Jin Nanfeng.

Li Yunxiu's face was flushed, and the tips of his nose were facing each other. At this distance, Li Yunxiu could even feel Jin Nanfeng's heartbeat.

"I don't know what to say, so that you can know that I don't have that kind of feeling for Qi Yi, so I can only prove it with actions.


A sly smile flashed through Jin Nanfeng's eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but bend, raising a very perfect arc.

Come, "Baby, if you want to prove it, just kissing is not enough..."


Jin Nanfeng turned over and gently pressed Li Yunxiu under his body. His big hands were already in Li Yunxiu's clothes.

Wandering quickly on women's skin.

Li Yunxiu didn't know how he became his prey again. Although there was a little resistance in his heart, this time

She still endured not pushing Jin Nanfeng away.

She couldn't refuse him anymore. Jin Nanfeng looked disappointed in her eyes and felt a little intolerable. What's more, she needed to give

Jin Nanfeng's answer made him understand that he didn't have that kind of feeling for Qi Yi.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, stretched out his hand and gently hugged Jin Nanfeng’s shoulder, and gave him


Jin Nanfeng paused, looking at Jin Nanfeng under him with some complicated eyes. In the end, he just bowed his head and kissed her nose.

Point and corner of lips, and then reluctantly let go of her.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Li Yunxiu's eyes were slightly blurred.

"I know you are reluctant." Jin Nanfeng smiled, "I understand your thoughts, little hydrangea, I will wait until you really accept it.

When taking me. "

Li Yunxiu looked at him with a flushed face, and finally gave a soft "um".

Jin Nanfeng only stayed in Australia for one day, and was upset by Yang Yun's life-threatening serial call.

Although Li Yunxiu still wants to stay here for a few more days, she can only clean up with Jin Nanfeng's bitter eyes

With luggage and Jin Nanfeng returned to the imperial capital.

Qi Yi also came back. He was also on Jin Nanfeng’s private jet. The three of them were quiet and quiet along the way.

What's wrong.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon when he returned to the imperial capital. Li Yunxiu arranged his and Jin Nanfeng's clothes in the bedroom.

Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Yunxiu's busy back and suddenly wrapped her waist from behind.

"What are you doing?" Li Yunxiu frowned.

"I have something to tell you."


"This year's New Year, I will take you and Chenchen back to Jin's house."

Li Yunxiu paused, then asked calmly, "What's the matter?"

"Grandpa's health is not good. I don't know if I can last until next year. I want him to have a reunion year." Jin Nanfeng

The low voice was especially beautiful in my ears, "Besides, my mother doesn't object to us being together anymore, you are my Jin

My daughter-in-law, is it not too much to accompany me back for a year? "

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