Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1241: .You are ashamed to control me?

Throughout the meal, she saw a lion who was nervous about herself and exploded at any time.

Hearing what Li Yunxiu said, Jin Nanfeng smiled a little delightedly, "You seem to praise me for the first time."

"Why, flattered?"

The little brother was almost crying, "But isn't that woman the president's daughter? What if we are found..."

"Stop talking nonsense, is it possible that you want to go to jail now? Hurry up and call me the brethren to discuss the details.

How to do! "

Here Jin Nanfeng and Li Yunxiu have arrived at the presidential palace.

This year’s New Year, when Li Yunxiao was on a business trip abroad, Chenchen was detained by Mr. Jin at the Jin’s house again. Shi Qing was afraid of being at home.

It was too deserted, so Mu Qianli and Ji Xiao were called to the presidential palace together.

A few of them came here together when they were young. After so many years, the relationship has become better and better.

The appearance of a family.

In addition, Mu Qianli is Jin Nanfeng's cousin, which is even more intimate.

Jin Nanfeng has never called Li Beixun "Dad", but he respects Li Beixun, it doesn't matter because he is the father of Xiao Xiuqiu

My dear, even more because this man represents the highest status in China, and he is born with a sense of surrender.

Li Beixun didn't put Jin Nanfeng as his son-in-law, either.

On the contrary, after several contacts, Li Beixun and Jin Nanfeng talked very happily. Naturally, they would not talk about men.

Like Shi Qing and Ji Xiao, they tend to be more topical at work.

"Do you have any views on China's current policies?"

"Me?" Jin Nanfeng paused, then chuckled, "This kind of topic shouldn't be asked to me. In front of you, I just

Is an ordinary person. "

No matter how influential a star is, it cannot interfere with Li Beixun's decision-making.

Li Beixun's eyes flashed a trace of appreciation.

Although he came from a famous family and became president early, but he was never a person who relied on his life experience.

The education of this child is also very attentive. Li Yunjin and the others have been well protected by him and Shi Qing. Until now, Li Yunjin

For the three children in the family, it’s hard to find a photo on the Internet, if it weren’t for so many things happened before Li Yunxiu

Love, the outside world won't even know the names of his three children.

He naturally hopes that the other half of the three children's future will be like this.

Obviously, Jin Nanfeng understood this measure well, and did not say anything inappropriate about the nepotism between them.

But this is also a bit of life. They are already a family, and there will be many days to come.

He didn't like Jin Nanfeng in the early days, but this man, the more he touched, the more satisfying he couldn't help.

Now, he can let go of his grudge against him.

"It's okay, even ordinary people have the right to speak in front of me." Li Beixun motioned to Jin Nanfeng to sit down, "This is

For the good of China. "

Jin Nanfeng paused slightly, then said, "I think the protection of women in the marriage law should be more clear.

Some, if the man is at fault, it should be a clean-up, and there will be no evidence that cannot be judged.

Loopholes. "

Li Beixun was silent before speaking for a long time, "Are you interested in marriage law?"

"No." Jin Nanfeng shook his head, "I am busy at work and rarely pay attention to these matters.

When the ball was in conflict, the lawyer came to me and said that some legal loopholes could be used to let the woman go out. "

Jin Nanfeng frowned, "Little Hydrangea and I don't care about money. The fundamental reason is that neither of us lacks money."

A big celebrity with a net worth of more than 100 million yuan, and a background in the presidential palace, when the two broke up, it was naturally refreshing.



"It's just that if it is a woman whose family is not rich, and the child is raised by the husband after divorce, there is still no guarantee.

It's a bit pitiful. "

"I will consider."

Li Beixun nodded.

"What are you two doing here?"

At this time, Mu Qianli came in outside the study with a plate of small cakes.

"Brother, Nanfeng, try it, I just baked it myself."

"Your days are getting more and more leisurely, and the company's affairs are no longer needed, but you toss this stuff every day." Li Beixun

Coolly forgot to glance at Mu Qianli, "I don't think you should be the president of the Mu Group. You will retire tomorrow.

I let Yunjin buy it. "

Mu Qianli laughed "haha" twice, "The company still has to go, otherwise I will take some kind of elderly wife and son.

I know, the children nowadays are completely different from us, but they will spend money."

The little devil in his family suddenly came to him a few days ago and said that he wanted something, but Mu Chenxi rarely asked himself

Yes, he immediately patted his thigh and said, "Don't worry, son, I will definitely buy it for you."

Later, he was dumbfounded. His precious son took a fancy to an eighteenth-century oil painting for six million.

He is not too expensive, six million is just a small number to him, but he still doesn’t want to indulge children too much.

He raised too much arrogance, but Ji Xiao said, you promised yourself personally. If you break your promise, you will have no prestige.

He then spent money to buy the flowers.

When he was a child, he bought a toy car worth a few hundred dollars at most. His son opened his mouth to a few million dollars. This generation of children

But it is really getting more and more expensive.

"Eat well, and wear well. Just say what you want."

"Are you still short of money?"

Li Beixun is another eye-stab.

Mu Qianli was choked again and couldn't speak.

He simply gave up communicating with Li Beixun. After decades, he was afraid that Li Beixun’s problems would never get rid of, nor did he do it.

Fa, Li Beixun has no brothers. Compared with friends, he is more accustomed to seeing himself as a younger brother, putting on the air of a brother.

Come, look at him with furry in his heart.

Mu Qianli pushed the cake to Jin Nanfeng.

There is really a serious brother here.

It's just that Jin Nanfeng obviously didn't buy it, and shook his head lightly.

"Why? Don't give face?" Mu Qianli was a little unhappy, "I learned from France and the master specially. Daming

Star, please show your face? "

Jin Nanfeng helplessly said, "Forgive me, I will join the crew after the Chinese New Year, and the assistant is watching me lose weight every day.

For a piece of cake, I have to go to the gym for half a month. "

"Okay, you all have reasons, you don't eat it, I eat it myself."

Mu Qianli carried the cake and left again.

Shi Qing, who was in the living room, looked at Mu Qianliyin's black face, couldn't help but smiled and asked Ji Xiao, "What happened to him?"

"It must have been flattened by Li Beixun."

Ji Xiao raised his lips, "He is most afraid of Li Beixun."

"Why am I afraid of him?" Mu Qianli sat over, and put his arms around Ji Xiao's waist crookedly, "I am most afraid of him.

Are you okay? "


"I shouldn't be here today." Mu Qianli was very depressed. "Everyone has opinions on me, right?"

After that, Mu Qianli stopped sitting on the sofa, and walked in front of Mu Chenxi, "Go, son, dad will take you for a walk.

dog. "

"Is not It Cold?"

Mu Chenxi took a cool look at his father, "Don't go."

Mu Qianli: "..."

This year is not going to pass, everyone bullies him.

The lunch is made by the chef in the family. The chef has worked in the Presidential Palace for many years, and everyone in the Li family even comes to eat

The taste of Mu Qianli's family is also quite familiar, and she doesn't need Shi Qing to go to the kitchen to help.

Near noon, Li Yunjin arrived home and hurriedly caught up with lunch.

I don't know when the snow fell outside, and Li Yunjin's shoulders were soaked.

"Brother, you are so busy now, you almost can't even return home." Li Yunxiu couldn't help but joke.

"Are you embarrassed to control me?" Li Yunjin took off his coat and gave Li Yun a white embroidered look. "You used to be away from home for the New Year

Is it still less? "

Li Yunxiu knew that she was talking about the years when she went abroad, so she shut up decisively.

After eating, a few men ran upstairs again not knowing what they were doing. Ji Xiao pulled Li Yun embroidery over.

"Little Hydrangea, I heard that you and Jin Nanfeng went home for the New Year yesterday?"

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