Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1268: Are you cold?

Chapter 1268: Are You Cold?

Ten minutes before twelve o'clock, Jin Nanfeng was a little anxious, and was also afraid that the other party would go back on this point.

"Brother Jin, have a cup of coffee, it's cold by the sea."

Yang Yun handed a cup of warm coffee.

"Thank you."

Jin Nanfeng took the coffee and said casually.

Yang Yun smiled weirdly.

"what happened?"

Jin Nanfeng was puzzled.

"I just feel that Brother Jin has changed a lot. You rarely said thank you to me before... I feel that Brother Jin has become more and more gentle.

Now, it looks more and more like Jin Nanfeng in the public impression. "

This is obviously not because of being too deep into the play.

Jin Nanfeng's eyes were soft, "Didn't I tell you? Men who have been married will change."

He is a husband and the father of a child. Life has taught him how to be a gentle person,

The best were given to his wife and children.

Yang Yun looked at Jin Nanfeng and felt that he was extraordinarily soft tonight, so she simply sat down on the stone bench opposite him.

"Brother Jin, how do you like Miss Li?"

Jin Nanfeng doesn't like others to ask him about personal matters, but he believes Jin Nanfeng must have a lot to say tonight.

Sure enough, Jin Nanfeng didn't feel uncomfortable when he heard his own question, he just smiled faintly, and then

Said, "I can't tell you too much."

At first he met her, she was so clumsy and slept in his private dressing room, now think about it, maybe at that time

Now I feel a little different about her, right?

If he changed to a normal woman and used his dressing room, he would have killed her a long time ago, so how could he be there?

I put my coat on her this afternoon...

Since then, perhaps he has been inexplicably tempted, but he hasn't noticed it at all.

He likes Li Yun embroidery, likes it very much.

Every time he realizes this, Jin Nanfeng's heart seems to be entangled with one after another, covered with thorns and barbs.

The wire tightened him with a piercing pain.

"Brother Jin, after Miss Li is safe this time, let me help you reduce work." Yang Yun smiled, "Don't worry, I'm sure

I won't let you urge you to go filming, receive advertisements, and rush announcements. I must urge you to return to the family more. "

"Are you a housewife?" Jin Nanfeng sneered.

"No, no." Yang Yun shook her head quickly, "I mean I must give you more time to spend time with Miss Li.

And young master. "

Jin Nanfeng didn't speak, but smiled twice with unknown meaning.

The short chat seemed to ease the heavy chat a lot, and Jin Nanfeng's expression was finally not as ugly as before.

The twelve o'clock bell rang on time, and the mobile phone in Jin Nanfeng's hand also made a "dingdong——".

Jin Nanfeng instantly stood up from the stool, his expression tense.

He quietly read the text message several times, and then told Yang Yun where he was on the phone, "Go ahead."

Then he swiftly jumped on a speedboat that was already ready for departure.

"Brother Jin, be careful about everything."

On the speedboat, Jin Nanfeng had to rely on himself for everything.

The address given by the text message was half an hour away from the dock. When Jin Nanfeng saw the ship, his heart was not

By the tightening.

He saw people standing on the bow of the ship and looked at the dwarf torrents under the moonlight, unable to distinguish the number of people.

He didn't have a second choice. He knew it was a Hongmen Yan, but he could only bite the bullet and walked up.

"Where is the little hydrangea?"

Jin Nanfeng looked at the people in front of him coldly.

At this moment, he was already standing on the deck of this ship, facing a group of people alone, looking a bit tragic.

Just after asking, a person was pushed out violently and hit the ground directly with a dull "boom--" sound.

It is Li Yunxiu!

She was **** as in the photo, face down, motionless.

"Little Hydrangea!"

Jin Nanfeng rushed over and knelt on the ground to embrace his cold body.

Seeing her pale cheeks, Jin Nanfeng didn't have time to think, stretched out his hand to catch her breath.

There was still a faint breath faintly felt.

Fortunately, still alive.

Jin Nanfeng breathed a sigh of relief temporarily.

Looking at the pale and thin Li Yunxiu who was tortured, his heart was tightly twisted, like a sharp sword against his throat.

"Little Hydrangea... Little Hydrangea, I'm sorry, I'm late. You see if I am okay..."

Jin Nanfeng took off his jacket and wrapped her up, trying to warm her up.

I don't know if this approach has worked, Li Yunxiu moved his eyes, and finally opened his eyes.

"south wind……"

As soon as the weak voice came out, tears rolled down uncontrollably.

"I'm here..." Jin Nanfeng replied softly, as if thinking of something, "Your hand, show me your hand."

He grabbed Li Yunxiu's hand and looked at the ten beautiful slender fingers still intact, and the huge boulder in his heart suddenly fell to the ground.

"Papa Papa--"

At this moment, a burst of clear applause suddenly reached Jin Nanfeng's ears.

Jin Nanfeng paused, then turned his head subconsciously, and saw Yu Xi standing not far away quietly watching with a cold face.

By yourself.

"Yu Xi."

Jin Nanfeng’s pupils darkened for a moment. It seemed that his instinct was right. Yu Motang was arrested, and there will still be

Someone will catch a little hydrangea to threaten him?

Except for Yu Xi, it is difficult for him to think of a second person.

"what are you going to do?"

Jin Nanfeng hugged Li Yunxiu, looking at her with cold eyes.

"Don't do anything." Yu Xi walked two steps forward with her stomach upright.

"Let us go, I can assume that nothing has happened, you go to your foreign country, we live our lives, I don’t

What will you do. "

"Let you go? Why should I let you go?" Yu Xi couldn't help laughing, "Jin Nanfeng, don't you know

Yes, watching you two mandarin ducks separated by yin and yang with your own eyes, isn’t it a particularly delightful thing?

? "

"Yu Xi, you lunatic."

"Lunatic?" Yu Xi walked over as if he heard a ridiculous joke, "Jin Nanfeng, why are you talking about me?

Are you crazy? I just like you, you treat a woman who likes you, loves you, and is pregnant with your child

Talk about lunatic? "

"You just...cough cough..." Li Yunxiu coughed violently, struggling to use all his strength to prop up his body, eyes red.

Looking at Yu Xi, "You don't have... a child with Nanfeng... this child... not Jin Nanfeng's..."

"Is it that important?"

Yu Xi sneered, "You are about to die soon."

"We won't be separated either."

Jin Nanfeng guarded Li Yunxiu tightly.

Yu Xi paused, the hatred in his eyes seemed to be stronger, and his expression looked very hideous, "You are right, you remind

Me, you two treat me so, so humiliate me, how could I let you two die together, then I don’t

Is it cheaper for you two? "

The smiles on Yu Xi's faces made Jin Nanfeng and Li Yunxiu's hearts sink involuntarily, but they both chose to remain silent.

They know better than anyone that in the face of a madman who has lost his mind, it is only a waste to say more

Just talk about it.

"You guys, you put them down for me first, and when everything is done, go and clean them up."

Jin Nanfeng and Li Yunxiu were both thrown into the cold cabin.

The muddy air and the strong smell of sea stimulated Jin Nanfeng’s brain, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Sucking, regardless of the high-end clothes on his body being blackened with dust, he picked up Li Yunxiu, his voice trembling with anxiety.

"Little Hydrangea... are you okay? Are you cold?"

"I'm fine."

Li Yunxiu was a little weak, "Don't worry too much, I just haven't eaten for too long, and I'm a little weak.

It's nothing big. "

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