Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1272: I want to go home

Chapter 1272 I Want to Go Home

"I didn't lie to you." Jin Nanfeng's expression was very relaxed, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, "By the way, my mother gave it to you last night.

I called and he asked me to take you back to dinner. My mother accepted you. "

"This is not the time to talk about this kind of thing..."

When is it, why is he still talking about this kind of thing.

"This way you will not get nervous easily." Jin Nanfeng held Li Yunxiu's cold hand, "Little Hydrangea, my mother is getting older, she

You have done a lot of wrong things in the past, don't take it to heart, take Chenchen back to see her. "

"Ok, I know."

"Although Chenchen is naughty, he is a good boy. Don't be too strict with him."


Li Yunxiu was frightened by Jin Nanfeng’s words, "Why are you making me not nervous? You are obviously scaring me, you

It seems to be explaining the last words..."

Li Yunxiu's tears finally rolled out of the corners of his eyes that could not help.

Through the clothes, sticking into Jin Nanfeng's skin, the fair skin is hot.

"Don't cry."

Jin Nanfeng pressed her forehead against her forehead, and Jin Nanfeng could see Li Yunxiu's eyes when she looked down slightly.

The flushed eyes were filled with tears, making his heart hurt involuntarily.

"Little Hydrangea, I really want to go home... After finishing the airplane model with Chenchen... Chenchen will definitely be very happy."

"We go home together."

Li Yunxiu nodded.

"Okay, go home together." Jin Nanfeng kissed the corner of Li Yunxiu's eyes. Her tears were cold and sour, Jin Nanfeng felt

The taste was very bitter, and the heart twitched so badly. He hugged Li Yunxiu tighter, lowered his voice, sinking.

Said, "I love you, little hydrangea."

"me too."

"Mr. Jin, the lock is open."

Guo Zijie cheered beside him in surprise.

"How long did you take..."

Li Yunxiu asked in a panic, how did she feel that it took more than five minutes.

"Take her away."

Jin Nanfeng gave orders to Guo Zijie.

"south wind……"

"It's okay, Little Hydrangea, you go to a safe place and wait for me first, I will come right away, you see they are already helping me drive

locked. "

Jin Nanfeng smiled relaxedly.

"Is it all right?"

Li Yunxiu's heart throbbed quickly.

"It's really okay, Little Hydrangea, obediently, go to a safe place and wait for me first."

"Let's go, Miss Li, you will only distract the people we rescued here."

Guo Zijie took Li Yunxiu's arm and led her to the bow, where a speedboat was waiting long ago. Guo Zijie took

Li Yunxiu cautiously supported the boat, and then the speedboat quickly sailed to a safe place on the shore.

"Guo Zijie, are you sure that Nan Feng is safe? Are you sure you can save him?"

Li Yunxiu took Guo Zijie's hand and asked anxiously.

She always feels flustered and terrible, thinking that Jin Nanfeng is on a ship about to explode right now, she feels all over


"Miss Li, let's go to a safe place first."

Guo Zijie concealed the strange color under his eyes and gave a somewhat unnatural smile.

Li Yunxiu glanced in the direction of the boat.

But the expression in his eyes suddenly froze.

Because she saw that the people who had rescued Jin Nanfeng on the boat were retreating one by one, they jumped on

The speedboat around the big ship fled as quickly as she did.

Li Yunxiu's heart clicked and looked at Guo Zijie full of blood.

"Why did your people run away? Jin Nanfeng is still on the boat! Why did you retreat before you rescued him?!"

"Miss Li, this..."

"Hurry up and let your people go back, Jin Nanfeng is still on it!"


In the distance, there was a bang, and Li Yunxiu saw that the big ship where Jin Nanfeng was in was instantly engulfed by the raging fire, scarlet

His tongue of flame rushed for a long time, and was instantly submerged by billowing black smoke.

There was a scorched breath-holding breath in the air, and the fragments of the hull mixed with wooden boards and wooden boxes were flying from the sky.

Immediately roll down.

A mercenary of a rescue team who was too late to escape was overturned into the water by a huge wave, and there was no movement in an instant.

Li Yunxiu stared blankly at what was happening in front of him, his throat was blocked, and his breathing had stopped!

"Little Hydrangea, I really want to go home..."

"I really want to finish that airplane model with Chenchen..."

"I love you, little hydrangea..."

A tear silently slipped from the corner of Li Yunxiu’s eyes and hit the back of her hand, like a rest of music.

Let everything fall into silence.

I don't know how long it took before Li Yunxiu's limp body crooked.

It was steadily caught by Guo Zijie.

As soon as she got ashore, Yang Yun hurried over, "How about? How about Jin Ge?!"

"Sorry, Mr. Yang, we tried our best. This is... Mr. Jin's choice."

The ship was full of gunpowder and explosives. They didn’t have time to clean it up. There was also the lock.

Professional mercenaries also spent at least ten minutes.

In fact, Jin Nanfeng knew it. When he was on the boat, his eyes explained everything. He was just a servant.

Bing, fulfilling the employer’s task is the most important thing, so he must fulfill Jin Nanfeng’s wish.

On the premise of personal, protect the safety of Li Yun embroidery.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yang."

Guo Zijie regretfully apologized.

Yang Yun’s eyes turned red in an instant, but after all, he is an excellent assistant who has been appointed by Jin Nanfeng for many years, Jin Ge

No longer, he still has a lot of things to deal with.

He can't mess.

"Captain Guo, I want to send Ms. Li to the hospital, and the woman in Yu Xi must be caught for me."

"Don't worry, I have people chasing you, there should be news soon, please be patient." Guo Zijie fainted

Li Yunxiu was handed over to Yang Yun.

Yang Yun looked down at Li Yunxiu, then quickly hugged her into the car and went straight to the hospital.

Two months later.

The First Mental Hospital of the Imperial Capital.

Li Yunxiu followed the doctor and saw the woman she hated the most in her life.


The intensity of the explosion exceeded everyone's expectations, including Jin Nanfeng's presence. A total of seven people were missing.

Guo Zijie took people to hunt Yuxi, but Yuxi fell into the water accidentally. After being rescued ashore, the woman's ambitions were a little less


She is really crazy.

A mental patient, without criminal capacity, was eventually detained in this mental hospital.

Wang Ming often came to see her. She was about to give birth. The pain made her very anxious, and Wang Ming's soothing had no effect.

Li Yunxiu stood outside the door, sitting inside through the glass door, lowered his head and muttered in his mouth.

Yu Xi only felt that all the hatred had disappeared at this moment.

These emotions have no meaning.

"I'm sorry, Miss Li, if I could remind you earlier, before Yu Xi had that crazy plan

Let me inform you that there may be no such tragedy. "

"It's not your fault, you can't stop Yu Xi." Li Yunxiu's voice was dull, this woman finally had

The state of waking consciousness is not too surprised at this moment.

He was just a complete lunatic.

"Do you have any plans?"

"When Yu Xi gives birth, I will take the child to another place." Wang Ming frowned, "Although I am nothing

Such a capable person, but it is more than enough to feed a child. "

Wang Ming glanced at Yu Xi, his eyes no longer loved her back then, "I don’t know how I treat her now.

What kind of feelings, but... I shouldn't continue living with her. This is also a good ending for the child. "

"As for Yu Xi, let her stay here and accept punishment."


Li Yunxiu nodded faintly.

Wang Ming looked at Li Yunxiu and saw that her smile seemed to have taken away her soul, leaving only a shriveled shell outside, her heart

The inside also sank.

"Mr. Jin Nanfeng's matter...I'm sorry." Wang Ming frowned, his expression very sad, "It's really unforgettable.

Regret, he is obviously such a good man..."

Li Yunxiu's expression was still calm, but when he heard the words "Jin Nanfeng", his brows frowned.

"Really sorry."

"It's ok."

It doesn't matter, it's been two months, everything has passed.

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