Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1275: needs time

Chapter 1275

presidential palace.

When Li Yunxiu woke up, the entire presidential palace was quiet, without a sound.

"Miss, are you awake?"

Seeing Li Yunxiu's pale face, the housekeeper walked over with anxiety, "Do you want something to eat? I told the kitchen to do it."

"No, I'm not very hungry."

Li Yunxiu shook his head.

"You haven't eaten for a day, and your body won't be able to hold it."

Li Yunxiu sat down on the sofa and lowered his head.

"Miss, you are like this, husband and wife will be very worried."

"I see." Li Yunxiu raised his head, his head heavy, "just make a bowl of millet porridge."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

"Where did they all go?"

Li Yunxiu asked suddenly.

The housekeeper almost blurted out, "Miss, have you forgotten? Today is Mr. Jin’s funeral, and the husband and wife pay back

Did not come back yet. "

Li Yunxiu's face turned pale for an instant, and her heart seemed to be stabbed with a knife. Every cell in her body seemed to hurt.

They were all clamoring for pain crazily.

She clenched her fists tightly, her nails embedded in her palms, and her fiery pain forced her tears back.

The housekeeper realized that he had said something that shouldn't be said, "I'll let the kitchen cook the porridge." He hurriedly left.

Li Yunxiu took a deep breath to relieve the dull pressure on the heart. I don’t know how long it took before she gradually eased.

God came, and found that the whole body was almost wet.

A small bowl of porridge, Li Yunxiu almost tasted like chewing wax.

I went back to the room after eating and fell asleep again.

Li Yunxiu lost weight quickly, even if Li Beixun and Shi Qing told the kitchen to make something that Li Yunxiu loved, Li Yun

Embroidery still loses weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xia Shanshan went to the Presidential Palace to accompany Li Yunxiu almost every day. On the surface, Li Yunxiu's mood was very stable, but everyone knew

Said, Li Yunxiu seemed to have closed herself up, and she seemed to have an island in her heart, isolated in an

In a cold world with sunshine and no air, she was trapped there, unable to get out, and gave up struggling.

"Yun Embroidery, you can't do this... If you continue like this, there will really be problems." Xia Shanshan was frightened by Li Yunxiu like this.

Li Yunxiu has been in this state for two months.

If this continues, she will really have an accident.

"Yunxiu, just for...for him, you have to be well."

Li Yunxiu smiled lightly and looked at Xia Shanshan, "I'm not doing well, don't you think I'm good?"

"Where are you so good..." Xia Shanshan frowned, reached out and pulled Li Yunxiu to the mirror, "Look at you, everything changes

What did it look like? It's good to be so thin? "

Li Yunxiu quietly looked at himself in the mirror, looked at the pale and feeble image inside, and said for a long time, "You want

Give me time, Shanshan, I have loved him for so many years, and he is suddenly gone, you have to give me time to accept..."

Xia Shanshan helplessly, "It's been two months, and you haven't come out yet, Chenchen, you also hide from you. We give you time, but

Is it that you always have to give us a deadline? Half a year, or a year? You can't be muddled all day, always let

We know that you are slowly getting better, right? "

After a few words, Li Yunxiu fell silent again.

Xia Shanshan sighed again, "Yun Xiu, your parents are really worried about you, Jin Nanfeng can't come back anymore, you

Always think about them, there are many people in this world who are very important to you, you still have Chenchen...

He is the most important gift Jin Nanfeng left you. "

A person who is connected to Jin Nanfeng by blood.

Xia Shanshan's words caused Li Yunxiu's heart to tighten suddenly.

I don’t know how long it took before she smiled softly, "You are right, Chenchen is the most important gift he left for me...

Thing out. I can't avoid him anymore, he is pitiful without a father..."

Xia Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief when Li Yunxiu said this, "It’s best if you can think like this. Then, go now.

Take a good shower, then change into beautiful clothes, then we go out shopping, vent our vents, today

Days pass, change your mood and continue your life, OK? "

"I'm not in the mood..."

"I want to go even more because I'm not in the mood." Xia Shanshan insisted, got up and pushed Li Yun embroidery forward.

In the bathroom, the attitude is very tough, "Give you half an hour, hurry up."

Li Yunxiu had no choice but to be forced to take a bath by Xia Shanshan, changed his clothes and dragged downstairs.

"Mr. Li, I went shopping with Xiao Xiuqiu."

Li Beixun nodded, "Be careful on the road."

"Don't worry, I must take good care of Yunxiu."

Shi Qing quietly stuffed Xia Shanshan with a bank card, "Buy whatever you like, if the little hydrangea can feel better

Come, I will be very grateful to you. "

"No, Mrs. Li, I'm Yunxiu's friend. You are so unpredictable."

"It's okay, use it."

Shi Qing smiled.

Xia Shanshan could only smile helplessly, "Well then."

"Well, be careful on the way. If something happens, call me."

"Yeah. Don't worry, I will take care of her."

Xia Shanshan pulled Li Yun embroidered out of the door, "Yun embroidered, you see your parents spoil you, in order to make you happy, but also specially

Give me a bank card, let me swipe it casually, Yunxiu, just for them, you must get better soon

what. "

Li Yunxiu's heart was still heavy, looking at the bank card, in the end he said nothing.

The two strolled in the mall for an afternoon and did not return to the Presidential Palace until the evening.

When I got home, I found that Li Beixun and Shi Qing were missing again.

"Where are your parents?"

Li Yunxiu asked the housekeeper.

The housekeeper looked embarrassed, "Mrs. and Mrs. are in a hurry, so they went out."

"Is it urgent?" Li Yunxiu frowned, "What is the urgent matter?"

The butler hesitated, "It's just a private matter, and you will be back soon. Mr. and Mrs. don't let you worry."

"You don't tell me anything, how can I not worry?"

The butler's expression saw something went wrong.

Seeing that the butler was still unwilling to speak, Li Yunxiu took out the phone by himself, "I'll call them."

"Miss, don't worry too much."

The housekeeper stopped Li Yunxiu, "Actually, my wife was a little uncomfortable. She fainted in the living room in the afternoon.

Now, Mr. is with him in the hospital. "

"Mom fainted?" Li Yunxiu's heart shrank suddenly, anxious for a moment, "Why are you doing this kind of thing?

Don't tell me? "

"Mister didn't let me say, sorry, miss..."

"Yunxiu, don't worry, go to the hospital and see your mother first. If Mr. Li doesn't tell you, I definitely don't want you to worry about it.

Heart, there must be no big deal. "

Xia Shanshan persuades.

Li Yunxiu asked the housekeeper, "Which hospital?"

"The second hospital. The ward is 1706."

Li Yunxiu put the shopping bag in his hand on the sofa, before he had time to drink a sip of water, he hurried out again.

"Yunxiu, don't be angry, your housekeeper certainly didn't hide it from you on purpose."

"I'm not angry." Li Yunxiu smiled helplessly.

The butler has been working in the Presidential Palace for many years. He was personally selected by Li Beixun. He knows what to say and what not to

Said that as the steward of the presidential palace, he is better than most of his colleagues, so how could he show that in front of him?

With such a panic, obviously, the butler deliberately let himself find out.

Li Yunxiu couldn't help but feel a little sad. Is her indifference to her family to the point where the housekeeper can't stand it anymore?

After two months, she was too late to get out of the shadow of losing Jin Nanfeng, and probably forgot the people around her.

"Shanshan, am I too selfish?" Li Yunxiu frowned, his voice very heavy.


Li Yunxiu smiled bitterly, "You must think I am a very weak and cowardly woman?"

Xia Shanshan shook her head quickly, "There is no such thing. Yunxiu, don't think about it, I know that Jin Nanfeng's affairs are for you.

It’s a big blow. Last time I saw Jin Nanfeng’s fans crying in my store, one of them didn’t match Jin Nanfeng.

There are so many fans who are so sad that they are so sad, don’t talk about you, I can understand you, Yunxiu, you thousand

Don't be under psychological pressure, you just need...a little time. "

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